A billion here a billion there and pretty soon

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Son of Butch

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2010
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Frost Bite Falls, Minnesota
A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you're talking real money. - Everett Dirksen
republican senator in office 1959 - 1969

Watching history of space program it was mentioned there was opposition to the Saturn program in
1961 because of its' cost of 1.7 billion per year = to $10 for every man, woman and child in the USA.

17 billion = $100 for every man, woman and child living in America.
170 billion = $1,000
1.7 trillion = $10,000
17 trillion = $100,000
170 trillion = 1 million

How much is the current national debt?
:( :x :cry2:

20/20 hind sight but...
Ross Perot was our last chance to get it under control back in 1992 when he was pounding the table about having to work to reduce it before it hit 5 trillion. Of course few were willing to listen.

Appears Dirksen was right. Another Dirksen quote I like...
When a member of the House enters the Senate it raises the IQ of both.
The difference between a million and a billion is hard to fathom
a million seconds is about 11 days
a billion seconds is 35 years
shaz said:
How long before US credit gets downgraded?
It'll be fine as long as Pluto is in Capricorn which is until November 20, 2024 when Pluto enters Aquarius and the following new moon is Sunday Dec. 1st... so after Monday December 2, 2024. :tiphat:

The 'house of cards' will tumble before Pluto enters Aries in 2068.
World bankers realize the vast resources of the USA and unlike countries of lesser means or already under government ownership, so much of it is in private hands. USA is too big to fail and when push comes to shove bankers will continue to pressure our government to redistribute the wealth including nationalizing resources and drain them to stabilize the world economy.
To global banks it's still the safer bet due to what they view as collateral and a stable military.

The Federal Reserve. It's not Federal and there is No Reserve.
Son of Butch said:
A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you're talking real money. - Everett Dirksen
republican senator in office 1959 - 1969

Watching history of space program it was mentioned there was opposition to the Saturn program in
1961 because of its' cost of 1.7 billion per year = to $10 for every man, woman and child in the USA.

17 billion = $100 for every man, woman and child living in America.
170 billion = $1,000
1.7 trillion = $10,000
17 trillion = $100,000
170 trillion = 1 million

How much is the current national debt?
:( :x :cry2:

20/20 hind sight but...
Ross Perot was our last chance to get it under control back in 1992 when he was pounding the table about having to work to reduce it before it hit 5 trillion. Of course few were willing to listen.

Appears Dirksen was right. Another Dirksen quote I like...
When a member of the House enters the Senate it raises the IQ of both.

Jimmy Carter nearly had it under control about $750 billion and the next elected official upped it to over two trillion by trying to make trickle down work. Still trying to make trickle down work and the debt keeps going up.
Son of Butch said:
A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you're talking real money. - Everett Dirksen
republican senator in office 1959 - 1969

Watching history of space program it was mentioned there was opposition to the Saturn program in
1961 because of its' cost of 1.7 billion per year = to $10 for every man, woman and child in the USA.

17 billion = $100 for every man, woman and child living in America.
170 billion = $1,000
1.7 trillion = $10,000
17 trillion = $100,000
170 trillion = 1 million

How much is the current national debt?
:( :x :cry2:

20/20 hind sight but...
Ross Perot was our last chance to get it under control back in 1992 when he was pounding the table about having to work to reduce it before it hit 5 trillion. Of course few were willing to listen.

Appears Dirksen was right. Another Dirksen quote I like...
When a member of the House enters the Senate it raises the IQ of both.

Jimmy Carter nearly had it under control about $750 billion and the next elected official upped it to over two trillion by trying to make trickle down work. Still trying to make trickle down work and the debt keeps going up.
I wish more people would focus on how useless and disgraceful our us Congress has been over the years, they waste more money than any leader, and it has been more embarrassing in the last few years than any.
TexasBred said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:
Yes, I so fondly remember the Carter administration and never ending malaise his policies produced.

The "Misery Index" comes to mind.
The last time the national debt was manageable was in 1977-1987 even with the malaise and misery index being high.
The Reagan Era started the money borrowing. Here is an article on the misery index which I searched to find out about it.

Notice that energy and food are not included in the inflation calculation of the inflation data which is a component of the misery index. In 1980 food and energy was removed from the inflation index.
Uh, no. This country has been in debt since the beginning. When G. Washington took office in 1789, the USA owed $41 million (in the form of 'continental bonds' ) to private citizens, merchants and businesses that had loaned the new country $$ to buy guns ammo and other provisions.. It also owed about $11 million to the French for both financial and military aid in beating the British in the revolutionary war.
It eventually became debt free by implementing and raising tariffs on all imported goods and starting a whiskey consumption tax.
The Brits made & poked quite a bit of fun at the new country for the newly implemented tariffs, as tariffs and taxes were 2 of the reasons the colonies gave for wanting independence to begin with.
hurleyjd said:
TexasBred said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:
Yes, I so fondly remember the Carter administration and never ending malaise his policies produced.

The "Misery Index" comes to mind.
The last time the national debt was manageable was in 1977-1981 even with the malaise and misery index being high.
The Reagan Era started the money borrowing. Here is an article on the misery index which I searched to find out about it.

Notice that energy and food are not included in the inflation calculation of the inflation data which is a component of the misery index. In 1980 food and energy was removed from the inflation index.
IMO Reagan Era military spending was for a good cause as it broke the back of the U.S.S.R.
trying to compete with it, leading to the collapse of communism and freeing Eastern Europe.

Actually it just sped up the inevitable as any communist system is doomed to failure from the git go
the only question is time.

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