I wonder

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Red Bull Breeder said:
HSTexas said:
Quality over quantity, my good man.

Those people tend to know what they are talking about.

There might be a thread worth reading here a day, or there may not.

Plenty of filler that is better off not wasting your time.
Ranchers is so great what you doing over here???

He got lonely.
Dave said:
HSTexas said:
Dave said:
Time to time I hear the comment "take it to Ranchers". I do wonder why, because I do go there from time to time. There was a time when there were some lively discussions there. Good information was shared over there too. Now, you will be talking to yourself. There just isn't hardly anyone there these days.

Plenty of good discussion there. Not a bunch of filler like there is here.

"Take it to Ranchers" comment was always about politics. You wont find the political forum unless you log in over there.

Hadn't seen the comment used in a while either, but just considered I wasnt paying much attention. Interesting that the mod doesn't know that the political forum exists and is active.


Plenty of good discussion? The Ranch Talk gets maybe one post a day. The Horses and dogs had a comment back in May. The last comment in the Sports and Outdoors was back in January or February. In the Political forum 90% of the threads and the last comments those threads are by the same person. Ranchers use to be a active site. Not so much anymore.

Facebook came along, most of the cliques on Ranchers are friends on FB. I made over 11000 posts there in about 5 years. Haven't made 30 in the last 4. Big Muddy is one of the last holdouts, we email or talk on the phone anymore.

I knew Corey personally and knew many of his neighbors, he is gone now and it's not right to talk about him so I will just say I didn't share the same opinion of him as many did.

The political page was for the most part a pretty sad example of humanity, I was unfortunately drawn into a few discussions that I'm not real proud of.

I still feel very fortunate to have met and stayed in touch with many fine people from Ranchers Net. It's too bad other social media has drawn most of us away. I kind of feel like a fish out of water here at times, many of my posts draw few comments. Maybe it is because of Bright Raven's involvement in posting them for me because I'm too lazy to learn how to post photos myself. He was kind enough to offer the courtesy and I appreciate that.
gcreekrch said:
Dave said:
HSTexas said:
Plenty of good discussion there. Not a bunch of filler like there is here.

"Take it to Ranchers" comment was always about politics. You wont find the political forum unless you log in over there.

Hadn't seen the comment used in a while either, but just considered I wasnt paying much attention. Interesting that the mod doesn't know that the political forum exists and is active.


Plenty of good discussion? The Ranch Talk gets maybe one post a day. The Horses and dogs had a comment back in May. The last comment in the Sports and Outdoors was back in January or February. In the Political forum 90% of the threads and the last comments those threads are by the same person. Ranchers use to be a active site. Not so much anymore.

Facebook came along, most of the cliques on Ranchers are friends on FB. I made over 11000 posts there in about 5 years. Haven't made 30 in the last 4. Big Muddy is one of the last holdouts, we email or talk on the phone anymore.

I knew Corey personally and knew many of his neighbors, he is gone now and it's not right to talk about him so I will just say I didn't share the same opinion of him as many did.

The political page was for the most part a pretty sad example of humanity, I was unfortunately drawn into a few discussions that I'm not real proud of.

I still feel very fortunate to have met and stayed in touch with many fine people from Ranchers Net. It's too bad other social media has drawn most of us away. I kind of feel like a fish out of water here at times, many of my posts draw few comments. Maybe it is because of Bright Raven's involvement in posting them for me because I'm too lazy to learn how to post photos myself. He was kind enough to offer the courtesy and I appreciate that.

