Shipping cattle, costs, etc . . . . . ??

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Kathie in Thorp

Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
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Pac NW (the Drier Part)
There are several of us out here in the Pac NW thinking about buying some cattle from E. Texas. Near as I can figure, that's just over 2,300 miles and over 30 hrs., from there (near our friend Caustic) to approx. 100 miles east of Seattle, with a couple possible routes on major freeways. When I say "some," that would likely be a couple of yearling bulls, and either a couple of cows or a couple pair. I understand it would be best to find someone hauling to TX, that needs a load back. My preference would be that they NOT be in a trailer with 30 other head. Fully-insured would be a must. What else would you look for in a shipper, and can you recommend anyone? This is not a PLAN yet; we are fact-finding at present; and between here and TX, this time of year sure doesn't grant the best road conditions, but it doesn't need to happen today. Previous, I've hauled up to 4 by myself, within about 12 hrs. one-way. A TX trip is too far for me. As always, I appreciate your input!
$3 a mile is the going rate. Would probably be more cost efficient to buy a few closer to home :2cents: Just wondering are these cattle from Facebook?
City Guy":1s9imwj2 said:
Is the $3 per animal? per ton? per cwt? My ignorance is showing

(Loaded Miles)($3/Mile)
(2300)(3)= $6900

For the whole truck/trailer whether you fill it or not. Now, what you don't know for sure, if he will fill the spots your cattle don't take up, making his deal a little sweeter and charging more than one outfit the $3/mile. Cattle may be tough, unless you can get a horse hauler to fool with them. That's what I would check on if it was me, for that few head, and I absolutely could not live without them.
RanchMan90":meey142w said:
$3 a mile is the going rate. Would probably be more cost efficient to buy a few closer to home :2cents: Just wondering are these cattle from Facebook?

No, not FB cattle -- someone I've known for years. Problem is, this breed of cattle (British white) . . . there ain't many around our neck of the woods.
Kathie in Thorp":343fusrt said:
RanchMan90":343fusrt said:
$3 a mile is the going rate. Would probably be more cost efficient to buy a few closer to home :2cents: Just wondering are these cattle from Facebook?

No, not FB cattle -- someone I've known for years. Problem is, this breed of cattle (British white) . . . there ain't many around our neck of the woods.
I hear ya now. An uncommon species. Someone here may have some in your neck of the woods as well
If you really want the cattle just pay the money and suck it up. If they are going to add to your genetic pool and create a good business opportunity the transport cost will soon disappear into the long distant past.

Seedstock cattle are often sent those distances from one side of our country to the other and the major transport companies seem to be able to put together full deck loads especially during the bull selling season.

If it was me I would try to find some way to get them on a truck already headed that way, maybe one that's already partly loaded. I would guess it would cost you 6000 at best if you sent them by themselves on their own truck.

If your plans become more concrete and you have trouble finding someone to haul them send me a PM and I'll help if I can, I know a few guys that haul cattle with big goosenecks that might be willing to give you a little break on a light load.
Next question.. Are there some halfway points anywhere to take a rest at?
I was charging right around $3/mile loaded as well.. All said and done I wasn't getting rich, but it paid the bills and a little more.. The roads I had to drive were not interstate though.. about 5 miles of BAD gravel roads, 65 miles of snaky 2 lane, and finally about 50 miles of decent highway.
There are several haulers that specialize in this type of thing (cross country hauling smaller numbers of purebred and show cattle). One thing you might consider if it's going to happen in the next couple weeks is the National Western going on in Denver - timing is everything, but it might be possible to get them there on one truck and swapped to another from there to you, as those custom haulers will be coming and going in every direction. There'll be lots of sales going on there and lots of cattle are hauled in by the breeders and hauled out by these guys. If they can get enough cattle going one direction it can cheapen it up for you - last time we used one it only cost us $150 to get a bull hauled from Denver to sw OK (that's been a few years though).

One of the biggest and most reputable is Lathrop (
There's also a list on breedersworld under transportation resources.
Thanks everyone. DLD, I thought about Denver . . . there are some folks in this area that haul over to show, and I checked with them. But they aren't showing there this year.
So, I posted on a couple cattle-related FB pages in the Pac NW, and got a response from a guy in Oregon. He's scheduled to haul a semi load of cattle to central TX in Feb. or March (depending on weather and when calves are ready to haul). He normally charges $4/loaded mile. But he didn't have a load lined up coming back. If we can get all this organized, he would haul back for us for a flat $3,000, if all were dropped at one place. He'd be able to divide that load up pretty much any way we wanted in that big trailer, and he doesn't care if he hauls 6 or a dozen. Checked him out on a DOT site, and he sounds legit. We shall see . . .