It's muzzle is upturned and the lower incisors are showing. Does she have an underbite? Why is it that livestock owners don't care that exposure to Imidicloprid, the insecticide that is killing birds and pollinators at very alarming rates was also shown to cause underdeveloped facial bones (underbite or overbite) on grazing animals. The adults and young that died or that had such birth defects had the highest levels of Imidacloprid in their spleen. A new study on humans just came out that showed that exposure to Imidacloprid and other neonicotinoids is associated with decreased serum testosterone levels in humans, both males and females of all ages 6 years old and older. As the most used pesticides in the world, neonicotinoids have been detected in the urine of half of the US population aged 3 years or older and in spleens of a high prevalence of white-tailed deer far from fields where it is applied. I would think that livestock owners would be really concerned about this (especially the men - LOL - but really not laughing because Imidacloprid is killing most life, both invertebrates and vertebrates on the planet). Even if this calf doesn't have an underbite, livestock owners and parents should be very concerned.