Another update: That last load of 1/ Corr 1/2 MFB bred to a black MFB cows from Mexico I got Tuesday

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Aug 9, 2020
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NW Georgia
I sold the 7 solid black ones to that man that buys them all. Scott said of the 14 left was one that was colored like a Guernsey, with a dark red or brown head and cape. Another was while with a black head and cape with black points. One was tan or tawny with brown head and cape. One was solid tan or tawny. The rest were all dark red or brown, with black points. George has told me before that were 8, maybe 10, breeds of cattle used for MFBs. He said most of the time they are bred true....not much intermingling or cross breeding. 2 of the breeds tend to be black, and all of these maintain a registry, or at lest pedigrees. He said the names of the breeds are usually the man's name, or the ranch name, where they originated. If you do find the cows that are a cross of 2 of the breeds, then one half is almost always one of the blacks. for the reason people are breeding black Corrs. These cows we got, 1/2 MFB and 1/2Corr, were because either a MFB cow wasn't producing bulls good enough to go to the ring. and was turned in with Corrientes . Or a MFB bull didn't make the grade, and was just turned out with Corr cows. All of these are heavy bred to a black MFB (that didn't qualify to be sent to the ring). Again, for the same reason people breed for black Corriente.

Scott said that they all look like our Corrientes, but a little stockier looking and heavier, but not much taller than our oldest Corrs, if any. He guesses these to be 800-900 lbs or more. They all had the horn shape we wanted, the same as a MFB, so that is good. It will make the steers worth a little more and easier to sell.

3 of them have calved the night they got there. All 3 are black. He said if one of these 3/4 MFB calves were standing beside one of our Corr calves and one of our Corr x MFB calves, you could tell the difference in them... a little "beefier" looking.

Disposition wise, they are as good or maybe even a little gentler than our Corr herd. Clay unloaded these in our corral, and they all ran straight to water, and drank off and on for an hour, Scott said. He sent Zeke in his truck to get some hay. Zeke can drive great....he just can't get a license, and we never let him on a paved road. Typical Zeke, he brought 14 bales...he wanted each cow to have their own bale. :) Scott said they went back over there after supper, and they were all just lying on hay piles chewing their cud. Most lying close to or against the corral, and didn't even get up when Zeke climbed up on the panels to look at them. One didn't move when he reached in and touched it. Next morning that first calf was there, and Scott got in to try to walk closer to it to see what it was. He said the cow just trotted off to a far corner with the calf. Never acted excited or threatening. Yesterday, he and Zeke took their horses and just eased them up to the back of the place til they found the herd, at a walk.
Well, you've at least partially dispelled questions I had about dispositions. At any rate, I can't wait to see how the bulls act.
These cattle are no different than any other cattle. They are not born killers. A MFB raised on a bottle would be as gentle as a Jeresey bottle calf. The first year of their life, they are raised on remote pasture. They never see a human on foot, only on horse back. After they are a year old, the bulls are rounded up and carried to a facility ., where they are trained for a year. again, on horseback. The first and only time they ever see a man on foot, is in the arena in their first and last fight. Before they face a matador, they are goaded and tortured by the picadors on horse back, like they were their year in training, When the matador enters the arena, they are in a full blown rage, and spot a target to take it all out on that is smaller than a horse. The bulk is killed in the arena, because they would never fight him a second time. He would know what a man is then, and the matador would have little chance. On rare occasions, the bull's life can be spared by the crowd, kinda like in Rome, when a gladiator was given a thumbs up or thumbs down. If the bull is spared, then it is retired to stud, and will never fight again. If you ever see a bull fight in Mexico or Spain, you will see how the bull has to be goaded or coaxed into charging the Matador...the bull doesn't really know what a man on foot is. He is hesitant and confused by this new creature, and is keeping an eye on the horses in the arena, because for a year , the horses ( their riders) has been the source of their pain. If a bull was used a 2nd time, he would head straight for the matador as soon as he was released into the arena, before he could be weakened by all the javelines the picadors jab into his shoulders .

