Red meat and dairy products may support our body's ability to infiltrate and fight off cancer cells.

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Aug 25, 2013
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When it comes to cancer, red meat is often thought to be the bad guy. But new research from the University of Chicago has shown that a nutrient found in red meat and dairy products may support our body's ability to infiltrate and fight off cancer cells.

The nutrient in question is called trans-vaccenic acid. TVA is a long-chain fatty acid that our bodies cannot make by themselves.

"Circulating TVA in humans is mainly from ruminant-derived foods, including beef, lamb and dairy products such as milk and butter," study author Jing Chen, a professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, told Newsweek.

TVA is just one of roughly 700 known food-sourced metabolites that circulate in our blood. In the new study, published in the journal Nature, Chen's team collected these compounds into a database and tested whether any of the molecules could affect the immune system's ability to fight cancer cells.
I liked it until I read...
There is a growing body of evidence about the detrimental health effects of consuming too much red meat and dairy,
They referred to "pizza and burgers" as part of that statement. All their fact-based story became an opinion piece at that point. Pizza has more refined carbs than it does meat. A burger can have quite a bit of carb loaded refined flour bun with it. Neither food item can be described as primarily meat. Total unnecessary political garbage statement on the end of an otherwise decent article.
Is this not the thread where we briefly discussed Callmefence and his carnivore diet? Am I being paranoid or did those posts disappear?
Is this not the thread where we briefly discussed Callmefence and his carnivore diet? Am I being paranoid or did those posts disappear?
I don't think you are paranoid. It was looking like some threads were missing comments to me yesterday. My guess would be the forum needs to be checked for viruses. There were definitely more than 12 comments in this thread the other day.
I don't think you are paranoid. It was looking like some threads were missing comments to me yesterday. My guess would be the forum needs to be checked for viruses. There were definitely more than 12 comments in this thread the other day.

Not the first thread that had posts that disappeared. I read old thread for info and a bunch have responses without questions. Information is being deleated. I can't figure if it's AI or a mod that's doing it...
Not the first thread that had posts that disappeared. I read old thread for info and a bunch have responses without questions. Information is being deleated. I can't figure if it's AI or a mod that's doing it...
Seems like every time I get close to becoming a 'Cattle Today Supporter' this sort of thing rears its head.
Yes, seems like he said he was eating all the bacon and such that he wanted and was never healthier.
He's doing good, and working about 15 miles from me on a govt fencing project and yes, he is still in good health. He came by here back in late Oct/early Nov and I talked to him 2 days ago. Planned on going down to see him but will probably wait until the upcoming frigid weather has passed.

(No, I don't know who or what is deleting posts but I have my suspicions.. someone, REALLY doesn't like him or even seeing his username mentioned.)
Thread posted just a little while ago and quickly locked:
not open.jpg
Last edited:
He's doing good, and working about 15 miles from me on a govt project and yes, he is still in good health. He came by here back in late Oct/early Nov and I talked to him 2 days ago. Planned on going down to see him but will probably wait until the upcoming frigid weather has passed.

(No, I don't know who or what is deleting posts but I have my suspicions)
Glad to hear he is in good health and doing well.

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