strangers among the cattle

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Kathie in Thorp":86h1hllo said:
I think we are covered against trespassing, also, with our fencing. BUT we post signs. We are very near a very good fly-fishing and rafting river. There are deer on our property daily; elk during the winter. Some folks just don't pay attention; some don't give a rat's pattutie. That said, and side-arm in place, we have few problems.
"Side arm in place" lol. Some of these responses are comical. What exactly do you plan on doing to these trespassers with your side arm? There's not one state in the country that you can use or threaten lethal force for trespassing. You threaten to shoot me for passing through, and I will own you. Aggrevated assault with a deadly weapon is Felony, hello gross misconduct, hello collection of punitive damages. In the event a trespasser even acknowledges your concern, how do you plan on identifying this person in order to try to press charges?? Surely you wouldn't try to detain a person at gun point; kidnapping is illegal in all 50. Invasion of your habitation, your home itself, is the only property you can defend against trespassing with the threat of lethal force. Even if your land is posted "no trespassing", you better come up with a dam good excuse for why you felt so immediately threatened that you resorted to a firearm.

For the Archie Bunkers out there that have responded similarly, you need to hire a legal council before you put yourself in a world of trouble.
The restriction of access to a state owned natural resource like a river really rubs me the wrong way. I can't tell you how many property owners have tried to prevent me from camping at the waters edge on lake Texoma. They feel that bc their property is lake front, that they own to the water. The core of engineers owns all land below 640' and if accessed by vessel, any patron can camp at 640' and below. Everytime, the landowner rants that its his property, I set up camp, he yells, I make a fire, he calls the sheriff, sheriffs come out, explains the law- where the property owners land rights end, and where mine as a tax paying citizens' begin. I enjoy my weekend. I think seeing us camping and my Donzi beached in front of their mil$ lake house really rubs em the wrong way. O'well- sorry for partying
Was going to happen sooner or later...

Cows found an open gate today. The one towards the other house of course, so I made a helluva noise getting them back out and just supposing the cows happened to rub that gate open all on their own - they're going to need a good pair of wire cutters or to take a decent running jump at it next time.
One didn't turn up for milking - I suppose she's still in there.
regolith":1q0ni3pq said:
Was going to happen sooner or later...

Cows found an open gate today. The one towards the other house of course, so I made a helluva noise getting them back out and just supposing the cows happened to rub that gate open all on their own - they're going to need a good pair of wire cutters or to take a decent running jump at it next time.
One didn't turn up for milking - I suppose she's still in there.

It would seam that sometimes cows carry wire cutters
I'd get my saw off shotgun and see whats up now! durhurhur! Thats crazy! What ya'll don't like people pickin' shrooms and cow tipin'? jk What this world coming do. Gee! People steal junk to make a buck, people want hang out in cow fields. Lord have mercy. Well I guess luck their not trying to steal your cows or your metal for scrapin'. I hate to say this but it could always be worse. I'd just go see what their up to these days there is no telling. I can't say much cause Ive stop to look at other people cows from the road before. Never have I gone as far to get in their field. OH LORD NO! Where Im from you could get shot. Good luck! Happy farming!
Where are you from?

While talking about biosecurity, danged do-gooders and all...
Bit of background. Dairy farming generates surplus calves, and in NZ at calving time they're picked up off farm at 4 - 5 days old. These are the 'bobby calves'. A few years back, they were penned up down at the roadside on collection day but Joe and Josephine Public feel really bad looking at cute wee calves in pens.
So nowadays the truck drivers no longer whine about the time wasted driving down the farm track and will collect calves directly from the calf shed. Except then you get farmers like me who say - "no bloody way are you setting a foot in my calf shed after you've been in every calf shed in the district", most of which are probably battling viral scours.

Since I'm the only dairy farm on the road, rather than use the flag to alert the truck I've arranged to phone when I have calves - however the truck turns up on collection day anyway, and even stops to talk. So for today I hadn't phoned - I had one calf barely old enough, he could wait another two days. But as I was going about the morning I figured - you know they'll turn up anyway, why not just put him on. They did turn up, saw the pen was empty and waited to speak to me. I said I could give them one calf if they wanted, I would get it out of the shed for them.
The driver followed me right into the shed. His bosses know I don't allow them in the calf shed, apparently he didn't know.
So there's the do-gooders who banished calves from road-side pens and as a result increased the risk of infection transfer between calf sheds up and down the country. And then, there's the chivalry that forbids adult males to stand back and watch a 115 lb girl catch a 100lb calf.
I'm going to guess that chivalry risked my calf shed today, and I should have left that calf there and told the truck just go, I'll have calves for you (in the loading pen) next time.

