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HerefordSire":1ptco6az said:
That is what I am mostly referring to....fooling myself. I was taught our conscience (soul) was geometrically square in shape and each deception we present, turned our conscience (soul) a quarter turn. There is renewable friction around the corners of our initially square conscience. Before long, many deceptions makes our conscience geometrically round in shape and the friction is no longer present so deception no longer bothers us.

This is a good way to look at it...
chrisy":2tfaz6qj said: have given some good points there, well said....and if you think about it, people think of Jesus and God as being White, God he obviously was a male as Jesus said 'Father forgive them as they know not what they do' he always refers to him as Father in heaven. But and this is a big BUT, if Jesus came from the part of the World he is said to have come from Bethlehem, Judea (now Palestine), he wouldn't be White as we interpret white to be, he would be Arab, Black or Israeli.

Sacred scripture teaches us that Jesus was of the tribe of Judah....He was a Jew. (Probably a very well tanned Jew at that). :nod:

Both the Bible and the koran teach that arabs are descendents of Ishmael the son of Hagar the servant of Sarah and 2nd wife of Abraham.
alacattleman":2m03unva said:
chrisy":2m03unva said: have given some good points there, well said....and if you think about it, people think of Jesus and God as being White, God he obviously was a male as Jesus said 'Father forgive them as they know not what they do' he always refers to him as Father in heaven. But and this is a big BUT, if Jesus came from the part of the World he is said to have come from Bethlehem, Judea (now Palestine), he wouldn't be White as we interpret white to be, he would be Arab, Black or Israeli.
he was born in that part of the world, but he was not of this we all know

Don't get me wrong I believe, and attend Church, but I often wonder why Bethlehem (the Middle East) was chosen, and not somewhere else in the World, such as say Britain, as we were all heathens at the time and wars were going on with the folks from over the Channel, i.e Denmark, Rome, and such like. even Italy where the Vatican now is, supposedly the Holiest place around. Just my thoughts.
chrisy":2zp9yby1 said:
alacattleman":2zp9yby1 said:
chrisy":2zp9yby1 said: have given some good points there, well said....and if you think about it, people think of Jesus and God as being White, God he obviously was a male as Jesus said 'Father forgive them as they know not what they do' he always refers to him as Father in heaven. But and this is a big BUT, if Jesus came from the part of the World he is said to have come from Bethlehem, Judea (now Palestine), he wouldn't be White as we interpret white to be, he would be Arab, Black or Israeli.
he was born in that part of the world, but he was not of this we all know

Don't get me wrong I believe, and attend Church, but I often wonder why Bethlehem (the Middle East) was chosen, and not somewhere else in the World, such as say Britain, as we were all heathens at the time and wars were going on with the folks from over the Channel, i.e Denmark, Rome, and such like. even Italy where the Vatican now is, supposedly the Holiest place around. Just my thoughts.
i don't know why he wasnt born in alabama :D but you got too go way back too the old testiment too follow that path that lead up too his birth,, even back to when moses left egypt, for the promise land :banana: i get a little excited talking about it though it was just my upbringing :lol2:
I doubt very seriously that Jesus was blonde haired and blue eyed, like the picture hanging in Granny's dining room. Who knows, though! Photos were scarce back then! :lol2:
Lammie":2i4rmetw said:
I doubt very seriously that Jesus was blonde haired and blue eyed, like the picture hanging in Granny's dining room. Who knows, though! Photos were scarce back then! :lol2:
we all have images of the lord in our head,, but the bible said JESUS was not a comely man meaning he wasnt goodlooking or one too be desired,, though you would thought he would be,, being the son of GOD but GOD knows the focus was on the inner man :)
jw":3rl01x0v said:
HerefordSire":3rl01x0v said:
Total submission.... as in a man having a submissive wife?

You are correct - only the man doesn't have to be an a$$ about it. He is also to love his wife as his own body and care and protect her.

Do you have any comment about Senator's Boxer's comment to the General?

"Could you say 'senator' instead of 'ma'am?' It's just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title. I'd appreciate it."

--Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) to Brigadier General Michael Walsh during Senate hearing Tuesday, when he the general repeatedly said, "Yes, ma'am," and "No, ma'am," when answering Boxer's questions at hearing she chaired on New Orleans' levee system.
jw":23kzfg96 said:
Humility and wisdom.

That is a pretty good answer jw. Just to clarify, are you saying it wouldn't be possible for "holier than thou" people to be humble and wise at the same time? In other words, is it possible for a "holier than thou" person to be humble, wise, but very selfish, for example?
alacattleman":3mrstgzb said:
Running Arrow Bill":3mrstgzb said:
I'll try not to get radical on!

Given that, there are a number of "valid" religions in the World as practiced by those in different cultures and societies. It is the basis for their belief in some form of Supreme Being. The Native Americans, Aztecs, Incas, and others worshipped "products in the environment and beyond" (e.g., sun, stars, Eagles, Bears, etc.). There are some who say that people that "worship" things other than the Christian God are breaking one of the Commandments: "There Shall Not Have..." There will always be the question of "Who and What is God" People assume that God is White and Male: No one knows. Making that assumption only serves to designate and reinforce the notion that only a White Male can be a for thought! Only those of the "Christian" following consider the Christian Bible to be the only true and valid source of inspiration and faith. Within this, the fundamentalist and various "Bible Belt" denominations accept the Bible as the unquestioned, literal word of God. There is always the issue of interpreting the Bible as "literal" or as a document of parables, analogies, examples, morals, etc. It all depends on one's church group and denomination (or sub-denomination) as to how one interprets (or takes literally each and every word in the Christian Bible).

Over the centuries, there have been various translations of the events that happened in the periods B.C. and A.D. Every time some document is translated from one language to another (verbally or in writing) errors and mis-interpretaions can inadvertently happen. Even some of the highly respected religious scholars are questioning some things.

To any of the participants on this Board, I am not knocking anyone's religion, denomination, and/or interpretation (or lack of interpretation) of any sacred document. Among all of the religious documents that have been produced by various cultures, there are differences of opinion and different ways of reporting and interpreting events, miracles, non-miracles, lifestyles, and all. Every culture has their own history and religious recordings that serve their culture the best for their own peoples.
i don't know bill.. looking at a east indian rib cage while he's bowed down too a cow? or muslims tying a bomb around their childs waist, too me you either believe in"THE GOD JEHOVAH"" which i do completely" or just presume there's one and follow tradition

Good post! People question why our alliance with Isreal is so strong and we take a lot of heat around the world because of that alliance, but isn't it quite a coincidence that the committment to Isreal has been so strong and at the same time we have become the most powerful nation on Earth.

larryshoat":7cn0pn54 said:
alacattleman":7cn0pn54 said:
Running Arrow Bill":7cn0pn54 said:
I'll try not to get radical on!

Given that, there are a number of "valid" religions in the World as practiced by those in different cultures and societies. It is the basis for their belief in some form of Supreme Being. The Native Americans, Aztecs, Incas, and others worshipped "products in the environment and beyond" (e.g., sun, stars, Eagles, Bears, etc.). There are some who say that people that "worship" things other than the Christian God are breaking one of the Commandments: "There Shall Not Have..." There will always be the question of "Who and What is God" People assume that God is White and Male: No one knows. Making that assumption only serves to designate and reinforce the notion that only a White Male can be a for thought! Only those of the "Christian" following consider the Christian Bible to be the only true and valid source of inspiration and faith. Within this, the fundamentalist and various "Bible Belt" denominations accept the Bible as the unquestioned, literal word of God. There is always the issue of interpreting the Bible as "literal" or as a document of parables, analogies, examples, morals, etc. It all depends on one's church group and denomination (or sub-denomination) as to how one interprets (or takes literally each and every word in the Christian Bible).

Over the centuries, there have been various translations of the events that happened in the periods B.C. and A.D. Every time some document is translated from one language to another (verbally or in writing) errors and mis-interpretaions can inadvertently happen. Even some of the highly respected religious scholars are questioning some things.

