Farming the Taxpayer "taxpayers feed the welfare farmer

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Caustic Burno":2jer3n2v said:
You are still talking tax laws, I am not argueing tax laws they are there for every American to take advantage of. Not supplemental welfare checks no different than they get in the projects.

So far I have not ever got any government subsidies for farming, I have even paid full Property Taxes on my home,

But I decided i want a piece of the pie. I want to get me some welfare.

Well it seems after applying I do not qualify for a Welfare check or food stamps. Can not even get some wic to buy the kids some milk!

So figured I would go get me some of them Subsidies and Farming welfare. Well turns out I do not qualify for any Corn subsidies or any other. Since I have a hobby farm and am not claiming it as a Farming business I do not qualify.

Turns out Farming welfare or subsidies as they like to call it. Is different than the ones given out in the projects. Were not owning any thing or working is what qualifies you.

But on Farming I have to be

"Actively Engaged in Farming" I have to make a significant contribution of capital, land, and/or equipment to their farming operation, as well as a significant contribution of active personal labor and/or active personal management. Capital also includes the rental value of livestock."

"Local County ASC committees will be making determinations on whether a 'person' has made a significant contribution of management by looking at the type of management input a 'person' is personally providing in a farming operation and deciding whether or not the inputs provided are critical to the profitability of the farming operation."

Well I am screwed. Since I have a Janitor Job I can not get Welfare and Food stamps

And now I can not get any Farming welfare because it seems to get it you must have a job, a vested interest in farming, have equipment, already be farming, land has to qualify for certain crops, and I have to be either actively involved in labor or management of this said farm.

Dang it CB you made is all look so simple, and so similiar to those guys in the projects. And now I find out I have to work to get Farmers welfare. This is a bunch of crap I want my free money! Well guess I will have to get my Home declared as a Farm and get me some special tax treatment in Property tax that my homies in the hood can not have.
somn":3nbfam5n said:
Caustic Burno":3nbfam5n said:
somn":3nbfam5n said:
Boy Caustic more of your double talk Every American in this country is eligible for every single subsidy this country has to offer. If you want the corn subsidy plant some corn. If you want the rice subsidy plant some rice if you want the cotton subsidy plant cotton. You want the livestock subsidy raise livestock. Simple as that. City people can't claim the ag exemption that you claim. They pay all their sales tax, fuel tax, real estate taxes. If they want to be able to claim an ag exemption all they need to do is move to the country and own an ag business. Then the government can subsidize them just like they subsidize you.

I don't want the government welfare, its apparent you do and it upsets you their are American's that view you no different than Willi T.
Caustic there is nothing I can do to help you with that you are in charge of your own life if you don't want to be on government welfare anymore start paying the full amount for everything you owe and stop using your ag exemption completely. Pay for everything you owe just like the janitor does from an earlier post. Then you can stop being a hypocrit. Caustic it is also apparent that their are Americans that view you Caustic Burno no different than Willi T. People owning a non ag business the ones that recieve less from the government than you do might wonder why does my non ag busniess recieve less than that of Caustic Burno's ag business. That can be explained in one word SUBSIDY. The government doesn't need as many janitiors as it needs cow calf ranchers. They need cattle to feed the nation. A clean office bathroom floor doesn't taste near as good and it will produce far less meat per head than the fat cattle will. So they give the cow calf guy the tax break and then over tax the janitor to pay the difference. The only difference between you and I is I will admit to being the guy receiving benefits and you will not. The non ag business people standing on the other side of the fence view you as a leach on the welfare rolls the same way you view me as one. Your taking their tax dollars. I however will continue to collect my subsidy. I will have it presented to me in the form of a reduction of my taxes thus being an smaller outflow of cash.

Somn you just got a 25 watt bulb in a 60 watt socket.
I am going to type this slow for you .
Taxes are cash outflow.
Subsidies / welfare are cash inflow you didn't earn.

Taxes and subsidies are two completely different things for some reason you think are the same you don't pay subsidy tax on your property thats money the government pays you for being ineffiecient.
You don't pay a state subisdy into the government its a tax
The subsidy check is called welfare.
You don't file a 1040 Subsidy to the IRS it's income tax, but that subsidy check is considered income from where the American taxpayer.
CB, with all due respect to you and your opinions and not trying to be argumentative.IF and only IF a circumstance arrose that was out of anyones control, you mean to tell me that if saving everything you owned and protecting yourself and your family you wouldn't take a subsidy?

