So I couldn't help but notice...

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Hook":34xiyjc3 said:
When the president of Disney get interviewed on the local news and says how happy he is that they have chosen Disney once again, that's support. 150k queers don't all choose to go to Disney all at once by chance without the nod from the corp itself. Especially when disneys president, George Kalogridis, is gay

Hook, While I admire your passion that level of passion can compromise judgement. Can you provide a YouTube link of that interview and convince this skeptic?

BTW - are you suggesting some action towards Disney?
Sky, some folks will do anything for a dollar. I'm not working for no queer, and there's a lot of stuff money can't buy.
highgrit":2p8yivp8 said:
Sky, some folks will do anything for a dollar. I'm not working for no queer, and there's a lot of stuff money can't buy.

high.. do " queer " people eat beef ? The ones that do create some of the demand for the beef we all grow as cattle farmers. Whether you sell to them directly or they indirectly buy your beef you could be working for some queers money. I am a business owner I do not care what someone does in their private life as long as they don't try to push it on me. If I picked and chose who I was going to work for I may as well not started a business. I have in total 17 people that are on my payroll. If I chose to not do business with people because they don't share my same views then there will be 17 more people in the U.S. without a job. I think my guys that work for me would prefer I keep them employed and able to feed their families.
And theres a difference in people, I can't control who eats the meat from the calves I sell. But if some queer wanted a million dollars worth of dirt work done, I wouldn't work for one, I would go without before I would work for such a person. IMO a queer is worse than a murderer.
Irrational liberalism is not having the ability to make sound judgment decisions, but yet feel they have a clear understanding and interpretation of the situation that is clearly above their understanding and moral compass
No different than rapist or pedophile that justifies the act in their own mind and not having the moral fiber or conscious mind(awareness of something for what it is; internal knowledge: consciousness of wrongdoing)
I love all this macho talk over C.T. about I would do this and that. I keep things real and I'm not here to suck up to everyone to seem cool like some others and I am not here for a popularity contest. If no one else wants to take there money and work for them send them my way. I know I'm not gay and I won't turn I am confident in my manhood and sexuality. ;-) So don't yall forget if you got any cattle orders excavation work.. hardscaping landscape design Treework and stamped concrete and many other services send them to me please. Especially jobs over 100k I really like those and the guys will be appreciative too. :mrgreen: yall can pick that comment to pieces if ya like but im done with this matter :2cents:
My grandfather once told me "Your name may be all you end up with, don't ever sell it".

Not for 1 and not for a million dollars will I ever work for one. I simply can't imagine me ever wanting or needing income that bad.
Are you a true conservative? True conservatives realize that you can't have it both ways: if you are against government micro-managing what you do on your own property, with your own body, and/or in the privacy of your own bedroom, then you can't also be too terribly hepped up about "the gays." The positions are highly illogical, as Spock would say.

Me? I don't pretend to understand it, really, but I sure as shootin' don't believe it's a choice. Work with me here a minute: until about a millisecond ago (and still today, in many places in the world), being gay was and is a potential death sentence. In many countries, it is still "open season" and you can be killed just for being gay. Our gay veterans, who served our country nobly, were kicked out and given dishonorable discharges (good luck getting another job): even in the absence of any misconduct, and despite being willing to put their lives on the line for you and me, we tossed them aside. What about all the gay kids killed over the years in this country? How on earth do you really think it can be "chosen?" WHY, given what ostracism, hatred, violence and shame they faced/face, would a heterosexual person CHOOSE to be gay? My grandmother, who was born a hundred years ago and was as true-blue a conservative as you'd ever find, always said "Don't hate them. They were born that way." How could they not be? Did you never go to school with a kid that, he11, everyone knew was gay from kindergarten on? Do none of you really have a gay member of your extended family? Neighbors? Friends? Church community? (If you think not, you are likely wrong).

My son had a friend in high school who came out as gay. Their church, which was the center of his family's life, disowned him and he tried to kill himself. I realized then that the stakes are too high on this issue for those of us who are "straight but not narrow" to stay silent. This is a big country, and a big world, and there is room for everyone, gay and straight. And yes, things are changing. In the US, most people under 40 or so couldn't give 2 figs about someone else's gayness/straightness. They see them as people first. And I for one am glad for that.