To any of the participants on this Board, I am not knocking anyone's religion, denomination, and/or interpretation (or lack of interpretation) of any sacred document. Among all of the religious documents that have been produced by various cultures, there are differences of opinion and different ways of reporting and interpreting events, miracles, non-miracles, lifestyles, and all. Every culture has their own history and religious recordings that serve their culture the best for their own peoples.
i don't know bill.. looking at a east indian rib cage while he's bowed down too a cow? or muslims tying a bomb around their childs waist, too me you either believe in"THE GOD JEHOVAH"" which i do completely" or just presume there's one and follow tradition

Good post! People question why our alliance with Isreal is so strong and we take a lot of heat around the world because of that alliance, but isn't it quite a coincidence that the committment to Isreal has been so strong and at the same time we have become the most powerful nation on Earth.

we in a sence have too, there will > ''NEVER" < be peace in the middle east. this is not radical thinking coming from me its the bible... theres alot i love to say about that, but i dont want too be the one that locks this thread ;-)
HerefordSire":17w09njz said:
jw":17w09njz said:
HerefordSire":17w09njz said:
Total submission.... as in a man having a submissive wife?

You are correct - only the man doesn't have to be an a$$ about it. He is also to love his wife as his own body and care and protect her.

Do you have any comment about Senator's Boxer's comment to the General?

"Could you say 'senator' instead of 'ma'am?' It's just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title. I'd appreciate it."

--Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) to Brigadier General Michael Walsh during Senate hearing Tuesday, when he the general repeatedly said, "Yes, ma'am," and "No, ma'am," when answering Boxer's questions at hearing she chaired on New Orleans' levee system.

Herf....perhaps "Senator" Boxer realizes she does not truly meet the criteria to be called ma'am yet she feels being called Senator puts her above the others since she worked so hard for it.

ma'am / mam/
• n. a term of respectful or polite address used for a woman: excuse me, ma'am.
∎ a term of address for a ranking female officer in the police or armed forces. ∎ Brit. a term of address for female royalty.
Believe it or not, I'm really enjoying these controversial discussions!

I think it is interesting and ironic that the "Holy Lands" have historically been some of the most violent, warlike, perpetual fighting & killing, etc. places in the world! These fights have been going on for centuries and in all statistical probability (to the .0001 level of confidence) these countries will never achieve peace and harmony---it is their reason for being. They just can't seem to get along with their neighbors. Those countries are some of the most barren and "God forsaken" places on earth; however, they do have a lot of OIL and perhaps olives and dates. Guess their perpetual wars and killings keep the population under control (as opposed to India and China who seem to reproduce faster than their economies can support). Then, there were the Greek and Roman Empires and their alleged "sinful"

At least in the USA the wars of American Independence, the War of 1812, The Civil War pretty much ended after the "final" battles. While there are still some "holdouts", at least we are halfway at peace with each other and Canada and Mexico. And, we are not trying to "cram down the throats" of our values and religions (but on the other
Bill, remember too that the "Holy Lands" are at one humongous intersection of all the major highways or trade routes for travel and over the centuries it seems whoever could control them pretty much controlled all commerce and held great power.
Running Arrow Bill":325dyvhq said:
Believe it or not, I'm really enjoying these controversial discussions!

I think it is interesting and ironic that the "Holy Lands" have historically been some of the most violent, warlike, perpetual fighting & killing, etc. places in the world! These fights have been going on for centuries and in all statistical probability (to the .0001 level of confidence) these countries will never achieve peace and harmony---it is their reason for being. They just can't seem to get along with their neighbors. Those countries are some of the most barren and "God forsaken" places on earth; however, they do have a lot of OIL and perhaps olives and dates. Guess their perpetual wars and killings keep the population under control (as opposed to India and China who seem to reproduce faster than their economies can support). Then, there were the Greek and Roman Empires and their alleged "sinful"