The first bull we will use, is the one born in January to the blue roan Corr. At weaning, he is going to be raised by Zeke as all our half MFB heifer calves will be. Might keep one bull calf intact that is from these 14 we got last week every other year or so, but the rest of the bull calves will be steered and sold for ropers.
Scott told me last night that the man who bought our herd last year, came by to see this new herd. So, Scott saddled up some horses and they rode around the place and looked at them. He told Scott he would give $100k for the herd....112 cows. Scott said no. The when he was leaving he told Scott " How about 110k?" Scott told him he would need to talk to me about that. He called me today, and I told him what we would sell for. I told him there still some of them we got in that first load of 100 that might yet have either a MFB calf or a Charbray calf...that we wouldn't know til September ( the latest any of them could have a calf if they were bred when we got them. They went in with the black bulls 1st part of January. He said he saw the 1/2 Charbray calves we already had ( 3 ) and that was fine with him. He asked about the bulls, and I told him those were on loan from Scott's brother J.T. and told him they were a composite of Chi-Angus, Black Simms, and Brahma, and I wasn't really all that crazy about using them. I told him I would ask J.T. what he wanted for them (and they are gonna be higher than I would pay for them). I told him that he could buy some Brangus bulls like he is using on our last year's herd for probably less money.
About 2 hours later, he called back and asked how much we wanted for the place. I said it is not for sale, then he asked if we would rent it to him. and I said no to that as well. I told him that we would let him leave them there , and he could pay us to graze them. That way we keep control of the place , which we couldn't if he rented. Told him that by tonight, I would email him a proposal.

So, this is what I am about to email him. I told him if he bought them at the price I quoted, it would be for 98 cows. I was keeping the 14 Corr/MFB cows we just bought, bred to the black MFB, because of the deal we are talking to @50/50Farms about them and their subsequent calves. I told him what we had worked out with Josh about taking the Corr heifers at weaning, and getting back half of them at 16 months bred back to the 1/2Corr 1/2 MFB we are raising. And any heifers they have, and any they have, etc.... etc . Pasture in this rough a shape would rent for $10 an acre down there...and it is 220 acres. So I told him we would graze up to 120 cows, and his bulls, for $2500 a year. We would tag the heifers for $25, tag and band the steers for $35 plus the cost of tags and bands. .We would supply salt and minerals, And at weaning we would round up the calves and have them in the corral for him for $25 each. We would haul the black ross bred steers and heifers to the local auction (about 15-20 miles) for $15 a head. And I would pay him $125 for any Corr steers when they were born. At the end of each year, if he didn't want to renew, we'd give him 30 days to move them. Can anyone think of something I might have missed?
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Scott told me last night that the man who bought our herd last year, came by to see this new herd. So, Scott saddled up some horses and they rode around the place and looked at them. He told Scott he would give $100k for the herd....112 cows. Scott said no. The when he was leaving he told Scott " How about 110k?" Scott told him he would need to talk to me about that. He called me today, and I told him what we would sell for. I told him there still some of them we got in that first load of 100 that might yet have either a MFB calf or a Charbray calf...that we wouldn't know til September ( the latest any of them could have a calf if they were bred when we got them. They went in with the black bulls 1st part of January. He said he saw the 1/2 Charbray calves we already had ( 3 ) and that was fine with him. He asked about the bulls, and I told him those were on loan from Scott's brother J.T. and told him they were a composite of Chi-Angus, Black Simms, and Brahma, and I wasn't really all that crazy about using them. I told him I would ask J.T. what he wanted for them (and they are gonna be higher than I would pay for them). I told him that he could buy some Brangus bulls like he is using on our last year's herd for probably less money.
About 2 hours later, he called back and asked how much we wanted for the place. I said it is not for sale, then he asked if we would rent it to him. and I said no to that as well. I told him that we would let him leave them there , and he could pay us to graze them. That way we keep control of the place , which we couldn't if he rented. Told him that by tonight, I would email him a proposal.

