My resignation as a CT poster

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longtimelurker":280rxquq said:
cypressfarms":280rxquq said:
No offense ltlurker, but you've only been a member for how long??? I really don't think you understand the can of worms your talking about.
5 months fewer than you have. I have seen alot.

O.k., the sidebar besides your name states you joined in 2010. Are you an incarnation of someone else (as I was told), or you having trouble with math. Come on, everyone can see the problem here. The way I was raised,I would quit moderating if it meant that CT was losing members because of me. Dont get me wrong; I have nothing against Frankie saying whatever she wants as a member. We should all have that right. But when it comes to driving away members it's time to step aside. Again, why would a member known for having such heated arguments be a moderator? It doesn't make sense. I am no incarnation of anyone. I'm the same Cypress (Mark) that I've been since 2005. I don't harass people and I don't cuss, and I rarely talk politics. I haven't been banned from CT because I, like most, follow rules. In this instance, though, I have to stand up for what I think is right; and this isn't right. I'd love to hear Dun's take on this. I'm assuming he's staying out of this because he always takes the high ground; a very decent man. But what if I get on the "hit" list next. You know Frankie, I don't have any pure angus. I only have Brangus and beefmaster and a few various others. I just bought a Charolais bull and will probably buy a hereford bull soon. Am I the next target?

For those of you who bad mouth some of the members mentioned earlier. Caustic, and others, personally offered to help me last year when I battled cancer and was having hay/other problems. They probably don't want me to say that - but these are good people. Without the Caustic's, Backhoe's, AC's, Jeanne's, etc. this would be a sad world. If you can't see that Frankie, I feel sorry for you.
bigbull338":2ayonaac said:
ok guys ill jump in here 1 more yall know ive been here a good ive had my clashes with members an mods a like.ive said what i think as well as challanged the mods an the head man on this board for out right crappy rules.they will not give a reason for anything they they wont bann ole hoss.because they know that they would be at war with the members.i told them to bann me if they could back it up with facts long they didnt.ive been here 5yrs now.
:lol2: What're you sayin' bigbull? When've you been in an argument?? :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Frankie":2h8blhm1 said:
Watch out, Lurker, if you question them, they'll go after you, too. Like most bullies, they just hate being questioned.
Frankie I never said I agreed with the way this mod was behaving. I just said the administrator is aware of the situation and has not visibly addressed it reason being is that this mods actions are condoned by the Administrator. I don't own this site he does. His rules.
Boy I hate to see HOSS go.
Or anyone else for that matter, who knows maybe some one of them could be able to convince Jogeephus to try E-Scrabble. :lol:

I really don't know all the specific rules either, however I do know right from wrong.
But also I know that what I want to write either on a forum or via email sometimes does not relay my real intent. Likewise what I read is sometimes not what was a poster's real intent. As I find out after reading their second or third post on the same topic.

It might be a good rule for everyone to write something then post it immediately into a limbo area that no one sees for an hour so they can go back and change or delete it before anyone else can see it. That would give the original poster a chance to re-read or re-think their post and make changes if need be.

Remember everyone contributes to a discussion sometimes positively and sometimes not so positively.

Sometimes they just go unnoticed and sometimes they should.

Good Luck Everyone. JLP
cypressfarms":3bvaf8wf said:
O.k., the sidebar besides your name states you joined in 2010. Are you an incarnation of someone else (as I was told), or you having trouble with math. Come on, everyone can see the problem here.
Yes I do see the problem here, yes I am also a reincarnation, the reason I have had to change names is not by my choice but the site owners choice. The bias you are speaking of is the reason I am on my 12th username.

Learn to live with it. I may need to change usernames from time to time, but I still can offer real life experience, and a lifetime of knowledge obtained the hard way. This is much larger than one mod, keep in mind they can behave however they like they own the site, you are their guest. If you think you are better than they you also will be registering a new username.

Help who you can, educate who wants to learn, don't worry about the small stuff. Anyone who hangs their hat on a single breed as being the almighty best and everything else is junk, aren't really in the industry for the industry they are in it for themselves.
The way I understand it, the purpose of having moderators in the first place is to keep things from getting out of hand. In this case, the moderation has had the opposite effect! A long time and popular member has been offended by the deletion of a post and quit the forum. Instead of explaining to the poster or their upset supporters why it was deemed necessary to delete the post, the alleged moderator posts in the resignation thread in a manner that mocks the group?? And is it really too much trouble to re-post the rules so everyone can get a refresher course and follow them??

Sometimes it's not about being right or wrong on a particular detail, it's about what's best overall. A post to the effect of "neener, neener, neener, I'm right and you were wrong" really isn't productive and a moderator should never fan the flames when acting as a moderator and not posting personally.

This incident has caused the loss of Hoss and really irked many other long-time members who sure don't seem to be trouble-makers or drama junkies from what I have seen in my time on here. Was that a good job of moderating??
The thread Hoss posted on is public schools are in trouble. Witchtalineman was the one who posted started the topic had a link i did not look at the link because it takes to long. Hoss was the third person to post on the thread. Said some thing about that being the reason he and his wife home schooled there kids. And that his post would likely be deleted. I read his post before it was deleted did not see any reason for it to be deleted.
It just gets more amusing by the minute. All of you are missing the entire equation..........

When the CT board slows down with the hits and the discussion, something is needed to bring it back to life again. It's been that way for a long, long time.

I don't post very much at all anymore, because it's just not worth the time and effort to stroke the pocketbook of the powers to be.