At least in the USA the wars of American Independence, the War of 1812, The Civil War pretty much ended after the "final" battles. While there are still some "holdouts", at least we are halfway at peace with each other and Canada and Mexico. And, we are not trying to "cram down the throats" of our values and religions (but on the other
not so much their being it was the promise... god gave too abraham, a child isaac or "israel" his wife was barron and impatient with god ,she had abraham sleep with their eqyption handmaiden,, she had a son ishmeal . he sent them mother and child away later... that kid went on too become the father of the arab nations. the LORD said he will be a wild man. and he was dead on ;-) he didnt get the promise that he thought was due him the jews and arabs or halfbrothers and that is why they hate each other to this day and from now on... for any of you that think this thing is a fairy tale do some diggin' excuse me while i check my spelling :lol2:
Here is a post from another forum that I feel pertains to this thread. Take it as you will:

For the past several years, our family has been attending a non-denominational Bible teaching Spirit-filled little country church. The pastor recently summed up what you have just written. He said, "Religion is man's atttempt to reach God by man's terms."

Many times organized religion tends to get too big for its britches, and God gets left clear out of the equation. In the denomination I grew up in, even though our local church was pretty much on track with God's teachings, it often seemed like the high up bureaucracy was straying far from God's word. The church's "Book of Discipline" seemed to carry more weight than the Holy Bible itself. Is that what God wants? Not hardly.

If a person receives a letter from an acquaintance, that person must read the whole letter to know what has been said. It is the same way with the letter mankind has received from God. We need to know the whole context of God's letter to us (the Holy Bible), and not cherry pick only that which we want to hear. Love is the key. Christianity without love is meaningless and false.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."
alacattleman":3evpt4d2 said:
Running Arrow Bill":3evpt4d2 said:
Believe it or not, I'm really enjoying these controversial discussions!

I think it is interesting and ironic that the "Holy Lands" have historically been some of the most violent, warlike, perpetual fighting & killing, etc. places in the world! These fights have been going on for centuries and in all statistical probability (to the .0001 level of confidence) these countries will never achieve peace and harmony---it is their reason for being. They just can't seem to get along with their neighbors. Those countries are some of the most barren and "God forsaken" places on earth; however, they do have a lot of OIL and perhaps olives and dates. Guess their perpetual wars and killings keep the population under control (as opposed to India and China who seem to reproduce faster than their economies can support). Then, there were the Greek and Roman Empires and their alleged "sinful"

At least in the USA the wars of American Independence, the War of 1812, The Civil War pretty much ended after the "final" battles. While there are still some "holdouts", at least we are halfway at peace with each other and Canada and Mexico. And, we are not trying to "cram down the throats" of our values and religions (but on the other
not so much their being it was the promise... god gave too abraham, a child isaac or "israel" his wife was barron and impatient with god ,she had abraham sleep with their eqyption handmaiden,, she had a son ishmeal . he sent them mother and child away later... that kid went on too become the father of the arab nations. the LORD said he will be a wild man. and he was dead on ;-) he didnt get the promise that he thought was due him the jews and arabs or halfbrothers and that is why they hate each other to this day and from now on... for any of you that think this thing is a fairy tale do some diggin' excuse me while i check my spelling :lol2:

I'm not being facishious here, but an old Vicar once said to me 'You know why there is war in the Holy Lands' I answered 'no' and he jokingly said to me with a great big smile on his face, 'If Moses had turned left instead of right, when the Red Sea opened up to him, the Jews would have had all the Oil instead of the Oranges' I think his moral of his joke was don't wish for what you haven't got, just get on with your lot and be grateful to God that you are doing your best and are well.
larryshoat":3bd2mjpu said:
alacattleman":3bd2mjpu said:
Running Arrow Bill":3bd2mjpu said:
I'll try not to get radical on!

