kids dont care about ranchin

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Sep 4, 2006
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myakka city fl
got a couple nieghbors whose kids could seem to care less bout thecows or the land. rarely ever see em. kids r in thier 40 or 50. mom and dad late 70 early 80s. got around 200 acres each family. cousins actually.
happening to another family down the road also. dad died. kids are fighting over who gits which piece. back is swamp so everyone wants a front sell. dont want it just the cash. they got closer to 600 acres.
id kill or die for 600 acres of prime fl acreage and these kids could care less.

all about the cash i guess.
i know the tax thing is gonna come up but that dont explain the lack of interest. they dont even help during roundups.

yall seeing any of this
not all kids. im totally excited when i get the farm! and theres no way i'll sell it either.

my neighbor passed away about a year ago. his 4 sons got to split a half section. 1 of the 4 brothers and his son farmed it so of corse they wanted to keep it but noo, the other 3 brother wanted to sell their share and the other 1 couldnt afford the rest so he had to end up selling it. they got 3500 for it tho.

but no amount of money could make me sell this goes wwaayyy too far back in my family and its already set up for cattle and farming so i dont know what more i could ask for.
I see more kids that have moved to town and don't want the home place, except for about 20-40 acres for vacations. It's sad.

My own dad wanted no part of his family's place. I hated town and worked as a hired hand for years. Then I bought a little home place, leased ground and bought cows, etc. and tried to make it. The drought at home stomped me into the dirt. (Actually came out $400 to the good.) Now I'm back in town and my family is "so happy" for me. I have another month on my lease and am thinking I'd rather starve back home than live like this.
dieselbeef":3s0227hx said:
got a couple nieghbors whose kids could seem to care less bout thecows or the land. rarely ever see em. kids r in thier 40 or 50. mom and dad late 70 early 80s. got around 200 acres each family. cousins actually.
happening to another family down the road also. dad died. kids are fighting over who gits which piece. back is swamp so everyone wants a front sell. dont want it just the cash. they got closer to 600 acres.
id kill or die for 600 acres of prime fl acreage and these kids could care less.

all about the cash i guess.
i know the tax thing is gonna come up but that dont explain the lack of interest. they dont even help during roundups.

yall seeing any of this

Estate plans are all over the map. I've seen some really crazy things and some really short sighted things.
I want to say one thing. The most successful farmers I know are apparently free of the competing heirs challenge.
Two boys and a girl. The Brother in law is a full partner. The brothers are friends. I don't know how they got it right, but I
AM going to figure it out. I've got 10 acres and 3 cows to give my daughter, and I want to get it right.
Dieselbeef: I personnel can talk to first hand about this. I have a son 38 and lives on one of the farms does not care for any part of it. If he had of been interested we would have owned 4 time what I do now. When you find the answer please pass it on.
I look at it this way.
You plant the seed and if it grows, great.
If not, then what diff. does it make, you can't take it with you anyway. At least the children have a chance to get extra cash and live their life the way they see fit.
The big problem I see is if mom and dad don't make prior arrangements then the kids fight and it becomes ugly. I say shame on mom and dad.

I have four children and not all of them are interested in the ranch. Who knows by the time my hubby and I bite the big one maybe all the kids will be city slickers. It would tare at my heart strings to think they would sell my dream , but they have dreams of their own. Maybe the people who buy the ranch from them will love it as much as we did. Maybe the way things are going around here there will be condo's built and hundreds of family's can enjoy this property. yuck

I hate to see more farm land gone but Ill be 6 feet under and still helping my kids wth their dreams and their bank accounts. What a great mom I am. lol

The big plan is to make sure all family members now what will happen before you die. Too many family's are split up and torn apart because of crap like this. The sad part is that it can all be prevented.