So, this is what I am about to email him. I told him if he bought them at the price I quoted, it would be for 98 cows. I was keeping the 14 Corr/MFB cows we just bought, bred to the black MFB, because of the deal we are talking to @50/50Farms about them and their subsequent calves I told him what we had worked out with Josh about taking the Corr heifers at weaning, and getting back half of them at 16 months bred back to the 1/2Corr 1/2 MFB we are raising. And any heifers they have, and any they have, etc.... etc . Pasture in this rough a shape would rent for $10 an acre down there...and it is 220acres. So I told him we would graze up to 120 cows, and his bulls, for $2500 a year. We would tag the heifers for $25, tag and band the steers for $35 plus the cost of tags and bands. .We would supply salt and minerals, And at weaning we would round up the calves and have them in the corral for him for $25 each. We would haul the black ross bred steers and heifers to the local auction (about 15-20 miles) for $15 a head. And I would pay him for $125 for any Corr steers when they were born. At the end of each year, if he didn't want to renew, wed give him 30 days to move them. Can anyone think of something I might have missed?
I'd make sure he knows he's only leasing grass, water, and wire if y'all are still gonna hunt down there.
So, this is what I am about to email him. I told him if he bought them at the price I quoted, it would be for 98 cows. I was keeping the 14 Corr/MFB cows we just bought, bred to the black MFB, because of the deal we are talking to @50/50Farms about them and their subsequent calves. I told him what we had worked out with Josh about taking the Corr heifers at weaning, and getting back half of them at 16 months bred back to the 1/2Corr 1/2 MFB we are raising. And any heifers they have, and any they have, etc.... etc . Pasture in this rough a shape would rent for $10 an acre down there...and it is 220 acres. So I told him we would graze up to 120 cows, and his bulls, for $2500 a year. We would tag the heifers for $25, tag and band the steers for $35 plus the cost of tags and bands. .We would supply salt and minerals, And at weaning we would round up the calves and have them in the corral for him for $25 each. We would haul the black ross bred steers and heifers to the local auction (about 15-20 miles) for $15 a head. And I would pay him $125 for any Corr steers when they were born. At the end of each year, if he didn't want to renew, we'd give him 30 days to move them. Can anyone think of something I might have missed?
Well, heard back from the dude today. You want believe this, @50/50Farms. He was fine with paying the $115k for the 98 cows and calves. Never batted an eye at the $2500 grazing fee. Was pk with the charges for tagging, branding, rounding up for sale, etc. But, he was hung up about one thing. Guess what it was? It was the "plus the cost of tags and bands"!!!
He said that was why he waited til today to call...had to think about that all weekend!!! I was speechless! So I said we will buy them then. Wasn't about to blow selling that herd for $115k that we had a little over $19 per head in. We had already been tagging and banding the ones born from January through today ( 2...a steer and a heifer). using 3 different color tags for the 3 different ranches in Mexico they came from. 20 of them came from a place that said they might be bred to a MFB ( 8 on the ground so far), and 10 came from a place where they could have been exposed to a Charbray( 4 on the ground so far) but all 100 were ordered as open. We already bought 200 tags when we got the herd and have plenty enough to finish them. Whew! Some people!!
This past weekend, the man that bought the 98 took them to his place. All we have left is the fourteen 1/2 Corr/1/2 MFB bred to a black MFB. We have struggled this week with deciding whether or not to re-stock the place. Yesterday, Scott found out he has to go in and get some by-passes 1st of May. With me being so far away, and not exactly in the best health either, we have decided to just use the place as we originally our personal hunting preserve. We will keep those 14 and any 3/4 MFB heifers they may have, just to see what the calves are like by a Brangus ( most likely) bull, but I don't really see the point since we are getting out of the business we did so well with over the years. Scott has decided not to convert his 400 acres of row crops to pasture, as well.

