wifes got stomach cancer

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dieselbeef":2jkoo011 said:
I know it..but it just don't seem right to us is all. but seeing some of the stuff people get funded for I don't feel so bad.
not like were going on vacation or asking for money for a tractor.

I understand. I'm the same way, so are my sister and her husband. He was so humbled by all the people who showed up at the benefit and all that was accomplished.

People who know you, will know that you and Angel aren't dead-beats. Accept the assistance. If people didn't want to help, they wouldn't. People who care want to help, and if they can't be there to assist with the day-to-day stuff (doing laundry, fixing meals, cleaning house etc) it gives them an opportunity to help in another way.

yer right its just one less thing to worry about. and if we don't need it or use it all st judes childrens cancer center will get it

What you have left over (if any), being donated to St. Jude's is a GREAT idea! They are a good outfit.
hopefully today. they wont let us sleep there anymore. different floor. back and forth. get home bout 9-10 and then do ranch stuff/pay bills/laundry. gage gets to catch up sleeping and I keep things up
school starts Monday. gotta git all that ready. supplies. haircut. before/after care for him.
hosp bout 50 mi away. I aint complaining but I thought I was busy before. at least my job is cutting me all the slack I need.
chemo appt weds for a consult. praying that goes well..
shes getting better. still fevering a cpl times a day. comes quick, spikes to maybe 102 103 then goes away. in an hrs time. doc says its to be expected but wont let her home like that. really hopin for today
thanks yall
This will test your mettle. Be strong, and be there for her first and foremost. Your son will be fine. I am sure he is a good reflection of you.

Stop every once and a while, take a deep breath, look up and ask, "help me Lord". God speed.
well in the few hrs since I last posted weve had a bit of a setback. the drain in her side isnt keeping up and they had to go back into the original incision to put in another vacuum drain. doc didnt mince either. just pulled it apart with his fingers and stuck a suction tube in there. it wasn't very nice or pretty. another different antibiotic to start now. more pain meds. less mobility.
this we didn't need. not gonna be going home this week don't look like. we thought for sure today...
I cant do anything for her cept be here. it hurts so bad to see her this way. I fix everything but I cant fix this.
gage is starting to get scared. he told me the hospital sucks. I told him he was right. but it was worse for mommy so we gotta be tough.
man its tough....
Gary, I'm so sorry to hear that. Setbacks are going to happen now and then, they definiteyly suck! Don't you just hate it when life gets in the way of your plans?!

She will be back home before you know it. Better that they find the drainage problem there than after she went home.

Gage is one tough little dude like his dad. I'm sure you'll give the guy the hugs, love, support and courage he needs. I know its really tough right now. Your main focus should be on taking care of yourself so you can take care of that little boy and be all the support and strength Angel needs.

Hang in there Gary, maybe one of your friends,family or neighbors can help out with some of the domestic stuff at home.

More prayers coming in your direction for the family.
So sorry Gary. I know it is disappointing that she can not come home yet. But it really is best that she stays and gets much needed rest and strength. The hospitals kick people out way too soon most of the time. (I see it everyday in my line of work.) When she gets home she is going to want to do too much, she won't be able to stand being down. This way she will be forced to rest. Trust me, it will be harder for both of you when she comes home. Give it some time.
Prayers for her and your family.
Sorry to hear about the setbacks, but Workinonit and BCG are right, it's a good thing they found the drain isn't keeping up while she's there, and keep her there until she's REALLY ready to go home.

y'know we're all thinking and rooting for y'all :)
It is a long row to hoe. Wish and pray for the best outcome.
My running mate is in the big C battle has the best attitude of anyone I have ever seen about it.
We have wore out several sets of tires going back and forth to M.D. Anderson.
After watching him I am convinced attitude and a good support group are just as important
as the doctors.
today wont be a stellar day at all
another surgery today. the drain isn't working right that's in her belly, she is having fluid buildup inside. so they need to take out the original drain and go inside manually to clean it up. its a pocket maybe like a tennis ball. doc says thats whats causing the fevers and the poor overall feeling . its really pretty minor but she still has to go under anesthetic tho. that's not good for her. might end up with another incision or he might go thru the original one.
hoping for the best. seems like every day I come in to a new problem. just not moving forward as much or a fast as we would like. its bringing her down.
sure would like to see some light at the end of the tunnel here.
its a tough row to hoe kids....tough
All that I (or we) can do is pray for her and you. And I am certainly doing that. It is good of you to keep us informed. It gives you a place to vent and for us it keeps the two of you in the front of our prayers.
So sorry to hear about the setback. Im sure everyone can't wait to get home, but I hope you can find some peace in her being where she needs to be for now. Praying for your family.
well the surgery went as good as it could. he got in there and cleaned up an abcess bout the size of a tennis ball. got 2 drain tubes now. with a vac pump pullin on em. thankfully not much comin outta her.
morphine/doloto/and stuff I cant even remember or pronounce being pumped into her to keep her outta pain and asleep all day today. good thing cuz the pain must be unbearable by the looks of the gash in her stomach. we spent the night last night and she hardly slept thru the pain of it all. today she slept most of the day which was good...she needs to rest and recover from another big day under the blade.
my boy is cryin when we leave the hosp now..he don't wanna leave mommy. cries when he lays down to sleep. took to sleepin in moms spot with me now cuz hes afraid.
first day of school Monday. mom wont make it. gonna be a rough start to third grade. breaks my heart. I don't know how im gonna handle that...its gonna kill me.
:cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
Gary, I haven't said anything about this, because I don't know what to say -- but you and yours are in our prayers. You're doing a good job handling all your handling! Somebody's got to be the "extra strong" for all of you right now, and you're it.