I would ask that you view this deeply Christian family's story:

And other interesting reading/viewing: ... _what.html
As it has been said repeatedly
Live and let live
Stop flaunting it and pushing for it to br recognized and accepted
If you choose that lifestyle so be it just don't expect the world to accept it and commend you for it
Go on about your life and so will everyone else
It's the gays that are pushing the issue not the rest of the public
boondocks":2nb35kz8 said:
Are you a true conservative? True conservatives realize that you can't have it both ways: if you are against government micro-managing what you do on your own property, with your own body, and/or in the privacy of your own bedroom, then you can't also be too terribly hepped up about "the gays." The positions are highly illogical, as Spock would say.

Me? I don't pretend to understand it, really, but I sure as shootin' don't believe it's a choice. Work with me here a minute: until about a millisecond ago (and still today, in many places in the world), being gay was and is a potential death sentence. In many countries, it is still "open season" and you can be killed just for being gay. Our gay veterans, who served our country nobly, were kicked out and given dishonorable discharges (good luck getting another job): even in the absence of any misconduct, and despite being willing to put their lives on the line for you and me, we tossed them aside. What about all the gay kids killed over the years in this country? How on earth do you really think it can be "chosen?" WHY, given what ostracism, hatred, violence and shame they faced/face, would a heterosexual person CHOOSE to be gay? My grandmother, who was born a hundred years ago and was as true-blue a conservative as you'd ever find, always said "Don't hate them. They were born that way." How could they not be? Did you never go to school with a kid that, be nice, everyone knew was gay from kindergarten on? Do none of you really have a gay member of your extended family? Neighbors? Friends? Church community? (If you think not, you are likely wrong).

My son had a friend in high school who came out as gay. Their church, which was the center of his family's life, disowned him and he tried to kill himself. I realized then that the stakes are too high on this issue for those of us who are "straight but not narrow" to stay silent. This is a big country, and a big world, and there is room for everyone, gay and straight. And yes, things are changing. In the US, most people under 40 or so couldn't give 2 figs about someone else's gayness/straightness. They see them as people first. And I for one am glad for that.

I would ask that you view this deeply Christian family's story:

And other interesting reading/viewing: ... _what.html
Very well said boondocks! :clap: :clap: :clap:
skyhightree1":1hs82mgx said:
highgrit":1hs82mgx said:
Sky, some folks will do anything for a dollar. I'm not working for no queer, and there's a lot of stuff money can't buy.

high.. do " queer " people eat beef ? The ones that do create some of the demand for the beef we all grow as cattle farmers. Whether you sell to them directly or they indirectly buy your beef you could be working for some queers money. I am a business owner I do not care what someone does in their private life as long as they don't try to push it on me. If I picked and chose who I was going to work for I may as well not started a business. I have in total 17 people that are on my payroll. If I chose to not do business with people because they don't share my same views then there will be 17 more people in the U.S. without a job. I think my guys that work for me would prefer I keep them employed and able to feed their families.
ps boondocks you put this very well, and it was refreshing to see someone else see that it's a thing you are born with, and don't freely choose.
I know three families of the same sex bringing up Children and they are all very well adjusted, and from six of those children only one is in mental turmoil, believing she was born in the wrong gender but this is another subject, as she is not gay, she has gender dysphoria.
I'm lookin for one of the interviews I've seen but it's not easy to find. In the mean time: ... icle_no=37
"Disney has prohibited drag queens from entering the Magic Kingdom following Gay Day 1991 when even the mainstream media reported in a negative light the estimated 1,800 cross dressers in the park with children. Yet, Disney continues to allow thousands of people to wear shirts promoting homosexuality.
Dozens of gang members visiting Disneyland in California have been evicted after entering the park wearing gang colors according to Kenneth Green, Director of Corporate Communications. He said the company was concerned the groups might intimidate or invoke fear in the hearts of regular patrons. So, Disney can see where a dozen people wearing gang colors might be offensive to regular families but not thousands of same-sex revelers wearing shirts that flaunt and promote homosexual, lesbian and transgender behavior.
Disney provided special group discount tickets with a pink Mickey logo for Gay Day Patrons.
Disney paid personnel to hand out special pamphlets to Gay Day patrons informing them of organized activities.
Disney paid personnel to greet Gay Day patrons at the front gate.
Disney recruited employees to be guides for special groups of Gay Day patrons.
Disney gave free Disney tee shirts to people who complained that they did not know that the red shirt they innocently wore meant they supported Gay Day.
The State of Florida does NOT prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation."

