My resignation as a CT poster

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ok guys ill jump in here 1 more yall know ive been here a good ive had my clashes with members an mods a like.ive said what i think as well as challanged the mods an the head man on this board for out right crappy rules.they will not give a reason for anything they they wont bann ole hoss.because they know that they would be at war with the members.i told them to bann me if they could back it up with facts long they didnt.ive been here 5yrs now.
backhoeboogie":2u32t8up said:
cypressfarms":2u32t8up said:

I'll ask the obvious question. Why do we have a moderator who has openly disagreed and been in some very spirited exchanges (I'm being nice) in the past with other CT members? Does this not in and of itself lend to the mod "getting back" at anyone that they had it out with? Frankie, you brought your name in to this.....the fact that this post is still up proves nothing. I've been a mod on other boards, and I would gladly do it on CT. One thing I don't like, though, is a mod causing people to leave the board. That is totally crazy!

I don't have a problem with Frankie being a member and saying her opinion, or anyone else for that matter. But why have a member known for fighting it out as a mod? Shouldn't a moderator by definition be someone who lets cooler heads prevail and does things with integrity and fairness???

Delete if your want. I was raising cattle before CT, and I'll probably be doing it after CT if the board goes like this in the future.

I don't think it is as bad now as it once was. However, losing Hoss makes it just as bad as it ever was.

Who is the next person in the bull's eye? And then the next?

I have been edited a few times by this same Mod...and not in a constructive way but with the childish abuse of authority exhibited by your average 5th grade "HALL MONITOR". We would all be well served to remember that ;POWER CORRUPTS AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY.

While I believe that Mods are necessary it would be my position that they would serve the board better as a counseler who could and would explain specifically why something cannot be posted and not as the internet police who delete and lecture. Saying things like" when you find a way to post this that is not objectionable I will let it stand"...........well there's my 2 cents for what it's worth.
Caustic Burno":237wysrm said:
We have lost a lot of real talent over the years because of this issue, it's not the moderating or the deleting it's the bias on the issues moderated.

Okay, I signed in and well come out of the lurkers corner because this one really makes me mad, it has ignited a flame that started from an another post.

CB, I used your quote because I think you really hit the nail on the head, one mod is very bias on her opinion and is quick to delete the topic that may be taken out of context by her. Yet the same mod can throw out a big chunk of bait, to a new Hereford guy who is getting great raves, for reasons unknown, to shake the tree? to promote her breed? run this newbie off? It is one of the many reasons I lurk these days, I do hate seeing folks run off.

I'm sure I'm off her xmas card list now.
longtimelurker":pzy2bn4n said:
I don't think everyone should be so hard on the mod. Clearly this topic has drawn enough press to catch the eye of the administrator. With the mod taking the blame.

No offense ltlurker, but you've only been a member for how long??? I really don't think you understand the can of worms your talking about. A lot of members on the CT board apparently have some serious issues with this moderator. I mean long term members that have been with CT through a lot. How can we have a thread where so many long term members express their dis-content but still no reply? I've seen boards where the mods are not allowed to post as members. I've seen other boards still that have ways of explaining why something was deleted.

I've always liked the fact that CT boards have an extremely diverse group of opinions. We have members from Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, England, Europe, South America and ofcourse the good 'ol USA. Rarely does everyone agree; that's fine, we can still be civil. For this many well established members to be speaking out should say something. I'm kind of getting like pdfangus - waiting on some answers.

Frankie, you obviously see how much of a riff this is causing. Why not do the noble thing and step down as moderator? You could still post however you like; what's the point in driving away valued members?
:lol: :lol: You guys do get upset when I step into your "pity party" and point out that HOSS was in the wrong from the start. And he was. Course you don't care; you just want to bash me because I don't back down when you try to bully me. Oh it looks bad, so many long time posters being irate! Actually some of these are various names of just a few people. ;-) Remember when Caustic admitted to having several user names? Some of them are apparently still around and they've been reactivated for this thread. Why don't I do the "noble" thing and step down as a mod? How do you know I'm even a mod? :lol:

Watch out, Lurker, if you question them, they'll go after you, too. Like most bullies, they just hate being questioned.
Frankie":15dl70mh said:
:lol: :lol: You guys do get upset when I step into your "pity party" and point out that HOSS was in the wrong from the start. And he was. Course you don't care; you just want to bash me because I don't back down when you try to bully me. Oh it looks bad, so many long time posters being irate! Actually some of these are various names of just a few people. ;-) Remember when Caustic admitted to having several user names? Some of them are apparently still around and they've been reactivated for this thread. Why don't I do the "noble" thing and step down as a mod? How do you know I'm even a mod? :lol:

Watch out, Lurker, if you question them, they'll go after you, too. Like most bullies, they just hate being questioned.

