Federal ID Program

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georgia beef":39yqj3uv said:
Just wondering what everyone thinks aout the Federal I D program the GOvernment is going to Implament????

Please fill us in on what the Federal ID program that the Government is going to Implement . I have heard talk of many but none that is definite.
The word I got that the program was supposed to go in affect in August of this year... Your cattle are assighned a number and that number goes with the cattle for the rest of it's life... Unless your cattle has a number you won't be able to sell it..They will be able to trace that cow back to it's origins if that cow comes down with a disease they will know where that cows been and where it is born to quaritine the herd....At a meeting here in Athens Ga.. In July they stil haven't decided where we will buy the tags as well as who will put them in... The cattle barn here don't want to put them in because they would have to build more ramps and such... This is a program that is defitely going to go through.. when the AG department gets everything irioned out.. Surely were not the only ones that have hedard about this.....
I picked up a couple of pamphlets from FSA yesterday that dealt with animal id. I don't think they mentioned a date that it would be mandatory. I read them and pitched them already, if I remember I'll pick them up again tomorrow. There was a site URL that had information, but I didn't pay any attention to it.

georgia beef":76iqyp1a said:
The word I got that the program was supposed to go in affect in August of this year... Your cattle are assighned a number and that number goes with the cattle for the rest of it's life... Unless your cattle has a number you won't be able to sell it..through.....

What I wonder is if this includes small fry like myself who only have a few head????????????????
georgia beef":3w0bx5mb said:
It would if you are going to buy or sell your cattle at a sale....

Please keep us updated on this, as I haven't heard anything of it myself, but I don't doubt it. First the pets, then the livestock, then those who raise em ???????????????????????

Are you saying that in a sense every bovine will be registrared (sp), cross breed or not, if you want to take them to the sale barn?

We don't have to stand for this garbage. Just refuse to haul ,I can stand to not haul for a year. Bet the American public would squel when beef got to about 20 bucks a pound. The Govt can put their ID program where the sun don't shine.
ALan that is exactly what I'm saying... Starting next year when the the Ag.. gets everything ironed out.. all cattle that are sold through the sale barn will have a Federal I.D. that can be traced back to it;s origins as well as any farm that it has been on since birth.,...I know what I personally think of it ...
This might be off topic here, but, this thread reminds me of a story the local sherrif told me. They got a call from OnStar (the GPS deals in the chevy's). The OnStar folks told dispatch that they has an SUV headed this way with out the key in the ignition. They told the deputy's EXACTLY where the SUV was. They threw out spike strips and retreived the vehical with no problems.
Now, I'm on the fence about the whole mandatory ID thing right now. But maybe it will work like OnStar...
Texan":qv346q6n said:
So, I guess some of you guys don't think its important to have traceback capabilities?

I think the *&^#* Government should stay out of my business. I guess we have another democrat Cattleman needs the government to take care of you.
Texan":mid133fi said:
So, I guess some of you guys don't think its important to have traceback capabilities?

I think it's important and I think it's going to happen. If Bruno wants to withhold his cattle, that's his right. I'm happy to identify my cattle and there are thousands of other cattlemen who are willing to. I don't think it's all going to happen this next year, but sooner than later, we're going to have a traceback system here in place in the US. Some feedlots are already willing to pay more for sourced cattle. CAB's "natural" beef program all comes from cattle with the Angus Source ear tag. IMO, somewhere down the line you'll either be raising beef or dog food. It's a food safety issue that COOL first brought to the forefront and the mad cow made even more important.
Frankie":1hwd2aoq said:
Texan":1hwd2aoq said:
So, I guess some of you guys don't think its important to have traceback capabilities?

I think it's important and I think it's going to happen. If Bruno wants to withhold his cattle, that's his right. I'm happy to identify my cattle and there are thousands of other cattlemen who are willing to. I don't think it's all going to happen this next year, but sooner than later, we're going to have a traceback system here in place in the US. Some feedlots are already willing to pay more for sourced cattle. CAB's "natural" beef program all comes from cattle with the Angus Source ear tag. IMO, somewhere down the line you'll either be raising beef or dog food. It's a food safety issue that COOL first brought to the forefront and the mad cow made even more important.

Frankie I have to agree with Caustic on this one we have too much big brother anyway I have no problem with a voluntary program. Everything the government sticks their finger in turns FUBAR.
Caustic Burno":zuuoivyo said:
I think the *&^#* Government should stay out of my business. I guess we have another democrat Cattleman needs the government to take care of you.
But the government isn't out of your business now, Caustic. I hate government intervention as much as anybody. But I believe tracebacks are an essential part of our future. Like Frankie said, you don't have to participate. I really don't care. I am kinda surprised at you, though. I thought you were a "real cattleman."

And by the way. If you ever call me a Democrat again, your executor can decide what to do with the ID issue for your outfit! :mad:
So, I guess some of you guys don't think its important to have traceback capabilities?

My problem isn't with traceback capabilities, in fact I think in todays enviroment it's a good idea, I wouldn't have a problem participating. As you read my post remember this is the first I have heard of this, but I have some thoughts that immediately came to mind.

My problem is I think it will be very costly and the people in the cattle industry will pay for it, if not through the cost of doing business, they will pay for it through taxes with everyone else.

I see too many problems with it, besides the Feds getting involved in a huge, huge task (and making it more difficult than it needs to be), ie; how is it going to be policed?, how are we going to trace imported stock?, again, how much and who will pay? This isn't somthing for government, I don't believe they have the ability to make this happen let alone be effective... yes I have a lack of confidence in our government.

Alan":p3q6ilnf said:
I see too many problems with it, besides the Feds getting involved in a huge, huge taskAlan

You should get on the commission that will oversee this huge, huge task and explain the problems that you see.
I expect this post will step on some toes and offend some of you. That's too bad! It is almost inconceivable to me that some of you "cattlemen" have never even heard about Mandatory ID. Below you will find just a few links to discussions on the subject just on these Boards. These go all the way back to July. There's plenty more. But you've waited too long to debate the merits of it. That train's already left! Obviously, some of you missed it. Unbelievable!

Mandatory ID is coming and coming quick. My advice is to study the subject and try to figure out how you're going to implement it in your operation. It won't work to wait until the last minute and say you haven't even heard about it, or cry and say you don't want it. Or try to claim the 'little guy' exemption, whatever that is. Some of you need to get with the program and make a contribution to this industry. Don't expect to just capitilize on good cattle markets now that we've got 'em while others do all the work and shoulder all of the responsibility through good and bad!




And here's the most recent that Dun provided for everyone this morning on the NCBA,R-CALF,COOL,USDA Board. It provides a link to find out all the latest info from USDA on the subject:


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