I found that mising heifer with the dry cows this morning - she must have sneaked in the gate when I was getting a cow out last night... the mother of the calf I've just pulled in fact, and didn't get a photo for you because my hands were already covered in gunk when I realised the 'headless calf' was in fact an upside down backwards calf. Apparently there's a first for everything - I've seen upside down feet and head first calves before, but never a backwards one.
what happened to the censor? I was going to just type be nice to save it time, apparently offduty anyway
MF135":27ujgnsz said:
The restriction of access to a state owned natural resource like a river really rubs me the wrong way. I can't tell you how many property owners have tried to prevent me from camping at the waters edge on lake Texoma. They feel that bc their property is lake front, that they own to the water. The core of engineers owns all land below 640' and if accessed by vessel, any patron can camp at 640' and below. Everytime, the landowner rants that its his property, I set up camp, he yells, I make a fire, he calls the sheriff, sheriffs come out, explains the law- where the property owners land rights end, and where mine as a tax paying citizens' begin. I enjoy my weekend. I think seeing us camping and my Donzi beached in front of their mil$ lake house really rubs em the wrong way. O'well- sorry for partying
In Texas it is legal for anyone to walk down any navigable stream. This includes many dry creeks. You would be surprised at how many are labeled as such. We have 2 on our property.
As far as owning someone for pulling a gun on you for trespassing the only time I would pull my gun is if I feared for my life...with u dead who can say I didn't fear for my life.... besides I have two cur dogs that know what sick em means ....
JSCATTLE":3cpgaj3a said:
As far as owning someone for pulling a gun on you for trespassing the only time I would pull my gun is if I feared for my life...with u dead who can say I didn't fear for my life.... besides I have two cur dogs that know what sick em means ....

Don't come on my ground, TRESPASSING, looking for scrap, or eyeing my calves or trying to be buddy-buddy when I don't know you from Adam. I might not shoot you -- but I might! Or just bring LE down on you, if I have time to dial 911. If you saw that I was armed, you'd probably think twice about arguing or doing something stupid. If you aren't smart enough to figure that out . . . . how F'n stupid are you?
novatech":ebdib6ta said:
MF135":ebdib6ta said:
The restriction of access to a state owned natural resource like a river really rubs me the wrong way. I can't tell you how many property owners have tried to prevent me from camping at the waters edge on lake Texoma. They feel that bc their property is lake front, that they own to the water. The core of engineers owns all land below 640' and if accessed by vessel, any patron can camp at 640' and below. Everytime, the landowner rants that its his property, I set up camp, he yells, I make a fire, he calls the sheriff, sheriffs come out, explains the law- where the property owners land rights end, and where mine as a tax paying citizens' begin. I enjoy my weekend. I think seeing us camping and my Donzi beached in front of their mil$ lake house really rubs em the wrong way. O'well- sorry for partying
In Texas it is legal for anyone to walk down any navigable stream. This includes many dry creeks. You would be surprised at how many are labeled as such. We have 2 on our property.

All I can say is that it depends. Brazos River Authority doesn't have the same say on my property that has been in the family for over 100 years. The property line is 35 foot into the backwater of the lagoon. It is grandfathered. Duck hunters want to come in there all the time, on my property. BRA rules don't apply to me, on that piece.

Other property I have is different. I have to comply with their rules.

Either way all the property gets the upriver trash when the river bottoms flood up.
Kathie in Thorp":1tdb0nzd said:
Don't come on my ground, TRESPASSING, looking for scrap, or eyeing my calves or trying to be buddy-buddy when I don't know you from Adam. I might not shoot you -- but I might! Or just bring LE down on you, if I have time to dial 911. If you saw that I was armed, you'd probably think twice about arguing or doing something stupid. If you aren't smart enough to figure that out . . . . how F'n stupid are you?

That's some pretty strong talk. I hope you're joking.
I am not sure of the exact la where you are, but stating that you will use force, especilly leathal force against intruders etc can remove the defense of "self defense". The argument being that you have previousely stated you would use force so that your actions were premeditated.
VanC":1j71nim6 said:
Kathie in Thorp":1j71nim6 said:
Don't come on my ground, TRESPASSING, looking for scrap, or eyeing my calves or trying to be buddy-buddy when I don't know you from Adam. I might not shoot you -- but I might! Or just bring LE down on you, if I have time to dial 911. If you saw that I was armed, you'd probably think twice about arguing or doing something stupid. If you aren't smart enough to figure that out . . . . how F'n stupid are you?

