I just got some really really bad news....

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
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I just got news from some edmonton police officers that Dad has been killed...a farm accident of some kind. I'm shakin like a leaf right now, I can't believe that this even happened...

Dad, he was always so careful with workin around machinery and such, and it's just awful that somethin like this has even happened. I guess bad things happen to good people....

OMG, I'm crying so hard right now, I dunno what's gonna happen to the farm...Mom rightfully owns it now, and the will for both her and dad are signed by me and my brother...

Dad was just gonna have his 55th b-day this saturday...and i already bought him something for X-mas...OMG, omg, omg...

Katy will keep you posted, I have to go home tonight, and i can't up to date when there's no interenet.

This is just awful.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Oh Karin,
How very awful for your family.
Sincerly sorry.

My Father passed when I was 22. I have an idea of where your at. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Your family has our deepest sympathy and are in our prayers. Should make us all focus on the important things in life, most of which are friends and family, not issues and things.
My heart breaks for you and your family.Your Mother especially is in my prayers.If you need anything Karin check your PM and I will do whatever I can to help.
I understand the shock you're feeling right now... please take comfort that everyone here is going to be praying for you and your family...

May God give you the strength to face the coming days and the peace in knowing you're surrounded by friends.

Angie @ Wisteria Farms
Oh Karin, that is horrible.

You and your family are in my prayers. I can't say I know how you feel because I dont, but just remember, pretty much all the people on this board are here for you if you need us. :heart:
Karin that is so sad, I feel for you and your family, you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I am off to Church tonight I will light a candle for you. Take care, lot of love Chris.
Karin it's always so sad to loose a love one. You,your Brother,and Mother have my most sincere prayer.

Wow. I am so sorry. Please accept my deepest sympthies for you and for your family. Bless your heart.

I wish all of us could be there for you. Just know that in our hearts we are. Thoughts and prayers are headed your direction, darlin'.