We will still have our annual dove shoot , and that is enough work to wear us out in itself. The past few years, we have released some pheasant and chukars that we get from a quail plantation close by. The pheasants are reproducing quite well. The chukars not so much, so we will quit trying to establish them. We have thought about doing some guided bird and rabbit hunts, but the cost of insurance would dictate having to do a LOT of hunts, We may try it this fall, and see if there is any interest. Most of the commercial quail plantations around, use all pen-raised birds, (that the help goes around about an hour ahead of the hunting wagons, and puts them out in clearings)_ and have ante-bellum lodges for guests to stay in, serve 5-star meals, etc,. We don't know how much interest there would be in a real , authentic hunts on rugged land, no bathrooms, and lunch being something from a grill, eaten outside on the tailgate or a picnic table. There are a couple of cheap motels on the interstate about 9 miles away. Our hunts would cost a lot less than the big commercial plantations charge, but, there is a reason they have all turned into nice facilities instead of just doing like we will do. If we were 30 years younger, we might would include the 400 acres across the road, and make a real commercial quail plantation. Getting old sucks. Honestly, to me is seems like a lot more work than tagging 100 calves once a year, and hauling them to the sale once a year. We'd have to be there before daylight with the horses and dogs, hitch my mule team up, and one of us would have to drive the team, and one of us would have to wrangle the horses for those who preferred to ride old-school style. And someone would have to be back at the base to fix lunch, etc. Then again, sometimes a new venture will put fire in an old man who is burned out on what they have been doing.

We are getting a lot of duck and geese since the beavers damned the creek for us that the EPA wouldn't let us do. And the place is crawling with deer and turkey. We thought about maybe selling a few "memberships" to some folks we know, but again, the insurance would cost about the same as if we were running one of the nice quail plantations.

If it were solely my decision, I'd just keep the 14 cows, and the 6 or 7 heifers...or however many they end up having, and raising 20 or so of the calves we have been producing all these years. They do make convenient trails criss-crossing the place. The calves will bring enough each year to pay the taxes, feed the dogs, horses and mules (if I don't sell the team) and give us seed money to buy the food for the annual dove shoot, and the money to sow the dove field each year. The hunting and fishing on the place, would just be for us and our families or friends we might invite. Or, I may just sell Scott my half of the place, and keep my happy ass up here away form the gnats! :)

The only good thing about being old, is I got to see all of the great bands. Led Zepplin twice, and the Allman Bros when Duane was alive! :)
On another note..... besides getting old really does suck...... any update on Miss Maisey? Zeke's grandmother??? Is he still staying at Scott's? I am one of those that, like Paul Harvey, wants to hear the rest of the story....
On another note..... besides getting old really does suck...... any update on Miss Maisey? Zeke's grandmother??? Is he still staying at Scott's? I am one of those that, like Paul Harvey, wants to hear the rest of the story....
She is at her house and a sister moved in too. Zeke stays there some and with Scott some, and he and his wife check on Mrs. Mattie a lot. With his surgery coming up, he will have a 6-8 week recovery, and the first 2 weeks he will have to have someone stay with him to assist him with bathroom, etc, so Zeke may just have to stay at home during that time. scott said Zeke is worried about him, and keeps coming up to Scott everytime he sits down, and pats his arm and says " you gonna be fine, Mr. Scott". Zeke is about to walk poor old Gaail to death. He leads her over to Scott's house about every day, to show her to Scott's wife and asks her if she is about to have her baby yet! LOL He and Gail have become very attached. The boy thinks she is a pet dog I guess! Couple of times I started to say something to him about it, but hell, I don't guess it is hurting anything. We will have to see how she is when the calf gets here, but maybe she will be ok around Zeke. Oh, and last time I was down there, he came up dragging this old pony cart Scott had, and asked me how he could hitch up Gail!!
Holy crap that Zeke cracks me up!