Sometimes even with the best planning things can still go sour, but at least you gave it a good shot while you still had something to say about it. JMO
show steer up":1yn5e92e said:
I look at it this way.
You plant the seed and if it grows, great.
If not, then what diff. does it make, you can't take it with you anyway. At least the children have a chance to get extra cash and live their life the way they see fit.
The big problem I see is if mom and dad don't make prior arrangements then the kids fight and it becomes ugly. I say shame on mom and dad.

I have four children and not all of them are interested in the ranch. Who knows by the time my hubby and I bite the big one maybe all the kids will be city slickers. It would tare at my heart strings to think they would sell my dream , but they have dreams of their own. Maybe the people who buy the ranch from them will love it as much as we did. Maybe the way things are going around here there will be condo's built and hundreds of family's can enjoy this property. yuck

I hate to see more farm land gone but Ill be 6 feet under and still helping my kids wth their dreams and their bank accounts. What a great mom I am. lol

The big plan is to make sure all family members now what will happen before you die. Too many family's are split up and torn apart because of crap like this. The sad part is that it can all be prevented.

Sometimes even with the best planning things can still go sour, but at least you gave it a good shot while you still had something to say about it. JMO

Well said, even though the thought of children selling the land sickens me. Very well put.
Now there is a different idea to think about. Alot of people who are ready to retire and no kids want to take over they are now looking at rent to own to a young farmer/rancher trying to start in the business. That's something for the neighbors to think about.
Had some neighbors where the father passed away then the mother. Thinking she was being "Fair" she split the farm and ranch amoung their 5 kids. Only one had stayed and worked the place. They finally sold out about 5 years ago. Could no longer stand seeing everything they worked so hard for going off of the place to support people who had in no way worked the place. He did have to give them "their" share, but now everything he makes now is own.
My friends Grandfather used to ranch. When I was looking for a squeeze chute he sent to up to north TX to pick one up free. When I got there my friends father was there to show me around. I picked up a couple of cattle panels, gate (home made) and a squeeze chute all for free. I told him how thankful I was and that I would like to give him some beef from the first steer we butchered. He told me that he gave this stuff to me because he thought thats what his dad would have wanted. I'm still looking for a special place for the gate. Just because folks don't follow in their parents foot steps doesn't mean they don't care. They are just following a different path.

I understand the situation. I too am on a family farm that has been in our family for 150 + years. When my grandmother passed away several years ago, the farm was split up between her 9 surviving children (including my father). The big difference here? NONE of the children wanted to see the farm split up, so my dad purchased all of the other siblings parts and put it back together.

I never dreamed that it would be me here, but something about it drew me "home" to the farm. I purchased it from my father (along with help from the bank!!!), and now the family farm remains in the family.

Of my 4 kids, 2 have absolutely no interest in the farm, but our youngest son and daughter are interested in coming back in a few years (after school, etc.)

In our neighborhood, if no one wants a family farm, we have a couple of neighbors that are happy to add it to theirs.
You do realize that a farm (or anything else) does not have to go to your children, don't you?

We don't OWE our kids anything. If I had any inkling that my kids would sell this place, I'd figger out another plan.

Not that it makes a whole lot of difference. Generally, when you die, it's a pretty permanent thang.........
its a shame really, id give my teeth for some of what gets fought over just to sell and get out from under. the problem here is its worth so much money that its too enticing to sel it for 8 million to a developer and not hafta werk. 200 acres here got an offer of 6 million. when the owner told me she'd never sell it i hugged her like my mom. but their kids really dont show any interst and i dont even know thier kids names. mom and dad i help them out whenever i can.

i can kinda understand the idea of sellin off for the cash but it is so hard to get any decent land that i hate to see it sold off for houses.

i guess if ya lived there for 20 yrs as a kid and werked it as a farmkid then maybe the convienences of town and the allure of the 9-5 job is attractive as well...i guess ill find out when my boy turns 18 or so huh. in 17 more years!
circlet":121gninn said:
1- the bank was willing to take a chance on him and work with him, 2 - the man he bought it from was willing to give a young guy a break. Today, the bank doesn't care about the little guy and the owner just wants to cash in and be done with it.

