That law doesn't apply to me

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Jul 17, 2006
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South Georgia
Monday night I shared a few glasses (bottles) of wine with a dear friend from Italy. He is a catholic Brother and for those who are not familiar with this term, these people are not priests as they are not ordained but are laymen who committ their lives to Christ usually by the vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience. Anyhow, as we were enjoying the wine he mentioned that his neighbor who they always bought their wine from had recently died and he wished I lived closer so he could purchase wine from me. I chuckled and told him they would put me in jail for selling wine. The subject then moved to what I did with the second wine and he asked if I made (some term I was unfamiliar with) but it was a distilled brandy. Again, I laughed and said they would put me in jail for making brandy. Hearing this Brother went on to ask me WHY I allowed this to affect my life when I am not hurting anyone and my rights to liberty and the pursuit of happiness are clearly guaranteed in our constitution and bill of rights. At 72, he is a wise man and has devoted his life to education and he gave me some food for thought which I thought some of you might find as good fodder for the brain. From here, his guidance went something like this.

Liberty is a perception. We are all free to think and do as we please. The limitation to this right lies mainly in where we, as individuals, draw our personal lines. The story of the elephant trainer illustrates my point quite well. The trainer secures the infant elephant with a mighty chain, hitched to a formidable post. As the elephant grows larger,the trainer replaces the chain with a weaker tether, such as rope, secured to a stake. When the elephant is mature, the rope has been replaced with string, tied to a blade of grass. By this time, the elephant is certainly strong enough to escape the string, but has long ago stopped resisting what he first knew as chains. We all have many strings in our lives, tied to blades of grass.

Our right to liberty may also limited by our fear of consequences. Free thinking and free behavior are not always rewarded. Freedom of thought, freedom of behavior, the liberties we cherish so in name, are rarely cherished in action. Yet again, these rights are violated, they are denied, but they are not taken away - afterall, they are clearly set forth in our constitution and our bill of rights.

Just as the government denies the unborn child the right to life, does it not also deny us our right to happiness to barter and sell wine amongst each other? Or make brandy? Surely we are harming no one and both parties enter into this transaction under a consecrated free will, so why is it any of their business? Brother mentioned the Italians also have laws similar to ours prohibiting certain trivial things. And on the contrary, as he pointed out, the Italian mentality provides a simple solution in confronting these laws,"These laws do not apply to me."

Unlike the unborn child, we have a choice. Do we choose to be the elephant tethered to the blade of grass or do we adopt the Italian philosophy and enjoy good wine and conversation?

I found this conversation quite interesting and just thought I'd share it with you folks. Don't know if this is wisdom talking or the wine.
Jogeephus":11rf90d4 said:
I found this conversation quite interesting and just thought I'd share it with you folks. Don't know if this is wisdom talking or the wine.

Sometimes perhaps a little wine is the catalyst to tear down the walls so that the wisdom can come out. Bless the Brother and You for sharing. :clap:
Jo i wish you would not post such logic. This logic will is certian to lead to being tethered by chains.Because so many beleive that we need some one (goverment) to mind out busniess for us. I would gladly trade a bottle for a bottle with you.
Jogeephus":2ur2ippk said:
I found this conversation quite interesting and just thought I'd share it with you folks. Don't know if this is wisdom talking or the wine.

It was worthy of reading a few times Jo.
very good post.

The bottle of wine or corn whiskey or ________ is not the issue. What makes all things become illegal is greed.
Jogeephus":2efot341 said:
Don't know if this is wisdom talking or the wine.

"In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria."
(David Auerbach)
Jo, I enjoyed that. I have a cousin who is a Franciscain Monk of the catholic faith. I also have one of those life long friends who is not a Monk but is the best friend I have and will ever have. He and I have spent many hours in private retreat talking about subjects in the same enlightening fashion as you described with your friend. It is some of my most precious times of my life. Someone who removes any inhibition because you know that you can lay your heart in their hands and they would guard it with their life. I will add that wine helps also or in our youth we used good kentucky whiskey. :)
Sounds like you 2 men solved most of the worlds problems right there :tiphat: Now if you can get the other 6,999,999,998 to listen and agree. :D
"Our right to liberty may also limited by our fear of consequences. Free thinking and free behavior are not always rewarded. Freedom of thought, freedom of behavior, the liberties we cherish so in name, are rarely cherished in action. Yet again, these rights are violated, they are denied, but they are not taken away - afterall, they are clearly set forth in our constitution and our bill of rights."

What I found fascinating, Jogee, was two "Catholic" brothers discussing free thinking and freely thinking. I like it!
I'm not Catholic but I do share many of their beliefs.

I agree that taxes are the reason for many of these strings but in many cases the justification for these taxes have questionable legitimacy under our constitution of course when the constitution was written the state and federal govenment did not have one employee for every 10 that actually produces something of value or did they have 1.4 people riding on the backs of each working taxpayer. This is where it got interesting to me and while Brother did not specifically say this he seemed to imply that though Italy may be broke the people are not - barring of course those who hitched their horses to their socialist government's mule train. I got the impression the collective thought of the taxpayer was ENOUGH. I believe Highgrit said something similar to this the other day in a more concise southern way.
James T":wh62njw5 said:
"Our right to liberty may also limited by our fear of consequences. Free thinking and free behavior are not always rewarded. Freedom of thought, freedom of behavior, the liberties we cherish so in name, are rarely cherished in action. Yet again, these rights are violated, they are denied, but they are not taken away - afterall, they are clearly set forth in our constitution and our bill of rights."

What I found fascinating, Jogee, was two "Catholic" brothers discussing free thinking and freely thinking. I like it!
Why?? Even ordained Priests have a personal life in addition to their religious duties and total freedom to express their ideas and opinions on things.
Thanks for the compliment Melking but I was merely regurgitating what he told me. He did confirm many of my thoughts though but he said it in such a way it wouldn't pi$$ someone off as I would. The more I think on the conversation the more I see these strings are not just political but they can come from anywhere. Similar, I think, to what KatieThorpe mentioned a while back about one of her dilemas she found herself in. Seems there are a lot of strings out there when you begin looking closely at your life.
Thanks for sharing it Jo. It is truly worthy of reading. A gem.

"Birds of a feather" ???? What kind of folks are you hanging out with?

So it is not your wisdom but yet the wisdom of a friend. You listened. You comprehended. You remembered enough to communicate it to us. We are all enriched by the wisdom of the elephant training story.

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