Good for him! Glad he has ya'll
Every since we bought Gail for him, I have been sending him pics from time to time., of your Jerseys and their calves. He says he hopes Gail has a bunch of calves! We exploained to him that they don't have all of them, that you buy extra calves with no mommas for them to take care of. He wanted to go buy some right then! He has about every penny we ever paid him! LOL We explained that Gail can't feed them until she has her calf. and that seemed to satisfy him, but he still asks Scott's wife about every day if Gail is about to have a calf. Today. I called Scott about lunch time, and Zeke was with him. He wanted to talk to me, and asked how Bessie and Ellie ( he calls Elanor Ellie) and their babies were doing. I told him they were probably thirsty because y'all haven't had any rain. They had about 3 inches last night. He said for me to come get him and take him over there and he would get them some water for you. I finally got him to understand that there wasn't any water to tote, and it would take a whole day to get there, and whole day to get back. Anyway, a little while ago, about 10 PM, Zeke called me. He said to tell you if you wanted to bring them to him, he would take care of them for you...that he has plenty of water! :) I think he had worried about them all day, and it took him this long to think of a way to help. He has said that Mr. Murray is a nice man, to take care of all of those babies who don't have a momma. , and he wants to be like you when he grows up! LOL. 6'4" and nearly 300 lbs, ..I hope he doesn't "grow up" much more.
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Every since we bought Gail for him, I have been sending him pics from time to time., of your Jerseys and their calves. He says he hopes Gail has a bunch of calves! We exploained to him that they don't have all of them, that you buy extra calves with no mommas for them to take care of. He wanted to go buy some right then! He has about every penny we ever paid him! LOL We explained that Gail can't feed them until she has her calf. and that seemed to satisfy him, but he stioll asks Scott;s wife about every day if Gail is about to have a calf. Today. I called Scott about lunch time, and Zeke was with him. He wanted to talk to me, and asked how Bessie and Elliev( he calls Elanor Eillie) and their babies wee doing. I told him they were probably thirsty because y'all haven't had any rain. They has about 3 inches last night. He said for me to come get him and take him over there and he would get them some water for you. I finally got him to understand that there wasn't any water to tote, and it would take a whole day to get there, and whole day top get back. Anyway, a little while ago, about 10 PM> Zeke called me. He said to tell you if you wanted to bring them to him, he would take care of them for you...that he has plenty of water! :) think he had worried about them all day, and it took him this long to think of a way to help. He has said that Mr. Murray is a nice man, to take care of all of those babies who don't have a momma. , and he wants to be like you when he grows up! LOL. 6'4" and nearly 300 lbs, ..I hope he doesn't "grow up" much more.
God bless that young man. I love hearing about him, what a good heart.
God bless that young man. I love hearing about him, what a good heart.
He sure does. Everytime I think about that sob beating him like that, I wanna kill him again ....very slowly. Zeke still has to have an operation on one of his eyes, It is a lazy eye. sorta,now. That pos did alot of damage to it when he stomped Zeke in the face so much, breaking the orbital socket. I have been trying to teach him to fight, but it is so hard, His granny raise dim to be gentle and kind, telling him fighting was bad and God didn't like it. I think part of it was she knew he could really hurt a kid bad with his size and freakish strength. He thinks I am mad at him or don't like him anymore everytime I try to work with him. It is frustrating, trying to turn a lamb into a lion. Scott is going to take n him by a studio tp see if he might like to take karate lessons.
He sure does. Everytime I think about that sob beating him like that, I wanna kill him again ....very slowly. Zeke still has to have an operation on one of his eyes, It is a lazy eye. sorta,now. That pos did alot of damage to it when he stomped Zeke in the face so much, breaking the orbital socket. I have been trying to teach him to fight, but it is so hard, His granny raise dim to be gentle and kind, telling him fighting was bad and God didn't like it. I think part of it was she knew he could really hurt a kid bad with his size and freakish strength. He thinks I am mad at him or don't like him anymore everytime I try to work with him. It is frustrating, trying to turn a lamb into a lion. Scott is going to take n him by a studio tp see if he might like to take karate lessons.
Might take some time, that beating has got to be a little fresh in his mind.
Might take some time, that beating has got to be a little fresh in his mind.
I am sure it is. That's what I got to work on. I don't want him living in fear. When I get done, he is going to be over that fear sh*t,. I want his thinking " I can't wait til the next sob lays a hand on me or my family or friends. I am going down there tomorrow. Scott's brother is bringing 12 1.2/Brahma 1/'2 Chianina heifers with month old Angus heifer calves down there. He AI's them with sexed Angus semen, to get these calves. He wants them bred back to his bull we have down there, a 3/8 Chi-angus, 3/8 black Simm 1./4 Brangus. he loaned us. I was all fpor it at first..that would give us 26 cows and 26 calves on the place, and we have run 4 or 5 times that most years.. But, Scott was already talking about putting a molasses( protein) tank in the back part of our arena, to get our cows coming in there and hanging around. He thinks just 17 pair on 220 acers of rough ground would be hell on us when it is time to round up and wean calves. And, he said his brother for sure wants to do that, and hang oilers on the gate between the front and back halves of the arena. and under the p-asrt of the pole barn that covers 12' in the back corner . I think he is going to cause a huge fly problem come time for the dove shoot fish fry lunch and BBQ that night.