Typical for Frankie...can't even explain yourself without making an attempt to pis$ everybody off. It's no secret you're a mod. Would be nice to know who all the mods are. It ain't like they're in the CIA or something.
Frankie":1h4md3al said:
:lol: :lol: You guys do get upset when I step into your "pity party" and point out that HOSS was in the wrong from the start. And he was. Course you don't care; you just want to bash me because I don't back down when you try to bully me. Oh it looks bad, so many long time posters being irate! Actually some of these are various names of just a few people. ;-) Remember when Caustic admitted to having several user names? Some of them are apparently still around and they've been reactivated for this thread. Why don't I do the "noble" thing and step down as a mod? How do you know I'm even a mod? :lol:

Watch out, Lurker, if you question them, they'll go after you, too. Like most bullies, they just hate being questioned.

Frankie, I'll give you credit for being to smart to be missing the point, if so, you must be ignoring the point being made here by MANY long time members.... your recent comments in this thread is no way to gain the respect or trust of any posters. I look at a mod as a leader figure that manages the board, not some one that gets on and starts throwing stones.

My point on bias threads, the public schools thread got locked down after 7 posts (for what reason?), you come on this thread to spit and hiss at members and after 5 pages it's still going.

I wonder if Macon is keeping an eye on this and how is mod is acting.

I just sat down & read all of this thread.
I'm dissappointed that Hoss would even THINK about leaving. We enjoy your comments.
I am even more dissappointed at Frankie's childish response. I did not know she was a moderator and I don't kow what was or wasn't typed. I only know what I am reading now, and I sure don't like what is being said.
HOSS, just ignore & continue on the CT board.
pdfangus asked a fair question - still no reply???

Can't be that hard to drop a link to a set of fair play rules.

Like most bullies
Well, until I get off this farm I have to live with this first hand (see my sig). I dare say you've heard of projection? Look it up, Frankie, if you haven't. In a psychology textbook.
Like several of the other repliers here, I am stepping into this with no knowledge of the original offense.

Most of these type arguments/discussions however stem from politics. I will assume that is what led to this lengthy tirad.

One thing that is absolutely essential to having a long-term successful discussion board such as this is good moderating. there need to be clear rules and one of the clearest needs to be no politics in the topic discussion boards. If a thread is labeled as a breeds board or a grass/hay board the discussions need to stay fairly close to the labeled heading.

Allowing politics to creep in eventually leads to arguments such as this, often laced with the tell-tale words of "liberal" or "right-wing"... and the whole thing just spirals downward.

There can be areas to allow for political discussion but the reason I sign on here is to talk and learn about cattle. I would like the political boards to be clearly labeled as such so I can avoid them.

I really appreciate Hoss' contributions on cattle and hope he stays around. I myself felt like doing the same thing after a heated discussion about carrying concealed weapons. However I realized that I have gained far more from the others here regarding cattle to leave in a huff over such a non-related and politically oriented topic.

I think if we keep the right/left politics in the appropriate boards and in other boards keep the discussion to the cattle related topics at hand we will all benefit. Unfortunately it usually takes the unpopular hand of a moderator to keep the cattle boards clear of politics.

And there are the further issues of Angus/Hereford or even Horned/Polled ! Folks here can get as heated over those as in many political discussions!

The job of a moderator is not easy. I would ask Hoss to stay around and ask the powers that be to clarify what the rules are so we can all try to follow them and not get upset when they are enforced.

Just My Humble Opinion. Jim
SRBeef":3r7gjytz said:
Like several of the other repliers here, I am stepping into this with no knowledge of the original offense.

Most of these type arguments/discussions however stem from politics. I will assume that is what led to this lengthy tirad.

One thing that is absolutely essential to having a long-term successful discussion board such as this is good moderating. there need to be clear rules and one of the clearest needs to be no politics in the topic discussion boards. If a thread is labeled as a breeds board or a grass/hay board the discussions need to stay fairly close to the labeled heading.

Allowing politics to creep in eventually leads to arguments such as this, often laced with the tell-tale words of "liberal" or "right-wing"... and the whole thing just spirals downward.

There can be areas to allow for political discussion but the reason I sign on here is to talk and learn about cattle. I would like the political boards to be clearly labeled as such so I can avoid them.

I really appreciate Hoss' contributions on cattle and hope he stays around. I myself felt like doing the same thing after a heated discussion about carrying concealed weapons. However I realized that I have gained far more from the others here regarding cattle to leave in a huff over such a non-related and politically oriented topic.

I think if we keep the right/left politics in the appropriate boards and in other boards keep the discussion to the cattle related topics at hand we will all benefit. Unfortunately it usually takes the unpopular hand of a moderator to keep the cattle boards clear of politics.

And there are the further issues of Angus/Hereford or even Horned/Polled ! Folks here can get as heated over those as in many political discussions!

The job of a moderator is not easy. I would ask Hoss to stay around and ask the powers that be to clarify what the rules are so we can all try to follow them and not get upset when they are enforced.