I've never been bankrupt, but I've been close enough to smell it. Feed your banker paper. He thrives on the stuff. Budget like crazy.
2. There are cases of folks giving a young guy a break. It is rare for a seller to take less than the market.

We compete, all of us, for land, leases and capital. I'm starting to get "sticker shock" over prices. I saw this happen to my grandparents and parents. Never dreamed it would happen to me.

In perspective, Grandad gave $35 for some land and dad gave $500 an acre. Same land is easily worth $3K at a minimum. But when they bought, they were on the edge, financially.

Good luck

alot of the big places around here are being busted up into small tracts. alot of the places were sold in 2 to 10 acre tracts. most that are being sold now are ending up as subdivisions. that is what most city folks call country liveing. liveing with a houses all around you isnt my idea of country liveing. then the ones in the subdivisions start complaining about the coyotes eating their pets and getting in their trash. they complain about the deer eating their plants etc. well when you move into the animals neighbor hood what you think is going to happen? at first all the animals are so purty and cute but without any control of them they over populate in the subdivisions. most of the folks that sale the land and move to town later on in life when they get older they want to move back to the country then complain about how high the land is.

i went pick up two loads of calves for a ranch about 3 weeks ago. i picked up one load on a place that for about a mile we drove on the dam of a big lake that looked over a 100 acres to me. it was sure enough purty was ducks and all kinda birds on the lake water was purty and blue. there was a cow getting a drink out the lake she looked toy size down near the water. there was smaller lakes on the place too.

the second load of calves for the same ranch but a different place we drove thru a maze of gravel,sand and clay pits. dump trucks was bumper to bumper on the road going and coming to the pits. big earth moving machines was scooping and moving earth. after we got pass all the we drove thru a coastal field the grass was knee high. there was scattered pecan trees just a real purty place. after about a mile we came to the pens. after loading the calves i ask the guy about the lakes on the first place we went to.

he said the lakes was just abandoned pits one day they would start them up again. i asked what about the water in them? he said they would just pump the water out and start digging again. i asked him about the second place we was on, if they was just making pits on the front side of it? he said this is sure a purty place but when all is done it will be a 450 acre lake here. i told him that is sure ashame because that is a really i mean really super nice place. the first place we was on i magine it is the same deal with it eventually it will be dug up too. there is probably 400 acres or more on it.

something like that i dont understand? a deal like that cant be about money. all the pits on the front side of the place bound to have made more then enough money to set one up nice for life if not they need help manageing their money.
dirt aint cheap. as land or by the truckload! theyre all the rage here now. diggin 100 acres for one about a 1/2 mi away. about 8 mi away theres another. within 30 mi there must be a dozen of em. continuos income from a pit.

i still cant imagine goin to live in town. nieghbors..stereos boomin all over...traffic....

me and the boy down the road was talkin . he was in the middle of the road and im sittin on the side on my 4 wheeler w/ my babyboy. bout 10 cars passed us in 1/2 hr and man was he maonin bout traffic!! we had a good laugh bout that.

when i finally git outta fl ill be lookin for more acreage not less. my family thinks im nuts.

why buy more werk they asked!!

cuz i love it i replied!!

There are many crying huge tears around here right now. They sold the farm as soon as paw kicked the bucket. They couldn't wait for that real estate income. Now that land will get you $2500 an acre ($5000 in Tarrant County) in lease chum money plus 25% royalties. Those that sold out are sick about it. Royalties are anywhere from $300 an acre on up to $2500 an acre per month on the good Barnett Shale. It is like winning the lotto.
sounds like the borrow pit thing...cept here the build a housin dev around it and call it eagles wing or somthin corny.

i planned to die here but imlookin yer way jo. we tlked. i got a job offer at american wire outside douglas area....thinkin real hard.

land was 5000/ac 10 yrs ago here

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