Caustic Burno":a1f3mt14 said:
boondocks":a1f3mt14 said:
Still waiting on your case citation for Dick's being in violation of the law, CB.....
Please in the future refrain from replying to me your not worth my time.
I have failed the IQ test in trying to reach someone of your political leanings.
" boondocks wrote:
Just to clarify, what they decided to stop selling was assault rifles, and gun sales to people under 21.
I have no love lost for the chain. Only time I was ever in one (20 years ago), the staff was rude, and I swore I'd never step foot in one again. But they adopted this position after the Florida school shooting, and given how many of the shootings have been done by teens with assault-type rifles, I can't say it's an absurd policy."
[CB]They targeted a group in society to discriminate against their legal right.
Only a lib would see the discrimination as justified. Funny the group they targeted are old enough to defend you but not themselves.
That is like a majority of the crimes committed are around public housing are located , so they should be torn down.
I assure you more kids have died around public housing.
Dicks chose to violate constitutional rights. Only legislation elected by the people has that right to make that decision. Now if passes the checks and balance of Justice system is another story."[CB]
You responded to
me, CB. I have always been civil to you, even when I disagreed strongly with something you said. I would appreciate the same courtesy. Thank you. We don't all have to see eye to eye, but we don't have to name-call and say people are stupid for not agreeing with us, surely.