Handling the Virus

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So who on here knows someone that has died or even gotten more than mildly sick from the WuFlu? I was building a hotel with 600 other people and no one got sick that I heard of.
Dirt Farmer said:
So who on here knows someone that has died or even gotten more than mildly sick from the WuFlu? I was building a hotel with 600 other people and no one got sick that I heard of.

I have a 32 year old niece that has tested positive .
She religiously wore a mask, latex gloves, sprayed herself down with Lysol when she got home disinfected her mail and groceries. Lived in total fear of the media's Black Death . As I told her from the beginning you can't hide from a virus. She has no symptoms as well as a friends son, I question if they really have it.
Secondly the numbers games the CDC is playing is mind boggling.
Both have to get two negatives to return to work, each time they test and it's positive they are recounted.
Caustic Burno said:
Dirt Farmer said:
So who on here knows someone that has died or even gotten more than mildly sick from the WuFlu? I was building a hotel with 600 other people and no one got sick that I heard of.

I have a 32 year old niece that has tested positive .
She religiously wore a mask, latex gloves, sprayed herself down with Lysol when she got home disinfected her mail and groceries. Lived in total fear of the media's Black Death . As I told her from the beginning you can't hide from a virus. She has no symptoms as well as a friends son, I question if they really have it.
Secondly the numbers games the CDC is playing is mind boggling.
Both have to get two negatives to return to work, each time they test and it's positive they are recounted.

Now thats odd.

My friends mother died from Coronavirus. A bunch of elderly people my Aunt went to church with died from it as well. Like anything else I'm sure people are reporting more cases than there are to get more money some way some how. Its always about the money. I don't think the Coronavirus is fake.
The testing for the virus kinda reminds of a horse I had come back positive for coggins back in the late 90s, when they called and told me to quarantine him I asked what the symptoms were and they said awe he'll be real poor, I said he's about 14.2 hands and weighs close to 1,000 lbs they said awe he's just a carrier and won't have any symptoms. Had him tested again results came back with white out and positive wrote in pen, turn it over and you could see where it had negative typed on it before they whited it out. Had to sell my horse for dog food. Several in my area came back hot about the same time and all were healthy, and all had been running with other horses that came back negative. I believed all along it was a sham, just like the testing for this virus.
farmerjan said:
Son of Butch said:
I know 2 people who died With covid-19.
Both were over 80 in a nursing home and in poor health, neither death was unexpected.
One was treated for cancer 6 months ago, the other was a long term Alzheimer's patient.
Both are counted in Minnesota's 1440 confirmed Coronavirus deaths.

That's just it.... so many that have died, ....with covid-19 symptoms, had other serious health issues. The covid didn't kill them, but they are listed as covid deaths. Not saying that it might not have contributed to them passing a little sooner, but then no one can know that. My folks are in their 80's and my father has just become paranoid about any possible exposure. Okay, they have other health issues so I can respect that. But there aren't as many covid deaths as are being reported because all the ones with it being an additional factor are reported as that and only that. Look at the different states and areas that have "re-evaluated" and taken some numbers off the covid death list.
There is alot of it about the money. And it pays better to have died from covid. Plain and simple.

That is like saying the death of that person in the car crash was the persons heart condition, not from being minced.

If you get Corona and die due to respitory complications that you otherwise would still be alive with, it is Corona, not your heart or lung etc probs that knocked you off.

All the conspiracy theories are a conspiracy !
Dirt Farmer said:
So who on here knows someone that has died or even gotten more than mildly sick from the WuFlu? I was building a hotel with 600 other people and no one got sick that I heard of.

I went on vacation during this as well as carried on with my daily life, I've encountered thousands of people during the pandemic. I only know of one person who's had it and they recovered, they were also in contact with several other people while they had it and no one caught it. I ask everyone I talk to the same question " who do you know that has or had COVID" and the answer I get is they know someone who knows someone that had it but they don't know them personally. The virus is real, the numbers are not.
Medicare paid hospitals 5000 lump sum for a covid case, 13,000 for covid pneumonia related, and 39,000 if a ventilator is needed, not to hard to figure the need for ventilators in hospitals.
haase said:
Medicare paid hospitals 5000 lump sum for a covid case, 13,000 for covid pneumonia related, and 39,000 if a ventilator is needed, not to hard to figure the need for ventilators in hospitals.

