wifes got stomach cancer

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HDRider is dead on. Dealing with my wife's illness for the past ten years we are to the point where every time she sees a new doctor we take a folder full of her medical history with us and insist on going over it with the doctor before they jump in. If we don't they start at square one every time and it takes them six months to come up with the same conclusions as everyone else and then we've lost six months and a bunch of money getting them there before we find out if they can take it a step further or not.
Good luck and stay strong.
Give your son a hug from all of us! tell him he's got a whole bunch of people all over the world rootin' for his mama. Don't be afraid to ask friends, neighbors, and relatives for help--people will be grateful to be of help to you, I think. Sometimes they just need pointed in the right direction...Caringbridge is a good website to keep loved ones up to date, and organize help (meals, help with son, etc). Best wishes to you all.
todays preop. tomorrow another stomach biopsy..mondays the big day.

dont know how much time ill have for this stuff after the weekend but ill try to throw some stuff out for ya once in awhile....

ill check that out boondocks....that might be a good release for her. she dont so all this forum stuff like me ..course she has facebook..she a woman...but i hate that fb trap so i avoid that one

thank you all for your support. being able to just throw it outthere has been a relief. im an old school tough guy so talking is hard for me. the wife and i can get thru stuff but even with the rest of the family its tough.

dealing with Gage makes me bout cry tho.
Gary, I feel pain every time I read a post of yours on this matter. I can't help but to think how myself and our kids would feel. All we can do is hope and pray for the best, good luck.
its a small world seems like when the c word comes up. almost everyone is in the fight or is close to someone who is.
but it really dont hit home til its right next to ya. i mean ya har about it but never really get it til its s person close to you.
my brothers wife was killed in a car crash in march. we see wrecks all the time on tv/internet traffic reports..but ya never realize the impact on your family til its..in your family

thanks again for the well wishes kids
Yes, most of us know how you feel. Not many families have escaped the c word. Lost my brother-in-law last fall who had battled prostate cancer for three years and it went into his bones. Took one chemo treatment and died from cardiac arrest quite unexpectedly. He kept his cancer to himself and immediate family for three years. It was hard on us. I have to let things out myself. I believe it helps.
You will get through this. I thought my world had ended when my husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer. We survived and now he is cancer free. Before you know it, your wife will hear those words. Getting it early before it spreads is the key.
I feel so much for your little son. I used to worry about my mama when I was a little girl and she got sick. Afraid something would happen to her. He will really need you through this difficult time. Stay strong for your wife and him. You can do it.
You are all three in my thoughts and prayers . May God bring healing to your wife and give all three of you the strength and courage that you need to get through this difficult time.

I am so very sorry to hear the news about your wife. I will sure have you, your wife and son on our prayer list. I was reading my daily bible study today and thought about you, I hope you won't mind me sharing it with you.

I have promised to meet all your needs according to My glorious riches. Your deepest, most constant need is for My Peace. I have planted Peace in the garden of your heart, where I live; but there are weeds growing there too: pride, worry, selfishness, unbelief. I am the Gardener, and I am working to rid your heart of those weeds. I do My work in various ways. When you sit quietly with Me, I shine the Light of My Presence directly into your heart. In this heavenly Light, Peace grows abundantly and weeds shrivel up. I also send trials into your life. When you trust Me in the midst of trouble, Peace flourishes and weeds die away. Thank Me for troublesome situations; the Peace they can produce for outweighs the trials you endure

And my God will meet all our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19

I hope God's promises will bring you some peace and comfort.

thanks man. we went for the biop friday..geez

so check this out.

her family drives down from ohio.get in bout 11pm on thurs. we get to bed right away cuz we gotta git up at 5 am. so we get on the road to the hosp whcih is 45 mi away cuz we live in the boonies. bout halfway there were tooling down the road and theyre following us cuz we all wont fit in our civic.
a deer bolts out in front of em and they cream it. wipes the front offa the escape. i turn around and go back and me and the bro inlaw pull the rad support out enough to latch the hood and off we go.
we get there to do the porcedure and they cant do t because her stomach isnt empty. now she aint eatin since tues when she had a half a slice of pizza. only liwuids sinc then. and the dr says ''xtra cheese and mushrooms ight?'...yeah he seen it. 4 days later.
so its off the surgery 2 pm monday. i know everyone is praying and we got alotta faith..should just be a bi pita really
thank you all. ill let ya know as i can.
Aww jeeese Gary. I will pray that whatever glitches have happened will be ALL of it! And NO MORE glitches.

Keep us posted. Like Hillsdown, you, the family and your wife have alot of support and caring people out there rooting for her.
Sorry to hear what you and your family are going thru at this time.I will certainly be praying for you guy's and your wife's full recovery.The doctor being optimistic about her recovery certainly sounds encouraging.

Odd thing is we have relatives (who have a relative) who is going thru the same thing at this time.Unfortunately his was very advanced and the guy has been taking treatments in order to have surgery.The guy is a church pastor and probably in the same age range as you and your wife as they have children around the same age as yours.His prognosis was poor but he has already overcome may things the doctors did not think he could.You have to admire the guy--he has his head up and going forward.

Wish i could say something that would really help but i always seem to be at a loss for words at times like this.but know that we are praying for and thinking of you and your wife.
DB, been following this, and just thought I'd let you know your wife and your family just had some more prayers go up on her behalf. Sorry about the deer issue. I'm a SF agent, and where you live is a hotbed of deer and hogs being hit by cars.

well shes got the surgery behind her now, found alot more than they anticipated but on a good note it went very well and if things go with us she may not even need chemo. right now its a 50 50 shot. surgeon is very optimistic, awaiting the findings from pathology
4 hrs of reconstruction in there. half of the stomach is gone and its reconected to the small intestine. i cant even begin to explain it w/o a drawing.
she is in alotta pain since shes been out. but she is on a rapid recovery, finally got her pain to where she could sleep.
right now were on cruise. just getting better. lotta action in there and shes really sore
doc says shell be out friday.
been sleeping here. sons with her family in a hotel close by and the rest area at my house
went home for clothes and had a calf yesterday we been waitting on..

things are looking up a bit anyways now

im sure all the thoughts and prayers helped out. aint no way the man upstairs missed this one, we got alotta folks pulling for us. we feel lucky and we thank all of you
gary angel and gage
I'm hoping for the best for the two of you!

Don't forget to take care of your self during all of this!

I can't say I know how you feel, but sounds " like it could have been worse ".

Take care, Scott
So great to hear that wonderful news! We will continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers. She has a lot going for her. God is good!

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