The modern busy lifestyle

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Dec 28, 2011
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Is there anybody out there who enjoys and participates in a laid-back lifestyle, at least as much as possible? I'm 48 years old and have never participated in the rat race that most people do. I was recently talking to some guys at work who were looking forward to retiring in a few years, but they were already making plans for the new jobs they would have. One guy said, "I don't think anybody should retire and just sit on the couch." I get that he's being figurative and that nobody is really going to do that. On the other hand, if I retire, I don't want anything that resembles a normal job or any job related stress. That just seems to defeat the idea of retirement.

In my opinion, there is a difference in work and participating in the rat race. My dad recently found some old records of my grandparents from the 50s. Within a few days it listed things like, cut hay, baled hay, set tobacco with a peg, killed 10 chickens and put them up, planted corn,….and it went on. My dad said that people used to really work in the old days, but he didn't recall feeling stressed or like they were always behind. Today, however, we have every modern button known to man, but everyone seems so stressed and busy.

I also thought about my life and kids when I read a recent post here. Again, my kids haven't spent every waking moment with activities. My daughter is certainly in the "in crowd" at school and was a cheerleader, but that was it. We didn't spend every waking moment on weekends traveling to events. My son doesn't do sports, and he likes a relaxed lifestyle. So, I haven't experienced this rat race lifestyle with my kids either.

I guess it depends on what people like. Personally, my most enjoyable thing in life has always been peace and serenity and spending time at home. Some people act as though the busy lifestyle is a must in these modern times, but I still say it's a choice. I've been off work this week, and I've had some chores to do, but it's been relaxed and stress free and on my terms. Sure, there are times when things hit. It seems like there are a lot of reports and items to attend to at work this time of year; however, I am able to focus on that as my "big thing" and get it done. I'm not juggling it along with a million other things.

I'm not a psychologist, but I think this lifestyle was handed down, and I never desired to do differently. My mom was a stay-at home mom, and she wasn't the on-the-go type. We spent most of the time at home, and I would hang out with my cousin roaming the woods, riding bicycles, etc. We lived close to my grandparents and great aunts and uncles, so we had socialization, but not stress.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that I love the stress free, laid-back lifestyle; does anyone else? It appears not.

I believe that the busy lifestyle is a choice, so, why do so many people choose it? Wouldn't their blood pressure be a lot better if they eased up a bit?
ort By Book Order

Proverbs 13:4 - The soul of the sluggard desireth, and [hath] nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

Colossians 3:23 - And whatsoever ye do, do [it] heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

2 Thessalonians 3:10 - For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

Proverbs 10:4 - He becometh poor that dealeth [with] a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

Proverbs 18:9 - He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster.

1 Timothy 5:8 - But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
I guess some of us just love to work, it is my whole life and I can't imagine just taking it easy. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
M-5":3menlmiv said:
That pretty much is how I feel about laziness

I tried to be clear, but apparently I was not. I'm not talking about not providing for one's family, I'm talking about being on the go and busy, busy, busy all the time, when it really doesn't seem necessary to me.

If a guy works an 8 hour a day job, makes all the money he needs, and keeps things tidy around the house, is he lazy because his usual routine is to come in and have a relaxing evening after work and isn't on the go all the time with activities?
I know what your saying, and I think I've seen you elude to that before. I don't think anything is wrong with it. I just can't stand to not be doing something.
No but it makes you an anti social, stick in the mud slug, just like your wife is saying you are. (Am I close? What'd I win?! lol)

I used to get that a lot when I didn't want to go listen to ten sets of parents b1tch about why little johnny didn't get to start this game, or why little suzie is always a base in the pyramid.
herofan":3v5v0lzk said:
M-5":3v5v0lzk said:
That pretty much is how I feel about laziness

I tried to be clear, but apparently I was not. I'm not talking about not providing for one's family, I'm talking about being on the go and busy, busy, busy all the time, when it really doesn't seem necessary to me.

If a guy works an 8 hour a day job, makes all the money he needs, and keeps things tidy around the house, is he lazy because his usual routine is to come in and have a relaxing evening after work and isn't on the go all the time with activities?
YES , you a certainly entitled to do as you please but I feel its being LAZY its just my personal opinion. I have no other activities to draw me away most of the time and after I spend 11 or 12 hours working every day I still find other things that need to be done. Having someone think I was lazy ranks up their with being called a liar or thief. I know plenty of people that work 8 and set on their fat azz the rest of the time. Its their prerogative to be worthless.
M-5":24pmk8yp said:
herofan":24pmk8yp said:
M-5":24pmk8yp said:
That pretty much is how I feel about laziness

I tried to be clear, but apparently I was not. I'm not talking about not providing for one's family, I'm talking about being on the go and busy, busy, busy all the time, when it really doesn't seem necessary to me.