Sounds like Disney support to me
skyhightree1":3osekjv3 said:
highgrit":3osekjv3 said:
Sky, some folks will do anything for a dollar. I'm not working for no queer, and there's a lot of stuff money can't buy.

high.. do " queer " people eat beef ? The ones that do create some of the demand for the beef we all grow as cattle farmers. Whether you sell to them directly or they indirectly buy your beef you could be working for some queers money. I am a business owner I do not care what someone does in their private life as long as they don't try to push it on me. If I picked and chose who I was going to work for I may as well not started a business. I have in total 17 people that are on my payroll. If I chose to not do business with people because they don't share my same views then there will be 17 more people in the U.S. without a job. I think my guys that work for me would prefer I keep them employed and able to feed their families.
Would you work for a liar and a thief and take a chance on not getting paid in full at the end?
chrisy":vg12x5yh said:
skyhightree1":vg12x5yh said:
highgrit":vg12x5yh said:
Sky, some folks will do anything for a dollar. I'm not working for no queer, and there's a lot of stuff money can't buy.

high.. do " queer " people eat beef ? The ones that do create some of the demand for the beef we all grow as cattle farmers. Whether you sell to them directly or they indirectly buy your beef you could be working for some queers money. I am a business owner I do not care what someone does in their private life as long as they don't try to push it on me. If I picked and chose who I was going to work for I may as well not started a business. I have in total 17 people that are on my payroll. If I chose to not do business with people because they don't share my same views then there will be 17 more people in the U.S. without a job. I think my guys that work for me would prefer I keep them employed and able to feed their families.
ps boondocks you put this very well, and it was refreshing to see someone else see that it's a thing you are born with, and don't freely choose.
I know three families of the same sex bringing up Children and they are all very well adjusted, and from six of those children only one is in mental turmoil, believing she was born in the wrong gender but this is another subject, as she is not gay, she has gender dysphoria.

Emotional or sociological attachment does not always equate to logical and rational decisions or positions. However I do respect your right to an opinion.

Do you realize it is possible using your logic to argue the two radicalized British Muslim converts who described themselves as "soldiers of Allah" and hacked Fusilier Lee Rigby to death is acceptable? Be careful what we wish, for the slope we descend is slippery and full of brambles.
I know one woman in particular that is as confused as that termite in a yoyo that M5 mentioned the other day. Married with 3 children, divorces, declares she's lesbian and begins a lesbian relationship. A few months later is dating a big hunk of a man that must weigh 270 and declares that she is bi-sexual. Later they are engaged to be married but break it off and now she is back with another lesbian. I don't know if she was born confused, became confused, is still confused or just enjoys playing the field. Seems to be more and more of these. The homosexual community is where they "feel best". I think more than being born homosexual they are born with other complexes that will develop over time and find a place where they feel sheltered and nurtured. First thing to tell your kid is that YOU ARE NOT QUEER no matter what anybody tells you.

your mention of the soldiers of Allah is one reason I decry the abandonment of all social standards....Back in the day evil was evil and it was to be faced and defeated.....

but over time the standards were abandoned and all deviance from old social norms was justified for bogus reasons on everything and now we are facing true mass quantities....

a society with no values is not a valuable society and is not for long a society at all......
I think you should abandon that avatar in light of this subject. I would suggest you replace the avatar with one of a wind mill in honor of Don Quixote with whom you share the honorable characteristic of perseverance.

For all who say they wouldn't sell to homosexuals or wouldn't work for homosexuals or wouldn't accept money from homosexuals: I pray you understand that such a position is a decision to greatly limit your career and financial achievement potential. I suspect CT is mostly visited by a geriatric bunch and limiting potential is not so much a problem for folks who frequent these boards but for grand kids and kids, it could be a concern.