Black Limo's

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Why do you want to pet the cow's away?

You lost me Caustic. Pet the cows away or anyway? I walk through my cattle and being that I love animals if they stand there while I'm walking I reach out and pet them. Tends to keep them easy to handle IMO. Probably not something a large cattleman would do but with a small herd it's pretty easy.
Nice listenning to everyone discuss their thoughts. It hasn't gotten to nasty yet...ok wait I just read the 3rd page. :shock:

I started the thread a while ago not even imagining it would get like this put anyways, its fine with me. I have been reading all the posts and thought I should post.

We Are not a purebreed herd by anymeans, we do have a registered bull and a small herd of registered limousins, but the rest of our herd is herfords, or herford crosses. We have the old type herfords, Duram(sp) Herfords. And I love them, very calm quiet and very friendly cows. And we also Pet our Cows

edb130 I completely understand where you are comming from, seriously why is it a deal that we pet our cows? We have a herd of 40 cows and almsot all are pets. I don't have a problem with it at all. It makes it a hell of a lot easier to deal with the cows when they are used to you, when you have to vaccinate, and work with them in anyway.

We don't own an Angus on the farm, so I can't say much for the breed, we did have rent a Red Angus bull one year and we had very poor results, did not like the outcome. We would definitly take our Limo Bull over him any day.

I would definitly have to agree with the whole breed situation. I would much rather everyone raise very pure animals rather than screwing with the whole genetic situation. Sure I own Black Limo's do I like it that they are not 100% pure limo, heck no, but there are already here, Black Char, Black Sim the same situation. And what about Red and Black Angus-Something isn't pure there either!! Its that same when some one has a papered Angus with a white udder, or white patch on its belly, What went wrong there?

I don't know to much about this part of the whole farming deal, I am 17 and hope to take over our farm someday, but I do have an opinion about what I think and what I will do when I have my own suggestions on the farm. And these are just some of my thoughts. I do have to say, it has been getting alittle testy with everyone here, comtinues discuss, but I jsut hope us crossbred, herford, or limo etc. breeders can handle all of these Angus farmers. I'm glad the Angus are working for most of you but in my area there isn't many Angus's to be found. Mainly Limo, Char, Herfords and Sim's.

Glad Everyone is having fun, :p

maplelanefarms_ont":3ahwqg0g said:
I completely understand where you are comming from, seriously why is it a deal that we pet our cows? We have a herd of 40 cows and almsot all are pets. I don't have a problem with it at all. It makes it a be nice of a lot easier to deal with the cows when they are used to you, when you have to vaccinate, and work with them in anyway.

The problem with making pets out of 1000 lb + animals is that it tends to negate the respect and natural fear of humans that they have and that makes it much, much easier for people to get hurt by those animals. We used to have a bull that had been raised as a pet, the happiest day of my life was when that bull was sold. He had no respect for people and I hated having to do anything with him because he was always in my space. I also never, ever went into his pen or tried to do anything with him without a good stout stick. He could have very easily hurt someone without even trying. I don't want any cow or bull in my personal space. Once my bottle calves are weaned, I do not encourage them to be pets or to walk up to me to be petted. Just my honest opinion.

And what about Red and Black Angus-Something isn't pure there either!!

As I understand it, but could be wrong, the only difference between a Red and Black Angus is the color. Some Black Angus carry a red color gene. Those animals were specifically selected and bred to each other to create the Red Angus breed. Same breed, different color - nothing 'unpure' about it.

msscamp wrote:
The problem with making pets out of 1000 lb + animals is that it tends to negate the respect and natural fear of humans that they have and that makes it much, much easier for people to get hurt by those animals. We used to have a bull that had been raised as a pet, the happiest day of my life was when that bull was sold. He had no respect for people and I hated having to do anything with him because he was always in my space. I also never, ever went into his pen or tried to do anything with him without a good stout stick. He could have very easily hurt someone without even trying. I don't want any cow or bull in my personal space. Once my bottle calves are weaned, I do not encourage them to be pets or to walk up to me to be petted. Just my honest opinion.

msscamp, I agree that a 1,000lb animal is not something that you want to lose respect for you. I don't have any that follow me or get in my space. I scratch their face while I walk through the field or over the fence if they are standing there. I do have one who has shaken her head at me and I belted her. You can't let them lose respect but you can pet them.
edb130":3rprzznp said:
msscamp wrote:
The problem with making pets out of 1000 lb + animals is that it tends to negate the respect and natural fear of humans that they have and that makes it much, much easier for people to get hurt by those animals. We used to have a bull that had been raised as a pet, the happiest day of my life was when that bull was sold. He had no respect for people and I hated having to do anything with him because he was always in my space. I also never, ever went into his pen or tried to do anything with him without a good stout stick. He could have very easily hurt someone without even trying. I don't want any cow or bull in my personal space. Once my bottle calves are weaned, I do not encourage them to be pets or to walk up to me to be petted. Just my honest opinion.

msscamp, I agree that a 1,000lb animal is not something that you want to lose respect for you. I don't have any that follow me or get in my space. I scratch their face while I walk through the field or over the fence if they are standing there. I do have one who has shaken her head at me and I belted her. You can't let them lose respect but you can pet them.