That's some pretty strong talk. I hope you're joking.
It's ok, Van. Every time I read her post I envision the words as if they were coming out of Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies mouth. "I might not shoot you- but I might!" "LE"... Haha classic!
Laugh if it makes you feel better. We're not on little 5-acre parcels out here. The county road that comes past our place and ends at our place goes only to/from 4 owners, 20-acres to 350 acres, and all posted. Gun-bearing doesn't mean we threaten -- it means we have it, as we are entitled to, for protection. It would take law enforcement 30+ mins. to get out here. Alot can happen in that time frame (and it has before -- but nobody got shot). I would have nightmares for the rest of my life if I had to actually shoot a human wolf (no problem with the 4-footeds, but that's another issue), but if someone was standing me down on my own ground, I would fear for my life.
Kathie in Thorp":2ag8ilk5 said:
Laugh if it makes you feel better. We're not on little 5-acre parcels out here. The county road that comes past our place and ends at our place goes only to/from 4 owners, 20-acres to 350 acres, and all posted. Gun-bearing doesn't mean we threaten -- it means we have it, as we are entitled to, for protection. It would take law enforcement 30+ mins. to get out here. Alot can happen in that time frame (and it has before -- but nobody got shot). I would have nightmares for the rest of my life if I had to actually shoot a human wolf (no problem with the 4-footeds, but that's another issue), but if someone was standing me down on my own ground, I would fear for my life.

Believe me, Kathie, I wasn't laughing. I was just a bit surprised at the wording of your post, that's all. Shooting someone should never be taken lightly, even when justified. Thanks for the explanation (not that you owe me or anyone else one). If I were in your shoes I would feel the same as you do. You have the right to protect yourself.
VanC":3j145lcu said:
Kathie in Thorp":3j145lcu said:
Laugh if it makes you feel better. We're not on little 5-acre parcels out here. The county road that comes past our place and ends at our place goes only to/from 4 owners, 20-acres to 350 acres, and all posted. Gun-bearing doesn't mean we threaten -- it means we have it, as we are entitled to, for protection. It would take law enforcement 30+ mins. to get out here. Alot can happen in that time frame (and it has before -- but nobody got shot). I would have nightmares for the rest of my life if I had to actually shoot a human wolf (no problem with the 4-footeds, but that's another issue), but if someone was standing me down on my own ground, I would fear for my life.

Believe me, Kathie, I wasn't laughing. I was just a bit surprised at the wording of your post, that's all. Shooting someone should never be taken lightly, even when justified. Thanks for the explanation (not that you owe me or anyone else one). If I were in your shoes I would feel the same as you do. You have the right to protect yourself.

The truth is tho that it really doesn't matter if its 16 acres where you live in your house or 300 acres down at the farm. It is all the same.

Fools come out and dump trash on property everywhere. A few rounds thru the truck bed seems to have an impact. Breaks them from sucking eggs you know?
Kathie in Thorp":2y6ku53c said:
Laugh if it makes you feel better. We're not on little 5-acre parcels out here. The county road that comes past our place and ends at our place goes only to/from 4 owners, 20-acres to 350 acres, and all posted. Gun-bearing doesn't mean we threaten -- it means we have it, as we are entitled to, for protection. It would take law enforcement 30+ mins. to get out here. Alot can happen in that time frame (and it has before -- but nobody got shot). I would have nightmares for the rest of my life if I had to actually shoot a human wolf (no problem with the 4-footeds, but that's another issue), but if someone was standing me down on my own ground, I would fear for my life.
Kathie, I understood what you meant. Rapist, burglars, and thugs are opportunists. They will likely move on if they see that gun in plain view, but just in case they don't you will be ready. I prefer my wife to have hers on her too, especially if I ain't around.
Isomade":1yvlpefl said:
Kathie in Thorp":1yvlpefl said:
Laugh if it makes you feel better. We're not on little 5-acre parcels out here. The county road that comes past our place and ends at our place goes only to/from 4 owners, 20-acres to 350 acres, and all posted. Gun-bearing doesn't mean we threaten -- it means we have it, as we are entitled to, for protection. It would take law enforcement 30+ mins. to get out here. Alot can happen in that time frame (and it has before -- but nobody got shot). I would have nightmares for the rest of my life if I had to actually shoot a human wolf (no problem with the 4-footeds, but that's another issue), but if someone was standing me down on my own ground, I would fear for my life.
Kathie, I understood what you meant. Rapist, burglars, and thugs are opportunists. They will likely move on if they see that gun in plain view, but just in case they don't you will be ready. I prefer my wife to have hers on her too, especially if I ain't around.

Thank you!!
The truth is tho that it really doesn't matter if its 16 acres where you live in your house or 300 acres down at the farm. It is all the same.

Fools come out and dump trash on property everywhere. A few rounds thru the truck bed seems to have an impact. Breaks them from sucking eggs you know

*** I'd be pyssed, but would not shoot someone or a vehicle over trash -- that's the 911 call with the vehicle and driver description. I woudn't shoot a fool in the a$$ on his way out that was told to leave and left. Don't leave ??? Don't push me!

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