My friend I have been knocked on my butt, and it was something that I had no control over and almost lost everthing I owned. And I am not complaining, whining, moaning or groaning! I can tell you that no man in his right mind wouldn't look for help anyway they can, barring stealing and other immoral acts. I didn't take welfare, but, I did go looking for help. I feel that the subsidies are a pretty good thing, although there are a lot of things I don't agree with the govt. on, concerning their subsidy programs.It's like walking away from a wining lottery ticket, these programs improve your operation. I DO NOT agree with these payments for not planting crops, I think if there is an over abundance of let's say corn, the next year people won't plant as much therefore the feedlot would pay more for the corn, but, the corn grower would make a lot more money on his corn the second year when fewer people planted it, and eventually it would even out to what it is right now, I believe. I guess I agree with you on part of this but, not all of it. nor do I agree with the programs that line the pockets of Billion dollar corporations.
Maybe I need to type slow for you.
I'm going to show you this in the simplest form for you to understand. You keep saying your benefit is different than mine your is taxes which everyone gets mine is a check. I can take mine as a tax reduction just the same as you take yours and next year I will. But let me show you how you are subsidized real clearly. Lets say you buy a piece of machinery for $30,000.00 you pay no sales tax because of your ag exemption (your subsidy). Now your neighbor the janitor he buys a new buffer it costs him $30,000.00 dollars plus he gives the state of Texas I believe it is 8.25% sales tax. So another $2475.00. You both work all year and you both make $90,000.00 dollars. At tax time he shows a net taxable income of $57525.00 you show a net taxable income of $60,000.00 you both are taxed at the same rate of 32%. You Caustic owe $19,200.00 of income tax. The janitor owes $18408.00. (Right about now ol Caustic he's got a big ol grin on his face he is saying to himself huh I pay more). So you send the government their check for $19,200.00 The janitor sends his check to the government for $18408.00. So now you both made $90,000.00 you spent $49200.00 the janitor spent $50.955.00. Your checkbook shows a balance of $40,800.00 the janitors checkbook shows a balance of $39,045.00. You made $1755.00 of more profit than your neighbor the janitor did after paying taxes and expenses. How is that possible? Is Caustic Burno more important to society than the janitor? I do think so but the government does so they subsidize him to help him remain a profitable ag business so he can continue to produce more food for America. You said before figures don't lie but liars figure. Well it is hard to argue with those figures but I'm sure with your double standard way of thinking you will come up with something. Call it what you want you are subsidized just like I am. Whether it is thru a tax reduction or a check you have been subsidized. And the janitor is paying the bill for you. You should thank him for helping you remain an effiecient cow calf man. And this was just the sales tax you have real estate taxes reduced, you don't pay fuel tax. Your profits just keeps multiplying and the janitor keeps paying for it.
Herefordcross":y2f59302 said:
CB, with all due respect to you and your opinions and not trying to be argumentative.IF and only IF a circumstance arrose that was out of anyones control, you mean to tell me that if saving everything you owned and protecting yourself and your family you wouldn't take a subsidy?

My friend I have been knocked on my butt, and it was something that I had no control over and almost lost everthing I owned. And I am not complaining, whining, moaning or groaning! I can tell you that no man in his right mind wouldn't look for help anyway they can, barring stealing and other immoral acts. I didn't take welfare, but, I did go looking for help. I feel that the subsidies are a pretty good thing, although there are a lot of things I don't agree with the govt. on, concerning their subsidy programs.It's like walking away from a wining lottery ticket, these programs improve your operation. I DO NOT agree with these payments for not planting crops, I think if there is an over abundance of let's say corn, the next year people won't plant as much therefore the feedlot would pay more for the corn, but, the corn grower would make a lot more money on his corn the second year when fewer people planted it, and eventually it would even out to what it is right now, I believe. I guess I agree with you on part of this but, not all of it. nor do I agree with the programs that line the pockets of Billion dollar corporations.

I don't care if you take the subsidy or not just be man enough to admitt what it is, Welfare just like food stamps, wic and the other government welfare programs.
somn":1t3iy367 said:
It is just someone being a racist.
That's exactly what Jesse Jackson does when he can't win a debate. He brings race into it---just like you did. :lol:
OK then I accept welfare on an irregular basis from the dept. of agriculture, when they have funds available I accept them!

Let me ask this question CB, does a person pay income taxes on welfare like I do on the 1099 I get from the subsidies. I honestly don't know anyone on welfare. And I am almost certain that people don't pay income tax on goods recieved from WIC. (Women in control???) never could quite get that one, I can see where it's a good thing but, if everyone took care of their own kids, barring unforseen happenings in life, then there wouldn't be a need for WIC
Herefordcross":pr005yv9 said:
OK then I accept welfare on an irregular basis from the dept. of agriculture, when they have funds available I accept them!

Let me ask this question CB, does a person pay income taxes on welfare like I do on the 1099 I get from the subsidies. I honestly don't know anyone on welfare. And I am almost certain that people don't pay income tax on goods recieved from WIC. (Women in control???) never could quite get that one, I can see where it's a good thing but, if everyone took care of their own kids, barring unforseen happenings in life, then there wouldn't be a need for WIC

Women, Infants, Children (WIC) extremely necessary evil. Like it or not. Yeah, I'm a liberal...and not ashamed or embarrassed about it. So, Women in Control, huh? Garbage. Women, infants, children that have to use it...oh nevermind. This whole diatribe is disgusting.