If a guy works an 8 hour a day job, makes all the money he needs, and keeps things tidy around the house, is he lazy because his usual routine is to come in and have a relaxing evening after work and isn't on the go all the time with activities?
YES , you a certainly entitled to do as you please but I feel its being LAZY its just my personal opinion. I have no other activities to draw me away most of the time and after I spend 11 or 12 hours working every day I still find other things that need to be done. Having someone think I was lazy ranks up their with being called a liar or thief. I know plenty of people that work 8 and set on their fat azz the rest of the time. Its their prerogative to be worthless.

I guess this helps clear a lot of things up; maybe a lot of people feel like you. I still don't feel like I'm fulling getting across, but maybe I am. So, you feel like a person should be on the go all the time and should rarely take the time to be relaxed, even if his table is overflowing with food and his kids are well cared for?

As for the bible verses, I always felt like that was encouraging people to provide for their families, such as a roof over the head, clothes on the back, and food on the table, not keep every moment filled with an activity. I didn't assume God would be upset if i didn't reach for the extra dollars so i could have the extra bedrooms that i don't need, a boat, a camper, and all that stuff.
Bigfoot":21a5qwcl said:
I get it, your focusing on stress free.

Right. Why choose to lead a stressful, busy, busy life when you have been blessed with ability to not do so? And the busy lifestyle these days is so common, if someone mentions anything else, nobody even knows what they are talking about; they automatically think, "lazy."
Im not wired to set on my azz. Its not about money its about being productive with your time. I have a lot of stress with my job. At home I have very little stress. I can only set in a deer stand for a couple of hours because imo im being sorry and setting on my azz doing nothing. Everyone can do as they please but at my house your butt better be doing something productive if the sun is shining. I will set down for about 2 hrs every night before bed and watch a little tv.

What I don't understand is how you can have cows and not have anything else to do after the 8 hrs work everyday. Unless your extremely rich and hire out fencing, planting, gardening, mowing, repairs and general upkeep.
M-5":7502anry said:
Im not wired to set on my azz. Its not about money its about being productive with your time. I have a lot of stress with my job. At home I have very little stress. I can only set in a deer stand for a couple of hours because imo im being sorry and setting on my azz doing nothing. Everyone can do as they please but at my house your butt better be doing something productive if the sun is shining. I will set down for about 2 hrs every night before bed and watch a little tv.

What I don't understand is how you can have cows and not have anything else to do after the 8 hrs work everyday. Unless your extremely rich and hire out fencing, planting, gardening, mowing, repairs and general upkeep.

Ok, that answers it for you; you're just not wired to be that way, and you are philosophical about not being idle.

As for having cows, I'm not saying i don't ever have anything to do after 8 hours of work, I'm just not all stressed out about it like most people, and I'm not trying to complete some farm chore whi;e I'm thinking about 10 other appointments that i have. I don't do gardening and crops, I only do beef cattle, and as long as they are healthy, they don't require hours of care every evening.
herofan":1ypmy309 said:
M-5":1ypmy309 said:
Im not wired to set on my azz. Its not about money its about being productive with your time. I have a lot of stress with my job. At home I have very little stress. I can only set in a deer stand for a couple of hours because imo im being sorry and setting on my azz doing nothing. Everyone can do as they please but at my house your butt better be doing something productive if the sun is shining. I will set down for about 2 hrs every night before bed and watch a little tv.

What I don't understand is how you can have cows and not have anything else to do after the 8 hrs work everyday. Unless your extremely rich and hire out fencing, planting, gardening, mowing, repairs and general upkeep.

Ok, that answers it for you; you're just not wired to be that way, and you are philosophical about not being idle. I guess I'm just not wired to enjoy stress and acting like I'm going to starve if I don't stay busy all the time.

As for having cows, I'm not saying i don't ever have anything to do after 8 hours of work, I'm just not all stressed out about it like most people, and I'm not trying to complete some farm chore whi;e I'm thinking about 10 other appointments that i have. I don't do gardening and crops, I only do beef cattle, and as long as they are healthy, they don't require hours of care every evening.
roofing supply.

It takes a special person to be a teacher and from my years of experience It take a more layed back personality to do it. I would not last a week because I would snatch a knot in one of them smart mouth kids.
M-5":knymjul5 said:
roofing supply.

It takes a special person to be a teacher and from my years of experience It take a more layed back personality to do it. I would not last a week because I would snatch a knot in one of them smart mouth kids.

I've had a lot of people tell me that same thing, so there must be something to it. In addition, I teach special education, which adds another layer. I have some fairly unusual things that i have to deal with, and people will talk about how calm I am through it all and how they would have been fired because they would have reacted differently. I guess it takes fire and energy to do a lot of jobs, but if i weren't laid back, I really don't think I could do my job nearly as well. I guess there is a need for us all.

I don't know anything about the roofing business, but I'm sure your personality serves you well there. Do you work in a store where you deal directly with the public, or are you in the manufacturing side?