Round of Chores

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2003
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North Central Kansas
With the wonderful weather we've been having I hadn't yet taken time to take any pictures recently because we've been running with our nose to the grind stone to get some much needed tree cutting done. So here are a few quick shots from the truck I snapped the other day.

Heifers waiting for the goods

AR Husker daughter that I really like but isn't much of a model in front of the camera seemed to be a little more worried about food

Set of cows on stalks, with the open winter we have yet to feed a bale and have about $.28 a day in distillers

Couple stragglers

Getting ansy

Different group, same routine

OCC Glory son

3 younger bulls, poor underpriviledged forage developed things

Magnitude son
Every load of distillers is different. We shop around according to price and transportation costs. We feed the dried distillers for the ease of handling and to allow us to not be forced to feed as fast.
Look good. How much distillers are you feeding an how do you handle an feed it. I'm wanting a bulky cheap product to feed more as a tool to keep them coming than as a feed because they are grazing wheat. Any other ideas?
Thanks KMAC we just got our first real snow last night and are suppose to have some more today. Only about 6" on the ground now suppose to be up to a foot by the time we are done. Spent all morning pushing snow and clearing other areas hoping to prevent some drifting with the 30-40 mph winds we are suppose to get tonight and tomorrow. All the cows have now been moved together and I'm debating whether to spoil them with a hay bale or just make them dig for the stalks. Snow is light enough to not be a problem. I'll try to remember to take some snow photos this afternoon.

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