lithuanian farmer
Well-known member
She got it yesterday!That cow deserves a half bucket of grain!
Forgot to mention the whole story about the calving. Saw cow lying with signs of calving at 7am. No straining seen, but she had a pool of slimmy liquid at her back end on the ground. A sign that she indeed has started calving. Left her for two hours as had some other work to do and didn't wanted to bother her. Came to check her at 9am. Nothing out, just she changed her spot. No progress in so much time meant that there was something wrong. Stuck my arm in and felt that calf's water bag was still intact, but could feel only one foot and the head. Called my mom to bring the rope to tie the cow to the tree that she wouldn't walk away and the calving jack. Tied the cow to the tree and went un to fix the leg. It was an easy fix, as the calf still wasn't in the pelvic area. That seemed suspicious to me and I had a thought that it could show that a calf is quite a heavy one. Decided to assiste her as there were no straining and she might have been in labor for quite long. Had some work with the jack, but at least both are alive and welll. Cow stood up right away after we pulled the calf out and the calf hinself is very allert and strong for his size. Alot of big calves tend to be lazy and not nurse at first, or even not stand up for a day or several.