Also, he said Ms, Mattie told him social workers were coming by tomorrow to monitor and evaluate her situation. We have decided we need to be there as well.

All 17 of our Corr x MFB cows have calved..8 heifers and 6 bulls. I asked Clay to go down there with me in case we vfind any of the bull calves we know for sure right now we want to cut.
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It turned out to be quite the drama Tuesday, at Ms. Mattie's house when the DFACS people showed up to "inspect" her house to determine if she was in a good place and in good health. What happened would have made a good reality TV show! :)

When I got there, Scott and his wife and the old church folks were there. Scott said they had come to clean the house and do some yard work before the inspectors got there, but Ms, Mattie keeps a spotless house any way. Right after me, the sheriff (who is black pulled up), and right behind them was two of our annual dove shoot customers...a retired family doctor and this young real estate attorney. I pulled Scott aside and asked him wth was going on, and he said they had gotten word there was an agenda. They ( local dfacs) were bound and determined to put her in a nursing home. About that time the dfacs people got there...her local case worker, a supervisor from Atlanta ( black) and the nursing home owner ( black man from up north somewhere). Right behind them were the prez and VP of the local black MC. They own a company that installs and repairs commercial poultry house equipment, and they rolled on their bikes. Then the prez and VP of the local MC that supports our dove shoot benefit, and who did all the modifications to Mattie's house to make it handicap accessible, and who built the ramps on the church's front entrance and the bathroom entrance in back. One is a contractor, and one owns a porta-potty business, that is bringing an airconditioned bathroom trailer to the dove shoot for the church ladies helping us with the meals, and who is gonna give it to the church after the dove shoot. They came in HB's work truck. Bear with me, who these people are and what they do comes into play later on.

The sheriff met them when they got out of the car, and introduced himself, and the nursing home owner introduced the sheriff to the 2 DFACS people. The supervisor from Atlanta, said " Thank you for coming sheriff, but we most likely wont be removing " the subject" from the house today. We will call you, though, when and if t it comes to that". Sheriff said " I KNOW you won't be removing anyone from here today, and I am here to make sure of that!!" He then introduced them to the doctor ( didn't say he was retired or wasn't Mattie's doctor, just that he had known Mattie for over 60 years)..introduced the lawyer, but didn't mention that he was a real estate attorney, then introduced me and Scott...Scott as a local farmer, and me as his friend and partner. Then he introduced the 2 black MC members and HB and RoadKill as local business owners. The DFACS dude would not shake hands with the 2 black Mc members. Oh, and Mattie's home health care nurse was there ( a young black woman). So, they explained they were here to check on Ms,. Mattie's living conditions, her food situation ( her fridge, freezer and cabinets were stocked full), and her mental and emotional state ( whatever that means).

