Heifer/Bull ratios

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Last year was 16 bulls 8 heifers.. and only one prime replacement, one acceptable one.. I had a 3rd candidate but her mother adopted my orphan so she was short of milk. That cow had another heifer this year.. I'm definitely not LETTING her adopt!..
Oh man oh man, hope I have those kind of numbers this year. Herd is pretty much done building, need lots of years of steers. 1:4 heifer to steer ratio would be great. Last time it happened was 1997 which was also the last time we had a winter like this one. Hopefully it is a pattern.
Aaron said:
Oh man oh man, hope I have those kind of numbers this year. Herd is pretty much done building, need lots of years of steers. 1:4 heifer to steer ratio would be great. Last time it happened was 1997 which was also the last time we had a winter like this one. Hopefully it is a pattern.

I've lost/sold 7 cows in the last 365 days.. only have 4 heifers coming in this year and 3 the next... I'm going to have to put up with some old nags that have been reliable but not great for a while yet.. I need the heifers and from good cows.
We are 50/50 and CALVED OUT! WHOOO. Took 3 years of culling and backing up calving but we called out fast this year. Last year we were 90/10 heifers to bulls. Year before 80/20 bulls. Crap shoot
Ours is allover the place but its usually the exact opposite of what I want. Last year had one place go 80% bulls. Same place went 80% heifers this year.

Put the Hereford bull on the Brahmans this past year and the calves just started dropping. He is usually more bull dominant but we have 3 F1 heifers on the ground right now. I'm expecting that tide to turn any day. :)
Hopefully not Brute. I'm assuming you want the heifers. My Brahman cross Hereford F1s have averaged 1:1 over the last two years.

On some of my older Brangus cows that I really want to retain some heifers out of, seems they tend to throw bulls. I catch myself complaining bc I want the heifers, but these old hags raise a heck of a steer so I win either way.
JMJ Farms said:
Hopefully not Brute. I'm assuming you want the heifers. My Brahman cross Hereford F1s have averaged 1:1 over the last two years.

On some of my older Brangus cows that I really want to retain some heifers out of, seems they tend to throw bulls. I catch myself complaining bc I want the heifers, but these old hags raise a heck of a steer so I win either way.

Two years ago I finally got the heifer I'd been praying for from my oldest (and best!) cow. I hate her! Well, maybe not hate but definitely not feeling the love. She's a bred heifer this year, due next month. Doubtful motherhood will make her simmer down & become less high strung. I predict a trailer in her future.
TCRanch said:
JMJ Farms said:
Hopefully not Brute. I'm assuming you want the heifers. My Brahman cross Hereford F1s have averaged 1:1 over the last two years.

On some of my older Brangus cows that I really want to retain some heifers out of, seems they tend to throw bulls. I catch myself complaining bc I want the heifers, but these old hags raise a heck of a steer so I win either way.

Two years ago I finally got the heifer I'd been praying for from my oldest (and best!) cow. I hate her! Well, maybe not hate but definitely not feeling the love. She's a bred heifer this year, due next month. Doubtful motherhood will make her simmer down & become less high strung. I predict a trailer in her future.

Now K, you know these cows are just like you girls..... The ones that are high strung are always the best :lol2:
2 heifers, 1 bull born today (so far) Both heifers got some kinda funky paint jobs. Cow that had the bull calf is one I've always wanted a heifer from.. so far she's had 8 bull calves in a row.

Don't have very many cows left to calf I feel I want a heifer from... Might have to buy one again.
I'm currently at 11 bulls and 13 heifers alive with 4 more to calve. However, I have also lost 2 heifers and 1 bull calf (so the real ratio is 12 to 15 I guess). I've had 2 sets of twins this season with one survivor from each set (dead twins not included in the ratio). Calving started Feb. 2. My cows are split between two different properties. One group (14 Mommas and 10 replacement heifers) are done calving and I vaccinated (50 injections), castrated 6 bulls, and put in 24 insecticide ear tags today. Trying to wait on the second group (18 Mommas and 4 replacement heifers) to finish calving before I work them. Hopefully, will be done within the next 2 weeks. Bulls go in April 15.
JMJ Farms said:
Hopefully not Brute. I'm assuming you want the heifers. My Brahman cross Hereford F1s have averaged 1:1 over the last two years.

On some of my older Brangus cows that I really want to retain some heifers out of, seems they tend to throw bulls. I catch myself complaining bc I want the heifers, but these old hags raise a heck of a steer so I win either way.

Same here! I've got several older great momma cows that raise heavy steer calves that have never given us heifers. I'd love to get some off them before they fade out.