May soon become banned.........

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Aug 25, 2013
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.........I will sure miss I use them for everything........they will be collector items someday.

Majority of our stores went away from them on their own accord and started charging a nickel per bag. A lot of people, including me use the reusable cloth bags which are very cheap to buy at the stores and last for years. A lot of businesses like the vet clinics give them out as gifts - easy cheap advertising. This change took place about 6 years ago and I don't think anybody cares anymore. But, still too many single use bags drifting out of the town dump and into surrounding trees from non-local businesses.
greybeard said:
The Arkansas State Wildflower......
We have an abundance of blooming plastics

There is a field east of town that gets covered in plastics bags every year. School children organize once or more a year to clean it up. It is probably 100 acres or so.

Plus, folks like to throw drink cups and fast food wrappers in the back of their truck and magically it disappears after a drive.

Litter bugs are a vile insect.
Don't forget about all of the calving issue they cause.
HDRider said:
Plus, folks like to throw drink cups and fast food wrappers in the back of their truck and magically it disappears after a drive.

Litter bugs are a vile insect.

Some folks even like to throw their trash in the bed of your pickup and you not know it.
Now is a good time to start collecting plastic bags as in a few short years after the ban will be bringing good money on Ebay etc. if in mint condition. I have a few tucked away with manufacturer flaws that ought to bring big money after the ban hits. Those preban mint condition plastic bags no longer made will only go up in price. Look at the price of water.
I wish they would ban those Mylar balloons. Being down wind from a good size city (Waco in my case) brings in about one or two a week. They are shiny and colored and attract the calves, which immediately put them in their mouth.
jltrent said:
Now is a good time to start collecting plastic bags as in a few short years after the ban will be bringing good money on Ebay etc. if in mint condition. I have a few tucked away with manufacturer flaws that ought to bring big money after the ban hits. You can write it down it will happen. Look at the price of water.

I'm the same way about light bulbs, with the ban on old style bulbs. I've been buying some up when they go on clearance loads of them.

"Psst..hey buddy..yeah...You! wanna score some incandescents? These are the real deal, Sylvania and GE..not those squiggle things with fake light, or leds that advertise lumens....what the he// is that anyway?. 60, 100 and 150 watts. Here, take one, try it'll like it..REAL light, just like you grew up with. Come back here tomorrow for more..I'll take care of ya. Tell your friends. I'll be here on this same corner next weekend.."
We had a little bit of a fright. WM bought some land near us. Its a big open flat space, about 300 acres. We were like, great... They fixed it up and put cows on it. Was told they have lots of herds and it was not going to be a sight for a landfill...Basically, we'd never see it but would have other concerns. I would smell it on parts of our detached acres but not at the main part of our ranch. Then a few months ago, the guy died..Cows are still on it. Not sure if the solar panel people have contacted them, but its a perfect solar place, flat and open. What I was worried about was the route the trash trucks take to dump. They are always littered with stuff that flies out of the trucks. Turns out, its too close to a river so, we wont have a land fill near us.. whew...
bird dog said:
I wish they would ban those Mylar balloons. Being down wind from a good size city (Waco in my case) brings in about one or two a week. They are shiny and colored and attract the calves, which immediately put them in their mouth.
I see them about once a month here.
I keep looking for notes on Conagher found on tumbleweeds.
greybeard said:
bird dog said:
I wish they would ban those Mylar balloons. Being down wind from a good size city (Waco in my case) brings in about one or two a week. They are shiny and colored and attract the calves, which immediately put them in their mouth.
I see them about once a month here.
I keep looking for notes on Conagher found on tumbleweeds.

I found one from a funeral. It said in little girls hand writing "we're going to miss you grandpa". Brought a tear to my eye.
HDRider said:
greybeard said:
The Arkansas State Wildflower......
We have an abundance of blooming plastics

There is a field east of town that gets covered in plastics bags every year. School children organize once or more a year to clean it up. It is probably 100 acres or so.

Plus, folks like to throw drink cups and fast food wrappers in the back of their truck and magically it disappears after a drive.

Litter bugs are a vile insect.

In my neck of the woods, I fill up around 2-3 feedsacks full of plastic bottles and sh.t from fast food restaurants off of our frontage and fields each week. I thought people just had something against me, but when I look at my neighbors properties, they are much worse. The older people have given up picking the trash up on the frontage and have just left it.

One would probably say "what a sh.thole place this is!" if they drove down the main road to our operation. Why? because people think that other's property is their own personal garbage can.

The best however, is an azzhole that fills up a water bottle with tobacco spit, then hurls it at my cattle in order to hit them. I'm sure if they had a middle finger, or hoof, they would lift it to him.

However, with that said, I have cameras installed, and I'm collecting video on the guy, unbeknownst to him. With my novice editing skills, I will be making a Youtube video soon with his help. LOL! Hoping to get a good face shot with his arm out of the truck so that I can post it online. I want to get him with his mouth held just right for the most effect.

I try to control my anger, because if things were how they once were, I would probably fill a dump truck with manure and drop it all off right at his entrance. However, wars don't accomplish much, so I look at all the dumping as an opportunity to get my exercise in daily. Ha!
greybeard said:
bird dog said:
I wish they would ban those Mylar balloons. Being down wind from a good size city (Waco in my case) brings in about one or two a week. They are shiny and colored and attract the calves, which immediately put them in their mouth.
I see them about once a month here.
I keep looking for notes on Conagher found on tumbleweeds.
I've sent balloon notes to england and hong kong to be sent back to the balloon person asking where it I even found a picture on FB of the group letting them go in Oklahoma. Had to search hard to find it, was on another named page. My sister was going to hong kong on business and she had someone write a note on a card with the note found on the balloon, then sent off with a hong kong postal stamp...
Plastic bags make a good filler in hay that is baled close to apartment houses. Sometimes going into town looks like the plowed land is covered in snow geese.
bird dog said:
I wish they would ban those Mylar balloons. Being down wind from a good size city (Waco in my case) brings in about one or two a week. They are shiny and colored and attract the calves, which immediately put them in their mouth.

So that's where those balloons come from.
bird dog said:
I wish they would ban those Mylar balloons. Being down wind from a good size city (Waco in my case) brings in about one or two a week. They are shiny and colored and attract the calves, which immediately put them in their mouth.

I say ban the helium, then the Mylar would stay in their yard.
Or only fill them with hydrogen with the appropriate warnings of course .

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