You get what you subsidize.
I just found out one of my friends from high school had Coronavirus.
TennesseeTuxedo said:
Chevy said:
I just found out one of my friends from high school had Coronavirus.

Had, as in past tense? Did your friend survive?

Yes. She said it was absolutely horrible she don't wish it on anyone. She is still have eye problems. I don't have Facebook so I don't stay up to date on everyone.
Chevy said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:
Chevy said:
I just found out one of my friends from high school had Coronavirus.

Had, as in past tense? Did your friend survive?

Yes. She said it was absolutely horrible she don't wish it on anyone. She is still have eye problems. I don't have Facebook so I don't stay up to date on everyone.

I wish her the best. I only know a couple of folks who have had it and they recovered quickly with limited symptoms.
Just read a report saying they are finding people don't become immune after having the virus, immunity seems to be lasting around 4 months or less. I hope that isn't the case. Seems a vaccine is looking less and less likely.
Redgully said:
Just read a report saying they are finding people don't become immune after having the virus, immunity seems to be lasting around 4 months or less. I hope that isn't the case. Seems a vaccine is looking less and less likely.

Can't let a good crisis go to waste.
I like you get counted multiple times to inflate the numbers.
Little Joe said:
Dirt Farmer said:
So who on here knows someone that has died or even gotten more than mildly sick from the WuFlu? I was building a hotel with 600 other people and no one got sick that I heard of.

I went on vacation during this as well as carried on with my daily life, I've encountered thousands of people during the pandemic. I only know of one person who's had it and they recovered, they were also in contact with several other people while they had it and no one caught it. I ask everyone I talk to the same question " who do you know that has or had COVID" and the answer I get is they know someone who knows someone that had it but they don't know them personally. The virus is real, the numbers are not.

The prob is, heaps of people show zero symptoms, so no good asking them !

We had some well known people with it, they will tell you how frustrating it was, cause not only no symptoms, not ill in the slightest, it is certain people it seems to hit and others it hits real hard.

Just FYI, many of our cases originated from the US early on. SO it was rampant back then, no idea now cause we have no more cases from outside in the community.
Redgully said:
Just read a report saying they are finding people don't become immune after having the virus, immunity seems to be lasting around 4 months or less. I hope that isn't the case. Seems a vaccine is looking less and less likely.

You don't become immune to the flu either as it mutates. But people are comforted by a flu shot that is semi effective on 4 out of 10 people.
It's not a vaccine and highly doubtful there will be a vaccine against Covid.
It will simply become not newsworthy like the flu and fade away.
The takeaway I got from this is how Hitler got people on rail cars. I never thought I would see Americans in blind compliance. You can't get repeatable data or information from any source, this whole situation has been a campaign of misinformation.
Caustic Burno said:
Redgully said:
Just read a report saying they are finding people don't become immune after having the virus, immunity seems to be lasting around 4 months or less. I hope that isn't the case. Seems a vaccine is looking less and less likely.

You don't become immune to the flu either as it mutates. But people are comforted by a flu shot that is semi effective on 4 out of 10 people.
It's not a vaccine and highly doubtful there will be a vaccine against Covid.
It will simply become not newsworthy like the flu and fade away.
The takeaway I got from this is how Hitler got people on rail cars. I never thought I would see Americans in blind compliance. You can't get repeatable data or information from any source, this whole situation has been a campaign of misinformation.

I don't entirely agree. Rotovirus (vomit bug) works similar, you have around 4 months resistance after a bout and then same virus can get you again. Influenza mutates so is pretty much a new virus to the immune system each time. With the flu they have treatments and antivirals that can help. Covid they had nothing, as soon as they find effective treatments and understand the virus better then they can really lower the death rate and the virus situation will fade away.

Comparing to what hitler did i find baffling and offensive to be honest. I mean the U.S. eventually entered the war and the men and woman went off to fight because they trusted what their country was telling them even though Germany never invaded the U.S.

I understand there is two trains of thought, all work together and eradicate/slow it, or ignore it and get on with life. The decision was made to work together and attempt to slow/eradicate it but it didn't work in the U.S. One has to wonder why that is. I also presume you do not vaccinate your cattle?

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