They could find NOTHING wrong with the house...all up to code as far as ADA codes, etc. The HHC nurse had impeccable records of Ms, Mattie's care, follow up visits with doctors, etc.

That was when it took a sinister turn. DFACS dude said" Well we need to sit down and talk with Ms,. Mattie alone, with Zeke, would y'all excuse us?' Sheriff said " Ms, Mattie are you ready for these folks to get out of your house? She said "yes sir". So sheriff escorted them all out of the door. He said "lets just all go sit under the pecan trees and we can do what talking needs to be done out there" So here went Ms Mattie and all her church ladies and her sister...everyone...out to the front yard. DFFACS dude said " Well, we still need to talk to Ms, Mattie ( He said Mrs, Harris...Harris is her last name) and the "boy" alone. So the lawyer spoke up and said. She has a right to have legal counsel with her during questioning. and a right to her medical professionals ( old doctor and HHC nurse), with her as well when you are questioning her mental and emotional, as well as physical states. Zeke is 18 years old, and ( Scott and his wife) have power of attorney over his affairs, so they can be present, even though your department of DFACS has no authority in any matter concerning Zeke. I will only allow him to answer questions pertaining to her health, provided I deem it is a question he is able to answer. If not, I will advise his legal guardians if they must answer each questyion or not" ( total bluff. he is a real estate attorney that does closings)

DFACS dude loses it! He said "The REAL reason we feel this is an unhealthy living enviroment for Mrs, Harris and the "boy", fact a DANGEROUS evident here today. We have reports of intense motorcycle GANG activity in and around these premises. He said'Sherrif, have you investigated this gang ( pointing at the 2 black MS members) , searched these premises? How do you know they are not dealing drugs, guns, etc, and using this poor woman's residence as a base...a safe house?!!' ( Racial profiling much?) And this other gang, with the racists, white supremacy "cuts"? They are often seen entering and leaving these premises. Are they intimidating her, extorting her for her meager SS checks, etc?' He started some kind of BS that I didn't quite understand, about cultural appropiation or mis-appropiation, or something, meaning it was wrong for a black boy to be in contact with white rednecks ( me and Scott) and ' white supremacists gangs, and criminal elements like (named the black MC). I am FLOORED. I kept thinking " My God, what would the DFCS legal department think of these wild accusations this government official is slinging around?!! DFACS dude said" We found a "cut" ( MCs dont call our colors a "cut".. we call them patches) from the white supremacists gang in the boy's room!" Yes, Zeke is an honary brother and has a denim vest with the center piece on back. It is very close in appearance to my avatar). I wear a Rebel flag cap when I don't have a cowboy hat on, and gave one to ZEKE, who wears it constant;ly. About that time here he comes from the pasture behind the house, with Clay, who he had took down there to show Gail to him. That really set DFACS dude off. Sheriff said" Are you talking about this MC (pointed at the black MC Prez and VEEP), that had 2 members stand guard at her hospital room 24/7, because the perp that attacked them still hasn't been caught? Or this MC, who donated their time and money to remodel this house AND the church to accomodate wheelchair bound people? That at least 2 members ride by and check on her every day?!! These are the criminal elements you think I should investigate?!! You are right, I think I DO need to investigate something. Like why a DFACS team doing a welfare check, brings along a nursing home owner?!! And all y'all have said is how she might be better off in his nursing home, not a nursing home?" It was kinda comical...the church ladies started shouting AMEN. Bless him Lawd. Praise Jesus! LOL
Zeke had come over to stand beside me when he and Clay came up. He was crying and whimpering, because he said he was scared those people was going to "get" him and/or Ms. Mattie. I told him to hush up and said" Don't you remember when y'all got attacked, I told you that no one was gonna hurt you or your Mewmaw ever again as long as I am around. And your MC friends told you the same thing? And Mr. Scott?" Then DFACS started in on ME!!! My horse trailer that day had a logo ..Dixie Rebel Performance Horses, and the logo is what is on my avatar. He pointed that out: Said something about me making Zeke wear that cap like mine. Then he called Scott out, said he had a Rebel flag on the flag pole in his front yard ( He does). Said that Scott and I throw a drunken party for the white supremacist motorcycle gang every year (talking about our dove shoot BBQ).
Ms. Mattie had been sitting there in her wheelchair under the pecan tree this whole time. just crying in her hanky. She motioned me and Scott over, and said " Help me stand up, boys. Y'all is good boys and I done heard all I am going to hear." We stood her up, and she raised her head up and said " Lawd, please forgive me . I have tried to be a good Christian all of my like, but you fittin' (She meant "fixing") to be angry wit me. I ain't gonna be so good a Christian right now!" Since I first met her about 1977, I have NEVER heard this ladyy say a cuss word. But she shook her finger at the DFACS crew, and said " I have heard just about a damned nuff" She put her arm around me and Scott and said " These are my BABIES you calling a races( she meant racists) She pointed over at the 4 MC members and said " These are my BABIES you standing there saying they are crinimals ( That is how she pronounced "criminals") and races! Mr, Damn Yankee DFACS Man, you need to take your ****** ass (I about died laughing) out to the woods and find yo' ass a momma grizzly bear, and try to get one of her babies, You gonna come out a hell of a lot better tryin to do that, than to roll up in here in MY place and and jump on MY babies like this! Now, y'all get the hell off my property!"