Some people you need to pay attention to and you happen to be one of them. We're lucky to have you on CT.
Gcreek please stick around. Your posts are very much valued here. Far to many like you that really know cattle and how to raise them have left here over the b.s that seems constant. People like you are why I come here and came here to start with. Contrary to recent history it is a cattle website to discuss all breeds of cattle. The benefits and drawbacks of each and answer questions for those that don't know by people like you who do. Thanks to all that have replied to my questions over the years for sharing your knowledge. It is appreciated.
Gcreekrch, I probably read the majority of those 10,000 posts. I was register but for some reason I could never log on. It wasn't until last winter on a snowy day that I just sat at the computer for a few hours and was able to break through. But for years I always opened Ranchers before I would look at CT. Even though I wasn't able to post I felt more akin to those on there than I did to those on CT.
Just looked up when I joined ranchers, November of 2008, different username. Enjoyed checking in and following a number of "characters". Only have 461 posts, mostly used the photo album to post photos till I used up the allotted storage. Enjoyed hanging out and just "listening". Much as I did before joining CT.
SmokinM said:
Gcreek please stick around. Your posts are very much valued here. Far to many like you that really know cattle and how to raise them have left here over the b.s that seems constant. People like you are why I come here and came here to start with. Contrary to recent history it is a cattle website to discuss all breeds of cattle. The benefits and drawbacks of each and answer questions for those that don't know by people like you who do. Thanks to all that have replied to my questions over the years for sharing your knowledge. It is appreciated.

Wasn't planning on wandering off, just questioning the value of having photos posted when many times there are only a couple of comments on each thread.

Maybe I need to start asking opinions...…………..
gcreekrch said:
SmokinM said:
Gcreek please stick around. Your posts are very much valued here. Far to many like you that really know cattle and how to raise them have left here over the b.s that seems constant. People like you are why I come here and came here to start with. Contrary to recent history it is a cattle website to discuss all breeds of cattle. The benefits and drawbacks of each and answer questions for those that don't know by people like you who do. Thanks to all that have replied to my questions over the years for sharing your knowledge. It is appreciated.

Wasn't planning on wandering off, just questioning the value of having photos posted when many times there are only a couple of comments on each thread.

Maybe I need to start asking opinions...…………..


I think that is common when someone posts pictures. If you look at the views rather than the comments, you will discover that your pictures are capturing a lot of interest. I post more pictures than most and they rarely generate a lot of discussion but they get a lot of views. Everyone enjoys seeing a cattle operation like yours. Personally, I was impressed with you doing your own caesarean.
gcreekrch said:
SmokinM said:
Gcreek please stick around. Your posts are very much valued here. Far to many like you that really know cattle and how to raise them have left here over the b.s that seems constant. People like you are why I come here and came here to start with. Contrary to recent history it is a cattle website to discuss all breeds of cattle. The benefits and drawbacks of each and answer questions for those that don't know by people like you who do. Thanks to all that have replied to my questions over the years for sharing your knowledge. It is appreciated.

Wasn't planning on wandering off, just questioning the value of having photos posted when many times there are only a couple of comments on each thread.

Maybe I need to start asking opinions...…………..
That how alot of people that went to ranchers felt Gcreek. I often read on ranchers but didn't post much.
gcreekrch said:
Maybe it is because of Bright Raven's involvement in posting them for me because I'm too lazy to learn how to post photos myself. He was kind enough to offer the courtesy and I appreciate that.
It is for me. After the way he treated a young lady named milkmaid on the board a few years ago and others since I don't want anything to do with him. I don't look at anything he posts these days unless it's an accident. My apologies to you if I've missed out on quality posts but I don't care to be friends with people that act like him and in some cases I have to assume that close association equals friendship.
gcreekrch said:
Wasn't planning on wandering off, just questioning the value of having photos posted when many times there are only a couple of comments on each thread.

Maybe I need to start asking opinions...…………..
Pictures submitted without much commentary usually don't get much commentary. Pictures of your cattle, and your part of the world have always been more than a little impressive, but most of us would probably have more to say about them if you were explaining more what it's like in your area, how you got where you are in regards to your high quality cattle etc. What you've accomplished I'm sure didn't happen over night and a heck of a lot of work had to go into it.
I'm always amazed that folks can successfully raise cattle in the climate you have and I don't think I'm alone in that thought.

