Ky hills
Well-known member
Looking at some different breed websites I came across this statement that I thought was interesting.
Kind of surprised to see that a breed would acknowledge being part of influence of another closed herdbook breed.
I had grown up reading in textbooks that the polled Herefords came from a mutation within the breed. In more recent years I've questioned that and heard tell of speculation that it came from breeds like Red Poll
The Galloway statement caught me by surprise, but in thinking about it the real curly hair coats of Herefords along with the head and ear shape of some kind of makes sense.
Kind of surprised to see that a breed would acknowledge being part of influence of another closed herdbook breed.
I had grown up reading in textbooks that the polled Herefords came from a mutation within the breed. In more recent years I've questioned that and heard tell of speculation that it came from breeds like Red Poll
The Galloway statement caught me by surprise, but in thinking about it the real curly hair coats of Herefords along with the head and ear shape of some kind of makes sense.