Serious Social Question: Is "White Trash" the same thing as the N word?

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I'm hesitant to get into this, and I'm not defending slavery by any stretch of the imagination, but they didn't get to be plantation owners in the first place by being "too danm lazy to get up off their azz and do an honest days work."
Rafter S":14ty2d9f said:
I'm hesitant to get into this, and I'm not defending slavery by any stretch of the imagination, but they didn't get to be plantation owners in the first place by being "too danm lazy to get up off their azz and do an honest days work."

:D :D
No, but it sure will cause Grit to think!

I'm thinking and this is what I came up with. We still have a lot of plantations in middle and south Georgia. And quite a few still have descendants of the slaves working there. One thing the slave trade did was give Africans a chance to get ahead. If slaves were never brought to this country can you imagine what Africa would look like today? The blacks have very it good in this country, because very few if any would move back to Africa if given the opportunity. Common sense isn't very common anymore.
True Grit Farms":3dcjk07y said:
I'm thinking and this is what I came up with. We still have a lot of plantations in middle and south Georgia. And quite a few still have descendants of the slaves working there. One thing the slave trade did was give Africans a chance to get ahead. If slaves were never brought to this country can you imagine what Africa would look like today? The blacks have very it good in this country, because very few if any would move back to Africa if given the opportunity. Common sense isn't very common anymore.

Grit, I know life is tough in Georgia- dry, mosquitos, deadbeats, freeloaders, etc. So I am going to do you a favor. I am sending two thugs down there to put you in shackles, throw you in the trunk of their car, haul you up here. You can lay in your own urine and feces for the ride. When you get here, you will work from daylight until dusk. Sleep with the cows. If you try to escape, you will be shot in the head behind the ear. I am doing all of this to provide you a better life filled with opportunity.
inyati13":np3jneuq said:
True Grit Farms":np3jneuq said:
I'm thinking and this is what I came up with. We still have a lot of plantations in middle and south Georgia. And quite a few still have descendants of the slaves working there. One thing the slave trade did was give Africans a chance to get ahead. If slaves were never brought to this country can you imagine what Africa would look like today? The blacks have very it good in this country, because very few if any would move back to Africa if given the opportunity. Common sense isn't very common anymore.

Grit, I know life is tough in Georgia- dry, mosquitos, deadbeats, freeloaders, etc. So I am going to do you a favor. I am sending two thugs down there to put you in shackles, throw you in the trunk of their car, haul you up here. You can lay in your own urine and feces for the ride. When you get here, you will work from daylight until dusk. Sleep with the cows. If you try to escape, you will be shot in the head behind the ear. I am doing all of this so you can get ahead.

I'd do it in a heartbeat for my family to get ahead and be treated like humans. The rewards were sure better than staying in Africa and getting slaughtered or starve and die a miserable death from some kind disease.
We just got 30 minutes of torrential downpour. See what you are missing.

Grit, your argument is weak. Almost illogical. Many never made the trip alive. Nor does your argument justify taking away another human being's freedom. Africa was their home. They were abducted, shackled, placed in unbearable sanitary conditions and enslaved. Treated like a horse or a cow.
True Grit Farms":2x1u53w9 said:
I don't by all that at all Inyati. Fat people were few and far between in the 1800's. Someone had to work the fields before the slaves arrived? No one has ever got something for nothing and held on to it.

There were indentured servants from Northern Europe that filled that role quite well until people learned that Africans could be had for a lot cheaper.

True Grit Farms":2x1u53w9 said:
I'd do it in a heartbeat for my family to get ahead and be treated like humans. The rewards were sure better than staying in Africa and getting slaughtered or starve and die a miserable death from some kind disease.

You're assuming that life in Africa was somehow more dangerous than it was anywhere else. Where is the historical evidence to back this up? Life, up until the 20th century, has been hard, scary, and riddled with numerous ways to die that don't spring up today. Honestly, I'm sure that these people would have rather stayed in Africa, unless you think working sunup to sundown for someone else (that has branded you, raped your wife and sold your children) is a good idea.
inyati13":12e2hlww said:
We just got 30 minutes of torrential downpour. See what you are missing.

Grit, your argument is weak. Almost illogical. Many never made the trip alive. Nor does your argument justify taking away another human being's freedom. Africa was their home. They were abducted, shackled, placed in unbearable sanitary conditions and enslaved. Treated like a horse or a cow.

That's all history and nothing can be changed about the facts. I agree with the treatment and whatnot, but there's no denying that the black Americans have it a lot better than the African tribesmen. A weak argument I don't think so, how many black Americans will go back to Africa if given the opportunity? I'd be willing to bet that most wouldn't go back if you paid them, and gave them a one way ticket, their not stupid they know they have it made right here in the US of A.
Bestoutwest":1ji7l5y7 said:
True Grit Farms":1ji7l5y7 said:
I don't by all that at all Inyati. Fat people were few and far between in the 1800's. Someone had to work the fields before the slaves arrived? No one has ever got something for nothing and held on to it.

There were indentured servants from Northern Europe that filled that role quite well until people learned that Africans could be had for a lot cheaper.

True Grit Farms":1ji7l5y7 said:
I'd do it in a heartbeat for my family to get ahead and be treated like humans. The rewards were sure better than staying in Africa and getting slaughtered or starve and die a miserable death from some kind disease.

You're assuming that life in Africa was somehow more dangerous than it was anywhere else. Where is the historical evidence to back this up? Life, up until the 20th century, has been hard, scary, and riddled with numerous ways to die that don't spring up today. Honestly, I'm sure that these people would have rather stayed in Africa, unless you think working sunup to sundown for someone else (that has branded you, raped your wife and sold your children) is a good idea.

