Ebola in the USA

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so all you pro govt folks here bashing corey..this still america..obama aint got that far yet...i dont have time to et into all that horsecrap...

but i wanna know which of you is gonna line up for your ebaola vaccine...

ill make my choice..same as corey..america is about freedom..if my son didnt go to public school and it was a req id have rather had a choice. but i chose to go to public school so he had to have em to meet the req...so he got em...

there isnt enough people sick with ebola yet..soon as theres a chitload of money to be made..itll show up.
bash away..i got yer back corey

we raise cattle here not sheep...i think...
Hook":2gnwxamj said:
Again, I see this as an over reaction.

Actually, I scaled it back from what I actually think of that kind of selfish attitude.
Do I need to ask the question in different terms or can you answer it as it is currently stated?
Ok, I'll play along.
If by choosing not to vaccinate, and the event of an outbreak, they endanger anyone beyond themselves, at that point they should be placed under mandatory quarantine.
What gives anyone the right in this country to mandate vaccination, which if you are on the losing end of the lottery, could lead to death or serious complication? Who are you to tell anyone they have to vacc or else? Last I checked this still isn't Russia comrade
greybeard":22vgxlm7 said:
Hook":22vgxlm7 said:
Again, I see this as an over reaction.

Actually, I scaled it back from what I actually think of that kind of selfish attitude.
Do I need to ask the question in different terms or can you answer it as it is currently stated?
in that case you have some issues. Another wonderful thing about this country is one can still voice their opinion, comrade greybeard
I'm not against vaccines, I'm against the government telling me that I have to vaccinate my family or they can't go to school. But if you're religion states it's taboo to be vaccinated you don't have to follow the rules. And the one's who religion states it's taboo is the one's that need vaccines the most. I was hoping maybe Chuckie would help you out Corey. Because I know I'm not smart enough to debate the facts as I see them.
That's exactly my point Highgrit. Just because the government says it's safe, doesn't make it so, and it should be left up individual choice.
The small pox vaccine killed a bunch of people, caused a lot of problems. Whooping cough vacc is only roughly 70% effective. mmr vacc has too many links to neurological problems and deaths, but the docs won't tell you about that. Some vaccines are created using replicated human cells from 2 aborted fetuses from the 60's. Aborted solely for the creation of the vaccine.
It should be an informed choice.
Hook":yu4ba1k0 said:
Ok, I'll play along.
If by choosing not to vaccinate, and the event of an outbreak, they endanger anyone beyond themselves, at that point they should be placed under mandatory quarantine.
What gives anyone the right in this country to mandate vaccination, which if you are on the losing end of the lottery, could lead to death or serious complication? Who are you to tell anyone they have to vacc or else? Last I checked this still isn't Russia comrade
What gives you the "right" or "freedom" to think you can disregard what has always been determined to be "constitutional"??? You're rights and freedoms are not unlimited and never have been !!! And in reference to your question "dam right I'd take the ebola vaccine". Just about any medicine or vaccine you take comes with warnings. Hook you're exactly like this guy in Dallas that is currently in critical condition. He was willing to do whatever it took to get back to the US, knowing he had been exposed but also knowing he had a better chance of survival over here. He was willing to lie to all authorities about everything just to get back over here. He had NO CONCERN for anyone else or what might be the longterm effect of his bringing this disease to our country. As long as you can get it "your way" you don't give a dam about anyone else. :!: :!:
How am I like the Dallas Ebola guy tb? That's a reach. Simply because I feel it should be a choice? You're arguing a hypothetical, there isn't an Ebola vacc.
Again, if there was an outbreak of a disease that there is a vacc for, it wouldn't be difficult to force a mandatory quarantine for those not vaccinated. I guarantee each person not vacc is known to each health department of each state or county in this country.
The nbc camera guy and the NBC doctor and crew went to Liberia knowing Ebola was there. The camera guy got infected. Now the rest of them are in quarantine. Calculated risks.