Given that, there are a number of "valid" religions in the World as practiced by those in different cultures and societies. It is the basis for their belief in some form of Supreme Being. The Native Americans, Aztecs, Incas, and others worshipped "products in the environment and beyond" (e.g., sun, stars, Eagles, Bears, etc.). There are some who say that people that "worship" things other than the Christian God are breaking one of the Commandments: "There Shall Not Have..." There will always be the question of "Who and What is God" People assume that God is White and Male: No one knows. Making that assumption only serves to designate and reinforce the notion that only a White Male can be a for thought! Only those of the "Christian" following consider the Christian Bible to be the only true and valid source of inspiration and faith. Within this, the fundamentalist and various "Bible Belt" denominations accept the Bible as the unquestioned, literal word of God. There is always the issue of interpreting the Bible as "literal" or as a document of parables, analogies, examples, morals, etc. It all depends on one's church group and denomination (or sub-denomination) as to how one interprets (or takes literally each and every word in the Christian Bible).

Over the centuries, there have been various translations of the events that happened in the periods B.C. and A.D. Every time some document is translated from one language to another (verbally or in writing) errors and mis-interpretaions can inadvertently happen. Even some of the highly respected religious scholars are questioning some things.

To any of the participants on this Board, I am not knocking anyone's religion, denomination, and/or interpretation (or lack of interpretation) of any sacred document. Among all of the religious documents that have been produced by various cultures, there are differences of opinion and different ways of reporting and interpreting events, miracles, non-miracles, lifestyles, and all. Every culture has their own history and religious recordings that serve their culture the best for their own peoples.
i don't know bill.. looking at a east indian rib cage while he's bowed down too a cow? or muslims tying a bomb around their childs waist, too me you either believe in"THE GOD JEHOVAH"" which i do completely" or just presume there's one and follow tradition

Good post! People question why our alliance with Isreal is so strong and we take a lot of heat around the world because of that alliance, but isn't it quite a coincidence that the committment to Isreal has been so strong and at the same time we have become the most powerful nation on Earth.................................i just hope the muslim we got in office and his liberal army, don't do anything too wreak that relationship ,,,,god said to israel i will bless those that bless you, and curse those that curse you

grannysoo":bz4e3agd said:
HerefordSire":bz4e3agd said:
That is what I am mostly referring to....fooling myself. I was taught our conscience (soul) was geometrically square in shape and each deception we present, turned our conscience (soul) a quarter turn. There is renewable friction around the corners of our initially square conscience. Before long, many deceptions makes our conscience geometrically round in shape and the friction is no longer present so deception no longer bothers us.

This is a good way to look at it...

It can reverse also. A round conscience and become a square again.
TexasBred":hbu13r53 said:
chrisy":hbu13r53 said: have given some good points there, well said....and if you think about it, people think of Jesus and God as being White, God he obviously was a male as Jesus said 'Father forgive them as they know not what they do' he always refers to him as Father in heaven. But and this is a big BUT, if Jesus came from the part of the World he is said to have come from Bethlehem, Judea (now Palestine), he wouldn't be White as we interpret white to be, he would be Arab, Black or Israeli.

Sacred scripture teaches us that Jesus was of the tribe of Judah....He was a Jew. (Probably a very well tanned Jew at that). :nod:

Both the Bible and the koran teach that arabs are descendents of Ishmael the son of Hagar the servant of Sarah and 2nd wife of Abraham.

There are two tribes that eventually formed England and America. Know which ones they are?
chrisy":238v0alx said:
alacattleman":238v0alx said:
chrisy":238v0alx said: have given some good points there, well said....and if you think about it, people think of Jesus and God as being White, God he obviously was a male as Jesus said 'Father forgive them as they know not what they do' he always refers to him as Father in heaven. But and this is a big BUT, if Jesus came from the part of the World he is said to have come from Bethlehem, Judea (now Palestine), he wouldn't be White as we interpret white to be, he would be Arab, Black or Israeli.
he was born in that part of the world, but he was not of this we all know

Don't get me wrong I believe, and attend Church, but I often wonder why Bethlehem (the Middle East) was chosen, and not somewhere else in the World, such as say Britain, as we were all heathens at the time and wars were going on with the folks from over the Channel, i.e Denmark, Rome, and such like. even Italy where the Vatican now is, supposedly the Holiest place around. Just my thoughts.

Good internal questions. Also interesting is why a Jewish man was chosen and most Jewish people didn't believe he was the Messiah. The Jewish people I have been around do not like blue eyes.

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