Our real problem

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Jul 31, 2010
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S. Louisiana
it seems like the gate has been locked so I started this topic.
Although it seem like the problem is radicals encroaching on our country, and that is true to some extent, the real problem lies amongst us. The people we send to DC no longer go there to represent us the voters. From the first day they start working to protect their position and almost guarantee that they will become millionaires at our expense. This is not , IMHO, what our forefathers had in mind. They actually visualized honorable volunteers who loved their country and wanted to serve a term or two and then return home to let fresh blood serve in their place for the good of all. Had our present elected officials, and I am grouping them all together, NO MATTER THE PARTY represented us correctly, we would not be facing some of the current MAJOR problems. The loopholes would be closed and our borders would be secure. Instead of representing what their constituents want, they consider how the vote will affect the next election down the road. Watch how they are playing the next presidential election now. All of these representatives, and I say that lightly, make me sick. If by chance they lose an election, they climb right back on the wagon running for another elected position no matter what it is. This only builds their fortunes and gains them more perks and retirement income while we pay the price. I liken them to the wrestlers that used to make all the small town circuits. They would give the impression of beating up the opponent to please the crowd, then they would jump in a van together and go have a beer to plan the next bout. It was all smoke and mirrors! Again, this is just my opinion, and I have no solution to offer. I think we have let it go on far too long to reel it in. Unfortunately, our descendants will be the ones who really suffer, because they will never know what it is truly like to live in a free country.
you are right. that is why the non politicians are doing so good in the polls.we have to change, no more career politicians all that experance some of them talk about aint working for me.
bbirder":3inws4lc said:
it seems like the gate has been locked so I started this topic.
Although it seem like the problem is radicals encroaching on our country, and that is true to some extent, the real problem lies amongst us. The people we send to DC no longer go there to represent us the voters. From the first day they start working to protect their position and almost guarantee that they will become millionaires at our expense. This is not , IMHO, what our forefathers had in mind. They actually visualized honorable volunteers who loved their country and wanted to serve a term or two and then return home to let fresh blood serve in their place for the good of all. Had our present elected officials, and I am grouping them all together, NO MATTER THE PARTY represented us correctly, we would not be facing some of the current MAJOR problems. The loopholes would be closed and our borders would be secure. Instead of representing what their constituents want, they consider how the vote will affect the next election down the road. Watch how they are playing the next presidential election now. All of these representatives, and I say that lightly, make me sick. If by chance they lose an election, they climb right back on the wagon running for another elected position no matter what it is. This only builds their fortunes and gains them more perks and retirement income while we pay the price. I liken them to the wrestlers that used to make all the small town circuits. They would give the impression of beating up the opponent to please the crowd, then they would jump in a van together and go have a beer to plan the next bout. It was all smoke and mirrors! Again, this is just my opinion, and I have no solution to offer. I think we have let it go on far too long to reel it in. Unfortunately, our descendants will be the ones who really suffer, because they will never know what it is truly like to live in a free country.

Looks like you will get a chance for a new senator this time as Vitter says he will not run,
Until the border is secure and enforce immigration laws already in force everything else is a total waste of time and money.
bbirder":kgxxwqv1 said:
But we're still stuck with the wrong man for Governor. IMHO.
He's an Edwards isn't he? Figured all of La would be rejoicing to have another Edwards stopping by Little Capital restaurant. I heard the only way he coulda lost was getting caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy. Oh wait--that was Edwin...
TexasBred":3quw3zuq said:
Until the border is secure and enforce immigration laws already in force everything else is a total waste of time and money.

TB, this is certainly one of the issues. Why is it no one is talking about the how many of the 13 million that have already entered the US that may potentially be terrorists? I have been more worried about that fiasco than Syrian refugees. I am beginning to think that this POTUS is NOT dumb but rather it is a deliberate plan to turn our nation into a socialist nation.
lavacarancher":37tspkzz said:
TexasBred":37tspkzz said:
Until the border is secure and enforce immigration laws already in force everything else is a total waste of time and money.[/quote. ]

I am beginning to think that this POTUS is NOT dumb but rather it is a deliberate plan to turn our nation into a socialist nation.

Bingo! You got it.
lavacarancher":qrr93twx said:
TexasBred":qrr93twx said:
Until the border is secure and enforce immigration laws already in force everything else is a total waste of time and money.

TB, this is certainly one of the issues. Why is it no one is talking about the how many of the 13 million that have already entered the US that may potentially be terrorists? I have been more worried about that fiasco than Syrian refugees. I am beginning to think that this POTUS is NOT dumb but rather it is a deliberate plan to turn our nation into a socialist nation.
I agree Lava. This shyt isn't a coincidence.
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