Handling the Virus

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Feb 11, 2018
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I was wondering how everyone is handling the Coronavirus these days? It seemed to die down but now it's making a comeback. We don't go allot of places but I am definitely ready for things to get back to normal. I don't wear a mask but the wife does sometimes, neither of us have worn gloves, and we have both slowed down on the hand sanitizer. Both of us have had an exposure scare and been quarantined at least once (which really stinks). I constantly forget to social distance in public and have gotten some dirty looks. It seems to me that the virus is here to stay, thankfully it's not the killer they originally thought. I'm gonna guess that most of the hype will die down after November 3rd.

Edit: With all the other viruses that went around in the last 5-6 years I never knew anyone who had a scare, with this one I know several that have had it and a bunch that have had to quarantine. Makes me think it's here to stay and we just have to live with it until a vaccine comes out, which could take years.
Nothing changed for me except our plant nursery business boomed as people stayed home and started gardening. Personally i don't fear the virus, i actually wanted it to get it over and done with and move on. I don't head out much so it never really affected me that way. No mask wearing and only hand sanitiser when out with wife..... Where i am they have eradicated the virus and everything is back to normal, nightclubs opening, sports, restaurants, movies etc. I am doubting they will have a vaccine anytime soon if at all. Effective treatments is all they really need. Cbh oil is showing excellent results in trial. Resmed with stemcells. I think this virus will become common for a few years before dieing out.
Trump vs Joe! HaHaHa, Reminds me of the old Ag school joke:
If you farm the was your Grandpa did you will lose your butt,
If you farm & do everything the Ag Extension service says, You'll lose your butt quicker!
The virus is real and our politicians are blatantly using it .
This pretty much sums it up.
We have been played.

We have kept our circle small. 2 months no one but my immediate household, 3 weeks ago added 6 friends.

Wear masks in all stores but generally avoid going in. Entered my first grocery store last week...since March. Many stores require masks

Here if you come within 2 metres of someone you've got yourself an argument. If you see someone walking towards you on the street you move

I haven't been to the office since March, working completely from home

But. Life as normal otherwise. Canada has moved to phase 3 of reopening and our daily cases are very low. I'm actually proud of my community for how this was dealt with.
TennesseeTuxedo said:
greggy said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:
These are the end times, the virus will wipe out all humanity....

Unless we elect bumbling Joe.

Is Joe a Hawk enabler ?

Joe's a joke.

I actually feel sorry for Joe.
It's clear that he has dementia or early onset Alzheimer's. The party is using him like a prophylactic and will 25 amendment him if elected.
There is an evil here that is no longer hidden.
Silver said:
Well, obviously having mental disorders does not preclude one from becoming president.
so that's what's wrong with Trudeau, you would think it's bad enough being half a fruitcake, now he has mental disorders, hope things get better.
haase said:
Silver said:
Well, obviously having mental disorders does not preclude one from becoming president.
so that's what's wrong with Trudeau, you would think it's bad enough being half a fruitcake, now he has mental disorders, hope things get better.

Not sure how the Turd got dragged into this, that's a topic for another thread if you'd like.
You seem to have mentioned mental disorders, just thought you were talking about your leader, if that's not the case then please explain your comment, if its about our leader then don't bother, because no one in the US cares what Canadians think.
We're staying close to home except when absolutely necessary to go to town. Living out in the countrty makes it a bit easier I suppose. Wife hates going to the grocery store period !!! After reading a good short article about the face masks we started wearing them everywhere: "They are not for our protection but for the protection of others around us".
haase said:
You seem to have mentioned mental disorders, just thought you were talking about your leader, if that's not the case then please explain your comment, if its about our leader then don't bother, because no one in the US cares what Canadians think.

That's nice.
Silver said:
haase said:
You seem to have mentioned mental disorders, just thought you were talking about your leader, if that's not the case then please explain your comment, if its about our leader then don't bother, because no one in the US cares what Canadians think.
what do you expect, you post on pictures of sections of the border wall blowing down, when concrete wasn't even set, you thought that was funny, you seem to have a agenda against our POTUS, we have paid for other countries security for so many years, and and look at the boatload of money we paid Iran,what now we have someone that says enough is enough, pay your own Bill's, and also tired of getting screwed by china on trade deals, sorry glad to see some one getting back what we deserve, and my comments about you're country stands, because Canada doesn't have a back bone

That's nice.
haase said:
what do you expect, you post on pictures of sections of the border wall blowing down, when concrete wasn't even set, you thought that was funny, you seem to have a agenda against our POTUS, we have paid for other countries security for so many years, and and look at the boatload of money we paid Iran,what now we have someone that says enough is enough, pay your own Bill's, and also tired of getting screwed by china on trade deals, sorry glad to see some one getting back what we deserve, and my comments about you're country stands, because Canada doesn't have a back bone

I wonder if you could point out where I mentioned a particular POTUS? If you were to take a bit of time and do some investigating you will find my statement was actually correct.
You are of course welcome to your opinions, don't expect everyone to share all of them.
TexasBred said:
We're staying close to home except when absolutely necessary to go to town. Living out in the countrty makes it a bit easier I suppose. Wife hates going to the grocery store period !!! After reading a good short article about the face masks we started wearing them everywhere: "They are not for our protection but for the protection of others around us".

The only thing a mask on a healthy person protect me from is their bad breath. I refuse to wear a mask and I will not go into any establishment that requires one. Next week will be interesting as masks have been mandated in Davidson County Tennessee which is where Nashville is located. Next week will be interesting as masks have been mandated in Davidson County Tennessee which is where Nashville is located I live one county below and have occasion to venture into the other county but I suppose I will avoid it until this hysteria has passed.

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