Women In Control is what the sign says here in town at the place. No Joke, is that what it's really called? women infants children?? You are right it's a necessary evil and they even make 'em plant about a five acre garden here and take care of it.
Don't bring WIC into this if you don't know what it is. It stands for women, infant, and children. Wife is in the healthcare field and I know of the program and it's about one of the only good one's out there.

It's not like a program where people can take $100 worth of food stamps into a store, buy a pack of gum or a package of donuts, then get all cash back from the check to buy booze, smokes, or whatever.

WIC only lets the folks buy what some would call "good" food meaning they have a list of things that only the program will cover. Yea, it's a form of welfare but it's regulated enough people can't take as much advantage of it as other programs.


FWIW- Another reason I know about WIC is cause once upon a time the wife and I got a letter from the state letting us know we qualified for it (just after our second child was born). We turned it down and just worked harder. Now we pay more in taxes than most people make in a year.
Herefordcross":3cr9bhij said:
Women In Control is what the sign says here in town at the place. No Joke, is that what it's really called? women infants children?? You are right it's a necessary evil and they even make 'em plant about a five acre garden here and take care of it.

And why are these women made to plant a five acre garden and take care of it...and who's idea of a lousy joke was it to call this "Women In Control?" Maybe we aren't talking about the same program...or maybe this is how it is referred to among the people that dislike a program that tries to insure children and infants, no matter what brought them to this program, proper nutrition...something that circumvents the need for repeated doctor visits that also cost the taxpayers, big time, by doctors that rape the welfare system.

Arghhhhhhhh! I can hardly bear it when infants and children, who were born, thru no fault of their own, into circumstances that they cannot control, are begrudged proper nutrition and medical care by people who's only thought is social programs equal evil "welfare."

Caustic Burno":f1tftm4s said:
I don't care if you take the subsidy or not just be man enough to admitt what it is, Welfare just like food stamps, wic and the other government welfare programs.

somn":1ree4r53 said:
Now your neighbor the janitor he buys a new buffer it costs him $30,000.00 dollars plus he gives the state of Texas I believe it is 8.25% sales tax.

Where did you count in his depreciation?
Alice, I'm married to a small town physician. She/we could move to the city and make double our income here but we CHOOSE to live on a dirt road and both of us come from VERY rural backgrounds. No silver spoon's around here. So watch it when you go talking about doctors "raping" the welfare system cause if you lived in or near a small town you would know how much the doc's that CHOOSE to move to such areas are appreciated.

My wife ain't at home tonight as she is out delivering a baby. Is it a welfare kid? I don't know. Will she get paid for even being at the hospital all night? I don't know. Do I give a rat's a##, no not really as long as my wife makes it home safe. Don't lump all physicians into one group.

EIEIO":59r5pln2 said:
Alice, I'm married to a small town physician. She/we could move to the city and make double our income here but we CHOOSE to live on a dirt road and both of us come from VERY rural backgrounds. No silver spoon's around here. So watch it when you go talking about doctors "raping" the welfare system cause if you lived in or near a small town you would know how much the doc's that CHOOSE to move to such areas are appreciated.

My wife ain't at home tonight as she is out delivering a baby. Is it a welfare kid? I don't know. Will she get paid for even being at the hospital all night? I don't know. Do I give a rat's a##, no not really as long as my wife makes it home safe. Don't lump all physicians into one group.


I don't believe I did lump them all in one group. And, I do live in a small town...and I'm pleased your wife is a physician that cares. And I'm disappointed in physicians that carry more patients than they can properly treat because these patients are treated by welfare funds...and I'm disappointed by physicians that have been perpetuating fraud by overcharging state agencies for treatment for years and who have become wealthy doing it.

I do not know you...I do not know your wife, I did not know your wife was a how could I have possibly been referring to your wife. I was talking about physicians that have been busted high, wide and handsome for doing it...and I'm talking about physicians that are still doing it...and like it or not, it still goes on.

I'M ON WELFARE! Does that make me a man now?

Just curious as to those talking about welfare. Did someone GIVE you the farm/ranch you live on or did you actually go out and BUY it?

Blood, sweat, and tears don't count as an answer on this one as I've been there and done that as has my dad and both my grandpa's. We will be paying the banker man a lot of years before we "own" this place.

Alcie, I googled your town and it has a population of 16,900!! My gosh the nearest town to us has a population of around 3K and that is 15 miles away. It's got 2 dang stop lights.

If you lived in an actual (what around here anyway, as I know everything is bigger in Texas) small town you would know the majority of folks are on welfare or some kind of government assistance. I'm sure my wife would like actual "paying customers" but she can't turn folks down without getting sued.

I see your county has the highest milk production of any county in Texas. Go to the post Dun has and someone has a subsidy link, bet ya' a dollar and a bag of donuts them milk producers in your county take more "welfare" than you may like to admit. Least when I checked our county it was the dairy folks that took the biggest chunk.


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