It's amusing how our supermod Frankie can start a thread or make conversation that would not be tolerated from any other member. As long as you're liberal and lean waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to the left, your viewpoint will fit in right nicely.

However, if you are capable of thinking for yourself, your opinions just don't pass the muster of Frankie and Cattle Today.

I'm not liberal, I'm not conservative. I prefer to think and to reason on all subjects as to what is the best solution regardless of political dogma.

But then, we can't talk about politics, society, or any other matter that is non-cattle unless it is brought up by Super-Mod Frankie.

Check it out sweet-pea. I'm not one that has multiple identities. I post from 2 and only 2 ip addresses. One from home, one from the office.

Not all of us are on the bandwagon of having multiple identities and trying to skirt around the rules.

The board rules say "no politics", yet you can post opinions on society that are considered ever so political, while everyone else is slapped down, deleted, or banned.

You finally admit that you're a mod. Good for you!

You should have done that long ago, as should have each and every person on the board that is a mod.

Your title under your user name should state MODERATOR and you should be damm proud of it.

If you or any other moderator are going to moderate, then do it and don't hide behind the mask. But then if you do that, they you can not continue to break the rules that you enforce upon others.

To be such a "non-political" type of place, there sure are a lot of politics here.........
curtis":14jtrutw said:
I told the truth about the schools an look what happened...... Locked
Curtis, you sure did tell the truth, Good on you
grannysoo":1b8acya8 said:
It's amusing how our supermod Frankie can start a thread or make conversation that would not be tolerated from any other member. As long as you're liberal and lean waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to the left, your viewpoint will fit in right nicely.
KInd of funny that frankie was a moderator in May of 2009 and was posted in the thread
Members leaving CT
by alftn on Fri May 22, 2009 11:20 am

This web site is great.. but it is a very right wing place.

dun":260o896g said:
This web site is great.. but it is a very right wing place.

Perhaps so Dun, but I would think farmers/cattlemen in general would tend to be more conservative.

I don't care about the politics. I can watch the news for that. I could easily go to MSNBC if I'm a liberal or FOX if I'm a conservative. I'm here for nothing to do with politics.

I believe that what this thread is showing is not politics, but a mod's ability to "unfairly" delete/alter posts by certain members that the mod just doesn't like for some reason. Heck, I've even been thrown into the fray, and a mod gave another member a warning to watch out about me, that I'm a bully. This is childish.

Dun, many on here respect your opinions; I know I do. What do you think of this current situation?
cypressfarms":1gg1ixuv said:
dun":1gg1ixuv said:
This web site is great.. but it is a very right wing place.

Perhaps so Dun, but I would think farmers/cattlemen in general would tend to be more conservative.

I don't care about the politics. I can watch the news for that. I could easily go to MSNBC if I'm a liberal or FOX if I'm a conservative. I'm here for nothing to do with politics.

I believe that what this thread is showing is not politics, but a mod's ability to "unfairly" delete/alter posts by certain members that the mod just doesn't like for some reason. Heck, I've even been thrown into the fray, and a mod gave another member a warning to watch out about me, that I'm a bully. This is childish.

Dun, many on here respect your opinions; I know I do. What do you think of this current situation?

The pint I was trying to make is that some see things as right wing others left wing IF THEY DON'T AGREE
Hey Hoss you can't go, who will I have as competition in travels and food etc.....and I have always enjoyed your posts and the photo's you have shown us. Please reconcider and don't let them win, 'cause if they are reading this thread they will see what an asset you are to CT and how everyone likes your posts and leave you alone. Can't see why they should pick on you in the first place. :)mrgreen: envy is a bad trait.)
O.k., I'm a guy who likes closure...

30 seperate CT gurus (with 1,000 or more - most had many more) posted on this thread voicing various forms of support for Hoss. A couple guru pluses stayed neutral. 6 seperate CT members with over 500 posts to their credit also voiced their support. 1 member actively voiced discontent with Hoss. 1 member with 12 incarnations, I'm not sure about. I'm not belittling the members who don't have many posts - sorry to those.

That is whole heck of a lot of gurus and active posters supporting an issue. How about some answers to close this issue? When you have 36 seperate well established CT members agreeing on one thing, you've really accomplished something. How many threads have we all agreed like this before? I don't know of any.

How about some real answers? Yes this is a board owned/ran by "someone", but can't that someone see the amount of discontent here? I've sent out pm's myself to try and get some answers. Several members have asked questions concerning this issue in this thread. This won't just go away; Macon can you help here??? :help: :help: :help:
Well, I'm just a cowhand here but from what I've seen I like this site. I would not like it if unbridled extremist viewpoints were allowed and would never have joined in fact. I don't care who stays and who goes. I've had a few posts deleted with no explanation. Whoop-tee-damdoo. :D
RN BSN":5tia07qe said:
The members of this board have made someone very, very rich.
I dont; care who you are, now that's funny,
Well...I got mauled by a cougar, I didn't learn nothing about cattle, and my Crystal Gayle tshirt is ruined.
My two cents say that I wanted to hear more about the Kimber .45 Hoss has. Also, without Hoss how am I gonna know about China?

Hoss is needed.

I don't know what post were deleted, didn't see them. If anybody knows and would PM me to let me know, I would appreciate it. From what I have seen I can't imagine Hoss posting anything that terrible. Always seemed like a very level headed guy to me.

And Beefy, I am sorry about your Tshirt.
(If you put a space or a - between t and the next word it comes up t-shirt. Yet people use vulgar words that I don't think should be allowed and they get through.)
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