Tired of all the Gay Hype on the Media

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I just have to make a comment, since I am a lesbian. First of all I am sooooo tired of "so called Christians" mouthing all about what the bible says about homosexuality, blah blah blah, most of you who quote that don't even pick up a bible and study it for yourself or try and live by its principles. Most of you have never studied the bible or the original Greek text, remember folks the bible was translated from Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to English which is the worst language to translate anything into. If you want to learn a few things go to this link http://www.soulforce.org/article/homose ... -christian My partner and I both believe in Jesus and have accepted him as our savior. There are many gay Christians that have a relationship with Christ. You judgmental Christians that stand in judgment of others don't you realize you are behaving just as the religious leaders of the day that Jesus called snakes and vipers. You can't have it both ways people you are either saved by grace through faith or you're saved by works and if you read your bible you would know that you are saved by grace not what you do. God is not a respecter of people. You can take any verse in the bible and twist it and turn it into whatever you want it to say. If you are a domineering man you can tell your wife that the bible says "wives' submit to your husbands". There are the snake handling religions that use the one verse of the bible that says "you can be bitten by snakes or drink poison and it will not hurt you". People you must realize that there are parts of the bible that were written for a specific time to a specific people. Think of how Jesus interacted, he hung out with the prostitutes and tax collectors that is why the Leaders of that time hated Jesus, and when they brought the woman who had committed adultery and asked Jesus should they stone her, which was Jewish law, he said "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". So when you think you act hatefully against someone because of race, sexual orientation or for anything else, do you really think you are doing gods biding?
lezbefredz":3td1m284 said:
I just have to make a comment, since I am a lesbian. First of all I am sooooo tired of "so called Christians" mouthing all about what the bible says about homosexuality, blah blah blah, most of you who quote that don't even pick up a bible and study it for yourself or try and live by its principles. Most of you have never studied the bible or the original Greek text, remember folks the bible was translated from Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to English which is the worst language to translate anything into. If you want to learn a few things go to this link http://www.soulforce.org/article/homose ... -christian My partner and I both believe in Jesus and have
  • accepted him as our savior.
There are many gay Christians that have a relationship with Christ. You judgmental Christians that stand in judgment of others don't you realize you are behaving just as the religious leaders of the day that Jesus called snakes and vipers. You can't have it both ways people you are either saved by grace through faith or you're saved by works and if you read your bible you would know that you are saved by grace not what you do. God is not a respecter of people. You can take any verse in the bible and twist it and turn it into whatever you want it to say. If you are a domineering man you can tell your wife that the bible says "wives' submit to your husbands". There are the snake handling religions that use the one verse of the bible that says "you can be bitten by snakes or drink poison and it will not hurt you". People you must realize that there are parts of the bible that were written for a specific time to a specific people. Think of how Jesus interacted, he hung out with the prostitutes and tax collectors that is why the Leaders of that time hated Jesus, and when they brought the woman who had committed adultery and asked Jesus should they stone her, which was Jewish law, he said "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". So when you think you act hatefully against someone because of race, sexual orientation or for anything else, do you really think you are doing gods biding?
the devils also believe and tremble james 2:19
Most of you have never studied the bible or the original Greek text, remember folks the bible was translated from Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to English

Did you really write the original GREEK text??????????

Hebrew is the original text, not Greek.

And I bet you there are very few Hebrew translators today that can translate ancient Hebrew to modern Hebrew without modifing the meaning a small amount.

Now as to what the original Hebrew texts says about depravity I refer you to the story of Lot.
What a sad, pathetic thread.

So many postings by small, hateful, fearful people.

It's no wonder that those of use that live out on the land have been stereotyped as ignorant, provincial yokels and rubes.

I don't believe that stereotype, but I do believe that many thoughtful rural people are too timid to speak out against this kind of intolerance for fear of what the neighbors might think.

For the genius who said that animals don't exhibit homosexual behaviors, go to Google and type in Bonobo chimpanzees (one of our closest relatives, unless of course you think DNA evidence is a left-wing atheist conspiracy theory).

And for those of you using your Bibles as cudgels, I am quite sure if he were alive your Jesus would be quite ashamed of you.

Get over it,
A straight, but not narrow farmboy
Totally out of control here. I don't want to shop in the same store as gay people. That is how I feel about it. If you want to be gay, fine be gay. Just don't come out telling me that it is normal life style.

I was watching the tube last night and they broke in with, "Let's see what Hollywood has to say about this..." and I couldn't change the channel fast enough. I don't give a rats about what a dude, wearing jeans like my wife would wear, thinks about anything. I'd rather listen to folks from foreign countries than someone from Hollywood.

So if you fit in with those people, move out there. Just don't tell me I've got to see two dudes kiss on the side of the road in my neighborhood, cause I don't want to go to jail for decking one of them. That is totally repulsive to me.

That is how I feel, and you don't care, so that's okay too. Afterall, I don't want to sit down to a cup of coffee with you anyway.
badaxemoo":p6mhuaey said:
What a sad, pathetic thread.

So many postings by small, hateful, fearful people.

It's no wonder that those of use that live out on the land have been stereotyped as ignorant, provincial yokels and rubes.

I don't believe that stereotype, but I do believe that many thoughtful rural people are too timid to speak out against this kind of intolerance for fear of what the neighbors might think.

For the genius who said that animals don't exhibit homosexual behaviors, go to Google and type in Bonobo chimpanzees (one of our closest relatives, unless of course you think DNA evidence is a left-wing atheist conspiracy theory).

And for those of you using your Bibles as cudgels, I am quite sure if he were alive your Jesus would be quite ashamed of you.

Get over it,
A straight, but not narrow farmboy
maybe just a tad narrow through the ears. it would do too watch you from here on.
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