What goes wrong, when you click the "add image to post" thing below the message box?
Glad to hear you arent taking off. I enjoy your pictures, I don't respond to most because it would be impossible to hide the jealousy in my post! Your operation is incredible and that c-section deal proves what the pictures show. You are the real deal. I think there are a lot more regular "lurkers" here than most realize. I try to learn and add if I feel I can.
Bright Raven said:
gcreekrch said:
SmokinM said:
Gcreek please stick around. Your posts are very much valued here. Far to many like you that really know cattle and how to raise them have left here over the b.s that seems constant. People like you are why I come here and came here to start with. Contrary to recent history it is a cattle website to discuss all breeds of cattle. The benefits and drawbacks of each and answer questions for those that don't know by people like you who do. Thanks to all that have replied to my questions over the years for sharing your knowledge. It is appreciated.

Wasn't planning on wandering off, just questioning the value of having photos posted when many times there are only a couple of comments on each thread.

Maybe I need to start asking opinions...…………..


I think that is common when someone posts pictures. If you look at the views rather than the comments, you will discover that your pictures are capturing a lot of interest. I post more pictures than most and they rarely generate a lot of discussion but they get a lot of views. Everyone enjoys seeing a cattle operation like yours. Personally, I was impressed with you doing your own caesarean.

Shoot, I have probably 100 pictures on the "What I'm seeing today" thread, and would be lucky to get more than one or two replies per picture.
Sorry to say it but there isn't a lot to debate about a picture, "great picture," and "good looking cattle" can only be said so many times before people feel it's already been said. Some do get more response, but as BR said, take a look at the view count.

Keep posting pictures, I love looking at pictures. I planning on making a photo dump on the forum the next time it rains, and I have more time.
SmokinM said:
Glad to hear you arent taking off. I enjoy your pictures, I don't respond to most because it would be impossible to hide the jealousy in my post! Your operation is incredible and that c-section deal proves what the pictures show. You are the real deal.
It would be difficult to say it any better than that!
Others I really look forward to reading their posts is Silver and 3waycross.
And, that one that always posts in the "beginner" section... ;-)
greybeard said:
gcreekrch said:
Wasn't planning on wandering off, just questioning the value of having photos posted when many times there are only a couple of comments on each thread.

Maybe I need to start asking opinions...…………..
Pictures submitted without much commentary usually don't get much commentary. Pictures of your cattle, and your part of the world have always been more than a little impressive, but most of us would probably have more to say about them if you were explaining more what it's like in your area, how you got where you are in regards to your high quality cattle etc. What you've accomplished I'm sure didn't happen over night and a heck of a lot of work had to go into it.
I'm always amazed that folks can successfully raise cattle in the climate you have and I don't think I'm alone in that thought.

What goes wrong, when you click the "add image to post" thing below the message box?

Brain goes into fight mode............

I am a far better conversationalist when asked a question than volunteering info. Careful what you wish for though, sometimes hard to shut me up.

Next time will try to post photos on my own, I still have back up.
cow pollinater said:
gcreekrch said:
Maybe it is because of Bright Raven's involvement in posting them for me because I'm too lazy to learn how to post photos myself. He was kind enough to offer the courtesy and I appreciate that.
It is for me. After the way he treated a young lady named milkmaid on the board a few years ago and others since I don't want anything to do with him. I don't look at anything he posts these days unless it's an accident. My apologies to you if I've missed out on quality posts but I don't care to be friends with people that act like him and in some cases I have to assume that close association equals friendship.

I had 12 years of teaching with an undesirable neighbour who tested my patience to almost the limit. Finally decided it was better for him to be pithed at me than vice versa. Life became a lot more bearable then.
Even more bearable when said neighbor went broke and we were able to buy his place at a court ordered sale for 60% of value.

Life is too short to hold grudges, never forget but forgiving is best.

Can one believe in the Good Lord and Karma at the same time?