What's next, ridicule someone for not gettin the flu shot? The flu kills a shyt load of people every year. Don't hear anyone here getting all pizzy about that. Make it mandatory. Right? :bang:
Hook":jt5ypukx said:
How am I like the Dallas Ebola guy tb? That's a reach. Simply because I feel it should be a choice? You're arguing a hypothetical, there isn't an Ebola vacc.
Again, if there was an outbreak of a disease that there is a vacc for, it wouldn't be difficult to force a mandatory quarantine for those not vaccinated. I guarantee each person not vacc is known to each health department of each state or county in this country.
The nbc camera guy and the NBC doctor and crew went to Liberia knowing Ebola was there. The camera guy got infected. Now the rest of them are in quarantine. Calculated risks.

What's next, ridicule someone for not gettin the flu shot? The flu kills a shyt load of people every year. Don't hear anyone here getting all pizzy about that. Make it mandatory. Right? :bang:

You're like him because you're only thinking of yourself and to he!! with everyone else. That was his thinking as well. You're going to exercise your rights even when it has already been constitutional held that in cases like this you have none other than to follow the law...Almost laughable that you are so against any "mandatory vaccine" for a highly contagious deadly disease because in your mind it would violate your rights..... yet you would give 100% support to a "mandatory Quarantine" of people who catch this same disease. Hypothetical?? yes.. but you don't want anybody telling ever telling you something is mandatory. BTW a majority of those who die from the flu have other complications which have already weakened the immune system.
Again, how is that tb, when I've been vaccinated and made the educated choice to vaccinate my kids? How is it about me when I simply advocate the ability to choose?
Anyone that doesn't get their flu shot every year is more like Ebola guy than I am. How about tb, have you gotten a flu shot every year since it's been made available? Any complications from that? Otherwise perfectly healthy people die from flu complications also.
Hook":2xxe1av3 said:
Ok, I'll play along.
If by choosing not to vaccinate, and the event of an outbreak, they endanger anyone beyond themselves, at that point they should be placed under mandatory quarantine.
What gives anyone the right in this country to mandate vaccination, which if you are on the losing end of the lottery, could lead to death or serious complication? Who are you to tell anyone they have to vacc or else? Last I checked this still isn't Russia comrade

Yet you still didn't answer a very simple and very direct question.
Do they also get to choose who they infect or not?

No, and it's not Liberia or Nigeria---and we can (and will) thank mandatory vaccination protocols for that.

Now--how would they know, and at what point would they know----that "they" have endangered anyone beyond themselves?
again--not rhetorical questions.

We use vaccines two fold.
1. Obviously to protect ourselves and family members from being infected.
2. To prevent unchecked spread of disease to others, and this, works far far better than quarantine. By the time any individual is symptomatic, (Be it human or livestock) they are already infectious, shedding the virus or bacteria and at that point, quarantine still does not protect the caregivers from infection. "Somebody(s)" have to take care of the sick regardless of the seriousness of the disease--that includes other family members and professional and volunteer medical personnel. You can call me a commie if you wish to, but I don't believe any of us have the right to un-necessarily put other people at risk.
For the greater part, vaccines are effective. Prevention is always more efficient than treatment--always.

Self serving people are always ranting about side effects and downsides to vaccines, but they never contrast those comparatively small numbers to the far greater numbers of lives that have been saved by vaccinating. Go figure.
Walk thru an old cemetery and note the number of tombstones with "died from cholera" or ""died from smallpox" inscriptions, then note how many are all in the same family.
I'm very allergic to both pennicillin and Slufa, but if push comes to shove, I'll take them before I risk infecting others with whatever illness I might have. It may be only a euphemism from a TV show, but I firmly believe, that "The needs of the many always outweigh the needs (or wants) of the few or one".
Hook":2ya585mt said:
Only if the constitution is shyt on. Mandated medical care for the entire populous. Pure socialism
If there is an outbreak

Thank you--that wasn't so hard after all.

There is a far greater and much more compelling doctrine most of us follow that trumps the US Constitution, and there's nothing in the constitution that makes the US doctors and other care givers to volunteer and risk their lives treating deadly diseases.
Our concern and love for our fellow man is spelled out in words spoken several thousand years ago.