: : I built a pond last year and the 10 inch schedule 40 darin pipe is clogged up. It comes up in a 90 degree angle. It isn't stopped up from the top of the pond to the bemnd but it is from where it comes out to the bend. I have tried un stopping it by rammimg a pole in it but to no prevail. Is there a chemical I could put in there or anything else that might help. I have fish in there so I am afraid to put anything toxic. Pleae help. My levy can't stand much more.<p>: The sewer snake is a good idea. Our neighbors had some irrigation piping clog and ended up pulling out some large dead catfish. I think their pipe did have a large screen on it at one time. The bad news is, to get theirs cleaned out, I believe they had to dive in. If your pond is not frozen and you wish to relieve some temporary pressure, set up a siphon hose over the dam or spillway. I'm not completely understanding the set up of your pond. Our overflow pipe (thru our dam) has never been reached, as all excess water runs out our spillway, but this pipe would prevent water from running over the top of the dam. We have a concrete water tank piped off of our pond to below our dam. We drilled holes in the vertical pipe and have it running out of the top of the water (another is near the top) and have had no problems with clogging on this system. Is it possible that once your system is unclogged - you may wish to consider extending the pipe if it is located near the pond's bottom? <p>: Is the outlet easily accessible? Have you tried working from the other end?<p>: I have heard of a home remedy to unclog drains - pour down some baking soda and then follow it with vinager - lots of bubbling and gas release - but I'm not sure if this would harm the fish - someone else may know. I'm not sure how easily this would be to perform in your situation either. Good Luck - Maybe someone has a big plunger you can borrow.<p>Thanks for all, the info...............