It got quiet as a mouse. I told the sheriff " They probably do need to go. They have gotten her upset, and have you seen the body language of the two MC presidents? " He said " yeah I have and yours! " He told the group. " You heard the lady, she doesn't want you on her place, so as of now you are trespassing. " He escorted them to the car, and HB walked over and smiled, opened the local DFACS lady's door. He then opened the back door for the funeral home owner, and the dude said. We WILL be back!" HB grinned and said "God, I hope so!"
DFACS dude was was a state car they were in. Actually a Tahoe, and he pulled to the end of the drive and stopped. I told Clay to take the truck and go back to the Kudzu place and load the horses, and told Zeke to go get his side by side, and he could drive me down there, I wanted to talk to him. As we're leaving , I saw the Tahoe back up to the yard again, and DFACS dude got out and went up to the sheriff and started talking to him. We went on down to the place, and I told Zeke to get his fishing rods out, and we'd move some more fish from, the pond to the beaver damn for a while.

Wasn't too long til Scott and his wife came down, to tell me what went on with DFACS dude and the sheriff. He told the sheriff that the case was closed. That he had never seen a case where a senior citizen had a better home, and never had he seen such a support group. That his official report is there would be no facility anywhere that would be a better enviroment for Ms Mattie than right there in her home. He said he wanted no part in fighting a momma grizzly AND her yard full of "babies"!!!! :) DFACS administers Medicaid in Ga, and that he was going to ask for a deep audit of the nursing home dude's THREE that he owns in south Ga. He told the sheriff he had learned a lot about MCs, and the supposed racism in the south., that he had grown up hearting about all of his ;life in wherever he was from up north. And he even shook the 2 black Mc members' hands before he left. Si I guess everything is alright, Scott said Ms Mattie was all tore up and crying, about her cussing at the DFACS dude, til their old preacher came up and reminded her that Jesus got mad and ran the thieves out of the temple, so he figured God gave her a pass for that little incident. :)

And I left that morning to just go catch and cut some bull calves, and check out the Brah x Chi cows Scott's brother brought over.
Say what you will of those who genuinely think the south is full of violent racists who routinely commit lynchings and armed escapades, they're certainly living in a very exciting reality for themselves.

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