RFD-TV Survey

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2003
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North Central Kansas
Line up and send them back your feedback of how horrible you think this constant horse programming is. They are questioning the move to it so make sure they know why you don't like it.

Take the online survey at http://www.rfdtv.com/survey.asp

Please take the time to fill it out and tell them to bring it back to the farmers and ranchers instead of the hobby horsemen.
What company doesn't cater to the money?Take a look at the rigs running up and down the road. And the places/spreads being built. You could set up a pretty large cattle operation for the money some of these people spend on 20 acres and a barn.
Don't have rfdtv so...... But do understand why a business would chase that money :)
Filled it out. I like some of the horse shows (Dennis Reis and Clinton Anderson), but I don't care for all the frilly horse shows.

I especially like the ranch related shows, Farm Bureau Today, the Cattle Show, Today's Ag, Superior Livestock Auctions and such.

20X rodeo high is also good.
I can't help you Jake. I only get a few channels out here and one of them isn't RFD-TV.
I work 2nd shift. I used to like getting home on tuesday nights and watching Ag-phd, then the prararie farm report, then the cattle show before going to bed. Now they don't come on until 3 am to 4:30. I don't even sit up that late!. I don't even watch it anymore, I sent in my survey about the time they changed. Does anyone actually watch the polka stuff?