There's not much you can tell me about white slaves, abuses, rapes and what not. You don't have a clue. My family on my dad's side lived it first hand and that's how we ended up here. Thank God and the US of A.
inyati13":3re52r1z said:
True Grit Farms":3re52r1z said:
inyati13":3re52r1z said:
Americans love to glamorize the past. Margaret Mitchell's book painted a romantic picture of the Antebellum South. Gentlemen Plantation owners sitting on the porch sipping mint juleps while the darkies gayily worked the fields singing Walt Disney's Zippity Do Dah Day.

I doubt they looked like Colonel Sanders. Probably, fat old men with big guts, red faces and too danm lazy to get up off their azz and do an honest days work.

Grit, if you want to complain about freeloaders. Just look at the history down there. Your definition of a POS fits most of the Plantation Era Whites.

I don't by all that at all Inyati. Fat people were few and far between in the 1800's. Someone had to work the fields before the slaves arrived? No one has ever got something for nothing and held on to it.

Procuring labor by enslavement. Fits my idea of a freeloader.

BTW: they didn't hold on to that way of life! The south lost the Civil War. The GREAT LOST CAUSE.
Again you need to study your history the largest slave trader was from RI might want to read up on the DeWolfs.
Secondly slavery was not the issue power was read Lincolns own writings on the negro the altrustic painting of northern intrest is nothing but a fantasy.
True Grit Farms":2cxmrhbk said:
I'm thinking and this is what I came up with. We still have a lot of plantations in middle and south Georgia. And quite a few still have descendants of the slaves working there. One thing the slave trade did was give Africans a chance to get ahead. If slaves were never brought to this country can you imagine what Africa would look like today? The blacks have very it good in this country, because very few if any would move back to Africa if given the opportunity. Common sense isn't very common anymore.
That was a joke right??? I haven't seen too many black people loading down the airports and docks trying to get to America to better themselves. The people in Africa seem to be quite content right where they are. BTW given the choice would you and yours move back to your homeland of many hundreds of years ago???

Whites have no idea what it must have been like to be a slave and I certainly dont. I can't imagine having every second of my life dictated by a master who used me and my family in any way he wanted, sold us like cattle and killed us like mongrel dogs for entertainment.

Defenders of he Civil War deny slavery had anything to do with the war but it's funny that even prior to the independence of the US the representatives of the southern colonies refused to sign the Articles of Confederation or the Declaration of Independence without assurance that the new Constitution allow the continuance of slavery at least until 1800 which was later extended to 1808. That's how important slaves were to the southern economy....states rights and taxation meant nothing. Most couldn't even spell either.
TennesseeTuxedo":1qigfwij said:
Interesting old photo of veterans both sides of the war meeting some 50 years after the battle Gettysburg and shaking hands.

This is how it should be after any and all conflicts. Both sides simply fighting for what they believed in.

The official surrender document of Lee's troops to the Union Army, signed at the Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865:

We, the undersigned Prisoners of War, belonging to the Army of Northern Virginia, having been this day surrendered by General Robert E. Lee, CSA, Commanding said Army, to Lieut. Genl. U. S. Grant, Commanding Armies of United States, do hereby give our solemn parole of honor that we will not hereafter serve in the armies of the Confederate States, or in any military capacity whatever, against the United States of America, or render said to the enemies of the latter, until property exchanged, in such manner as shall be mutually approved by the respective authorities.

Done at Appomattox Court House, Va., this 9th day of April, 1865.


General Order Number 9 served as Lee's farewell address to his army. The order was distributed the day after the official surrender of the Confederate Army at the Appomattox Court House.

Hd Qurs Army Northern Virginia 10th April 1865

General Order No 9

After four years of arduous service, marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources.

I need not tell the brave survivors of so many hard fought battles who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them, But feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the loss that would have attended the continuance of the contest, I determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen.

By the terms of the agreement, Officers and men can return to their homes and remain until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from the consciousness of duty faithfully performed and I earnestly pray that a merciful God will extend to you His blessing and protection.

With an unceasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to your country, and a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous consideration of myself, I bid you all an affectionate farewell.

R E Lee General
The city of Dublin, Ireland was founded by the Vikings who were doing a booming business capturing Irish and selling them as slaves. The Indians had lots of slaves which they captured from other tribes. The Indians in Southeast Alaska had a habit of killing all the slaves of a tribal member who died so they would remain slaves to their master in the next life. They didn't want to mess then up for the after life by hitting them on the head or anything so they took them out into the bay and held them under water until they drowned. Old slave in Rome who couldn't work anymore were sold the coliseum to be slaughtered for entertainment. The first recorded slave owner in America was a black man who claimed ownership of another black man. There has been slavery all through human history. And up until the last couple hundred years it was common and accepted in most societies. It still exists today, although much more hidden and not accepted. It is only a relatively short portion of human history that we have come to realize the injustice of slavery. Man's inhumanity to man is boundless.
I doubt many know this but there are a lot of descendants of slaves in Georgia who have vast landholdings their families inherited at the death of their masters. I know of one man in particular who I'm sure is glad his grandparents were slaves because he gets a huge some of money for rent and he nor his grandchildren will ever have to work unless they squander it - and I think he is too smart for that. I can also drive you through some of the most beautiful farmland in the state where all of it is owned by descendants of slaves so this wasn't some freak occurrence.

Not defending slavery by any means just saying it was more complex than we understand today.

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