Ebola in the USA

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Ebola has been around for a while. Makes you wonder what the good folks at the CDC have been doing these many years. Maybe the federal government needs to just pass some more regulations. Declare war on it. Like they did on drugs. That will fix it for sure.
Apparently the CDC is just sitting around playing cards and collecting a pay check. There dang sure not very worried about keeping us healthy. Somehow the people need to make the government implement a travel ban on all countries till EBOLA gets figured out. This could get serious real fast.
Ouachita":q81z8eci said:
skyhightree1":q81z8eci said:
I just wish someone could give me a logical answer why the US will not stop all international flights till this BS is eradicated.
Because its too close to elections. The Administration leans heavily on voter turnout from Africa.

I can see that.
This Ebola outbreak was not in a remote Congo village as usual, they had not seen it before, and they did not have lab testing capability. It took a while before some French fever experts IDed it.

Lack of infrastructure has taken its tole on local heath care workers. Some heath care facilities have been closed for the lack of a live staff. Typical pandemic flu death rate is 2%. This looks more like 70%.

Some initial international travel control efforts were based on a questionnaire. :( Some travelers lied and others were in denial... The family of the women who infected the Dallas victim said she had malaria. It is a wonder Ebola has not spread more.
Jogeephus":3urrv2tm said:
Ebola has been around for a while. Makes you wonder what the good folks at the CDC have been doing these many years. Maybe the federal government needs to just pass some more regulations. Declare war on it. Like they did on drugs. That will fix it for sure.
Not to mention the success of the "war on poverty" which is now 50 years old.
She helped treat the original Dallas Ebola patient (he died) and the news says she travelled FROM Cleveland Ohio to Dallas the day before she was diagnosed with Ebola-----------------did she walk, drive, fly or just use a molecule transporter to get FROM Dallas TO Cleveland???

This whole thing is just so screwed up.

You KNOW, there are infected people in West Africa thinking and saying "If I can JUST get to America or Canada, I'll have a chance to live thru this"..
Stocker Steve":2fi6a5ad said:
john250":2fi6a5ad said:
IF BIG pharm gives me (Us) a vaccine, I won't care if they get billions.

The Brits used to use a lot of Gin & tonic to ward off malaria.
Are there any home remedies yet for Ebola ?
ah! "the old mothers ruin" this was used years ago in the 1720's when the water in The Eastend of London was so bad the ladies drank gin and tonic, because it was thought the quinine in tonic was good for malaria, and tonic water on its own is an acquired taste so to get them to drink it they added it to gin, the gin they used was called "Old Tom's" and it was heavily sweetened to make it easier on the palate, there were gin shops where you could get the drink for a penny, there was a ditty on the outside saying 'Drunk for a penny, dead drunk for two pence and clean straw for nothing'.
most of the men drank beer, as it was not done for a lady to go into a Public House (bar) only ladies of the night frequented these.
as for Ebola there are a few stupid ones going about, eating raw onions, drinking salt water (this one shortly followed by death I would think) condensed milk, holy water, bitter kola/kola nut… all of which is just shear madness.IMO
john250":1s4zzzhp said:
Stocker Steve":1s4zzzhp said:
john250":1s4zzzhp said:
IF BIG pharm gives me (Us) a vaccine, I won't care if they get billions.

The Brits used to use a lot of Gin & tonic to ward off malaria.
Are there any home remedies yet for Ebola ?

I don't know about Ebola, but I intend to be well armed against Malaria.
That's my thinking on most things. Alcohol is a preservative... I'm going to live forever. If alcohol will kill ebola would it not stand to reason that taking alcohol internally would purge ebola from my system?
I had a thought today(don't act so surprised, I do that from time to time). Ebola is from areas of Africa near the equator. What are the chances that come winter time it becomes limited strictly to equatorial regions? My thinking is that similar to some of the cold/flue strains it could be seasonal but I don't know enough about it to have a valid thought on the subject and don't intend to until there is something that I can do about it or it becomes a valid threat to my family.
There's a reason it hasn't had a big outbreak before now, I thrives in the hellhole of the world. It needs the right temps, humidity, stupid unclean people ect.
Of course some of those areas exist in America and Europe now but thankful winter is coming to help out a little.
Don't think for a second that some rag head hasn't tried to start it in the states already, they just can't get it to spread good enough.
If you haven't already heard the wise words of Obama's appointee, Dr. Tom Friedman, and head of the CDC I'd like to soothe your fears and edumacate you by his wise words.

you cannot get Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus, but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else.

Now since Friedman has come under fire for blaming the nurses for not following the nonexistent guidelines the CDC have not bothered to put out people are calling for his head. I blame Obama for this. Clearly this man's work experience with the Health Department in New York is far different than what he is dealing with now. Afterall, its one thing to fight the dangerous Big Gulp Soda and its another to blame the nurses for not properly doing their job when Ebola cannot be transmitted if you follow his nonexistent protocols. Because of this, I think Obama should step in and fix the mess his minion has created. Surely Obama can fix it. All he has to do is draw a line in the sand and he can fix everything like he did in Syria. Or he could write a presidential mandate to make it illegal for Ebola to exist like he's done with the Keystone Pipeline. He is, afterall, the messiah ..... or is he muhammad ..... or lucifer ...... I forget.