Just My Humble Opinion. Jim
yeah i know what you mean,, those dam liberals suck dont they :cowboy:
Frankie":33e6y2me said:
:lol: :lol: You guys do get upset when I step into your "pity party" and point out that HOSS was in the wrong from the start. And he was. Course you don't care; you just want to bash me because I don't back down when you try to bully me. Oh it looks bad, so many long time posters being irate! Actually some of these are various names of just a few people. ;-) Remember when Caustic admitted to having several user names? Some of them are apparently still around and they've been reactivated for this thread. Why don't I do the "noble" thing and step down as a mod? How do you know I'm even a mod? :lol:

Watch out, Lurker, if you question them, they'll go after you, too. Like most bullies, they just hate being questioned.

First Frankie, tell me when I've ever bashed you. Second, why are you bringing up Caustic? This is so juvenile. I don't know for a fact that your a mod, are you? I've been told that you are mod2. If that's wrong, o.k. I'm becoming like everyone else - I just would like some answers. Why such secrets? Is this some sort of game for you? I thought this was a cattle board to let folks with common interests discuss things, and to help newbies just starting out. When did it get so political? Your replies and comments are what I would expect from my high school daughter, not a discussion board moderator. Now you have something to edit!
I agree with the general consensus of this thread.

This particular board is entitled "EVERYTHING ELSE BOARD". Guess it either needs to be deleted as a subject or let "everything else" fall into it.
Frankie":11mo4hsd said:
:lol: :lol: You guys do get upset when I step into your "pity party" and point out that HOSS was in the wrong from the start. And he was. Course you don't care; you just want to bash me because I don't back down when you try to bully me. Oh it looks bad, so many long time posters being irate! Actually some of these are various names of just a few people. ;-) Remember when Caustic admitted to having several user names? Some of them are apparently still around and they've been reactivated for this thread. Why don't I do the "noble" thing and step down as a mod? How do you know I'm even a mod? :lol:

Watch out, Lurker, if you question them, they'll go after you, too. Like most bullies, they just hate being questioned.

Facts pertaining to the such things like your set up of Idaman have nothing to do with a "pity party". Hoss is a grown man. He can take care of himself. People leaving a great company going to a new job send out farewell letters to their peers. People leaving for better pastures do the same.

You haven't seen irate as best I can tell. :D

Now you are back on your hatred for Caustic. Are you ever going to get over that? You once said backhoeboogie was an alternate ego of Caustic's. A whole lot of folks on this forum have received email from me, bought hay from me, met me in person. So when you say things such as this you only show more of your ignorance. DARN few of the names used here are real. You won't find "backhoeboogie" in the phone book. Funnier thing is the way you change your name over at Rancher's. Now you call the kettle black?

This post is about Hoss. You can keep trying to flip things to something else, but the fact of the matter is what it is. You got problem and he has had enough of it.
backhoeboogie":1p9cp2xt said:
DARN few of the names used here are real. You won't find "backhoeboogie" in the phone book.

Cypress is much more interesting than Mark. Besides it's a much more nicer wood if you do woodworking. I've had CT members at my house for crawfish boils, I've been to now deceased members homes to see cattle (I still remember 'ya LA4angus) Heck, I've even gone to a weekend party in Tennessee with some members on this board - hopefully they all won't quit. I don't feel that love on here now, that's for sure. I'm still waiting on some answers, myself. From mod, Frankie, or whomever "is in the know", because obviously I aint.
cypressfarms":16njxfmi said:
Frankie":16njxfmi said:
:lol: :lol: You guys do get upset when I step into your "pity party" and point out that HOSS was in the wrong from the start. And he was. Course you don't care; you just want to bash me because I don't back down when you try to bully me. Oh it looks bad, so many long time posters being irate! Actually some of these are various names of just a few people. ;-) Remember when Caustic admitted to having several user names? Some of them are apparently still around and they've been reactivated for this thread. Why don't I do the "noble" thing and step down as a mod? How do you know I'm even a mod? :lol:

Watch out, Lurker, if you question them, they'll go after you, too. Like most bullies, they just hate being questioned.

First Frankie, tell me when I've ever bashed you. Second, why are you bringing up Caustic? This is so juvenile. I don't know for a fact that your a mod, are you? I've been told that you are mod2. If that's wrong, o.k. I'm becoming like everyone else - I just would like some answers. Why such secrets? Is this some sort of game for you? I thought this was a cattle board to let folks with common interests discuss things, and to help newbies just starting out. When did it get so political? Your replies and comments are what I would expect from my high school daughter, not a discussion board moderator. Now you have something to edit!

There have been none activated except mine. Cypress this hatered goes back to when five or six members got together in the early days when the board had less than 1000 members and formed a posse to ride herd on the abuses mentioned. At the time there were Caustic Burno, Acid Burno, Salyasitic Burno, Broken Mouth, Campground Cattle and a couple I can't remmember. Then glory be the new board came along with the ignore feature and I have only one name on the list you guess who as they are rants. And yes Frankie is a Mod or the other one that was and I had dinner with was a liar which I don't believe he was.
cypressfarms":2045aql3 said:
No offense ltlurker, but you've only been a member for how long??? I really don't think you understand the can of worms your talking about.
5 months fewer than you have. I have seen alot.
Me thinks someone leaned so far to the left they must surely have cracked their head. :lol: :lol:

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