It looks like we will simply have to agree to disagree. Based on experience (I had a number of pets when I was growing up, the day Dad nearly got hurt by 2 of them is the day I made the decision that dogs and cats are much safer as pets) sooner or later they will cross the line and become a problem or have to be dealt with. To me it's much easier to simply not start it, then I don't have to smack them for doing something I taught them to do in the first place, plus it keeps the attachment down and I can focus on my overall goals. I'm not a big believer in petting my cows, but to each their own.
houstoncutter":r53kpnl8 said:
Shouldnt be too long brfore we hear about the terrible temperment of Limousin cattle.

I'll oblige ya'.

Horrible wild things - tougher than leather to eat and dangerous everywhere - in the field, in the chute and for sure in the truck.

Did I miss anything Cutter? 8)

you gotta watch out for them on the road too. darn that britney spears!
Darn, I was hoping I would get some more of that Angus bias going... So, heres a question for all you Limi bashers.... The Limiousin cattle are draft animals, L4Angus is correct on that.... Of cousre the first words out of Limi bashers are that all Limi's are wild, with a terrible disposition. Can anybody say,.......... OXYMORON.......... Draft animals are used for pulling and plowing, hitched to wagons, a farmer would put his family in a wagon pulled by a Limousin...... Saying that all Limi's are crazy, is sorta like saying all Angus are hard keeping if they have Pine Drive Big Sky breeding...... I always seem to find it amazing that..... SOME.... Angus breeders are so threaten by other breeds... By the way, how did Angus get so big so quick, like overnight. So maybe you shoud cut black Limi's and Simi's a little slack, they are just following the Angus lead of changing their animals color to make them more desireable to commercial buyers... All breeds have their warts, but it seems that... Some... Angus brreders think theirs arent warts, but instead beauty marks!!!
houstoncutter":zjgivzm4 said:
By the way, how did Angus get so big so quick, like overnight.
This has been answered several times by myself and others. If you weren't so thick headed you could probaly understand why.
la4angus":27omrj5e said:
houstoncutter":27omrj5e said:
By the way, how did Angus get so big so quick, like overnight.
This has been answered several times by myself and others. If you weren't so thick headed you could probaly understand why.

Those that haven;t gotten it yet are probably the same ones that call CAB a fraud

Hmm. let me see is that the old one about one or two bulls changing everything over night... By the way have you got another answer for some Angus starting to have white on their bags about the same time..... You guys need to be in politics, you got the spin doctor stuff down pat.... What L4Angus no comment about Limis being draft animals that have a tempermant problem... Yep your right I am thick headed, I am tired of anti all breed posts except Angus... Not so long ago Angus bulls and cattle were some of the cheapest cattle you could buy, but I guess you gotta spin for that one to...
Well, after reading all this I am going hybrid. I will breed my Angus cows to a battery. :lol:

I do have one comment for hustoncutter though. Exactly how long ago were those Angus cheap? We have had them on our place for over 40 years even when the naysayers said they will never make it but I don't ever remember buying them cheap. I could always buy other stock cheaper. YMMV
I also said the same things, White Udders on *Purebred* Black Angus cows, something was bred into them! Now lets look at cows with white udders- Herfords, Sim's.Just a couple.

Our Limo's are pretty good, we don't ahve any of the Limos that have become pets or ones that would let you get to close, but they definitly aren't wild, or dificult to handle.

In reading the title of this post, "Black Limo's", which I have done three or four times in the reading of all the posts seemingly related to this subject, I am struck with the thought that there is one compelling reason why these many opinions seem to lurch, stumble, slide and crash Pell Mell into a WAR over black or red or white or spots or stripes or heads or tails! That reason is the same reason that Ford owners argue with Chevy owners, - or the Boston, or New York, or Dallas, or Atlanta, or Denver, or Chicago, or Los Angeles or ANY OTHER City's Sports Fans are at WAR with every other City's Sport's Fans! It is because it is THEIR Sports Team - - just as it is THEIR Breed of Cattle!

Picture a bunch of Sailors in a bar (after too many "Attitude Adjustments") starting to break chairs over each other's heads because, "By Be Nice, the U.S.S. Whatever is a better Canoe than the U.S.S. Whichever" and - - the WAR is on - and the result is broken chairs, broken skulls, and NOTHING is settled or decided! For Pat's Sake, folks - - let's improve our Beef Cattle, Purebred OR Crossbred, and forget the petty WARS!

By the way, I like Purebred Angus (Black or Red) crossed on almost any other breed (Black or Red) for Heterosis and cross-bred vigor, and the only way to continue to improve that combination is by the continued improvement of Pure Breeds by the improved development of Registered Breeds. What part of "Improvement" do we not understand?

Excellent idea, Doc, but the wars will continue because most breeder's feel compelled to defend their breed and try to convince the other breeder's that their breed is the best. It's simple human nature. Just my thoughts.
houstoncutter":cfbw96lc said:
I am tired of anti all breed posts except Angus... Not so long ago Angus bulls and cattle were some of the cheapest cattle you could buy, but I guess you gotta spin for that one to...
Houston City Slicker, You are a JOKE and a FOOL. You better go back to school and get some smarts.