Farming the Taxpayer "taxpayers feed the welfare farmer

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CB here is a few different examples of welfare (by your standards) that farmers get that I do not get as a Janitor.

When I buy a bag of feed there is no tax on it in Kansas. But when I buy a bucket of Wax for my cleaning business there is a 7% tax on it. What I spend will come off my bottom line on cows and Janitor business but I had to pay 7% more for my goods as a Janitor as I did for my goods as a Rancher.

Sounds like Farmers Welfare to me. I want some Janitor tax breaks!

Not sure but in Texas do you pay tax on a new tractor? I know I bought a new Buffer recently and I had to pay tax on it!

Bought me a tag for work truck commercial to haul buffer and mops, it was a lot higher than the Tag for my farm truck that hauls hay and tax free bags of feed.

I have to as a Janitor pay minimum wage, can not work 14 year old kids, and have to hold taxes out of there pay checks. Do not think that as a farmer you have to follow all the same laws of labor as I do!

All this is just special welfare programs set up to make business easier for the farmer. Special programs that as a Janitor I do not enjoy.

Funny thing is based on what I have saw and learned in just a little bit. I bet it would be safe to say Farmers also pay less taxes than say most other professionals. So many tax breaks, it is difficult to make a living as a farmer, most are always crying they are barely breaking even if that. So I venture to say they pay less than most and get more than any!

As a janitor they are always looking for ways to mess us over. They changed our laws in KS so we pay taxes on point of delivery on goods not on where we get them from. So if I order wax from TX or OK and have it delivered and even though TX or OK does not pay me Sales tax, now I have to pay sales tax to KS. All along all that feed, medicine, hay, fuel etc... for farm stays untaxed.
You are still talking tax laws, I am not argueing tax laws they are there for every American to take advantage of. Not supplemental welfare checks no different than they get in the projects.
Caustic Burno":dkp1zyf7 said:
You are still talking tax laws, I am not argueing tax laws they are there for every American to take advantage of. Not supplemental welfare checks no different than they get in the projects.

We are still talking about Tax dollars, one is a Debit one is a Deposit. Rather you draw a debit from the government or are not required to make a deposit is all the same in the wash.

Welfare checks in the projects are given to people that do not work. Tax breaks are given to hard working Americans to pay less taxes, much like subsidies are given to hard working Americans to get more of them Tax dollars back. Welfare in the projects is a distribution of other peoples tax dollars. Subsidies are a rebate of you own tax dollars.
Caustic Burno":3ufwknxd said:
You are still talking tax laws, I am not argueing tax laws they are there for every American to take advantage of. Not supplemental welfare checks no different than they get in the projects.
There's a heck of a big difference between a Farmer/Rancher getting subsidies and program dollars than Leroy T. Neckbone living in section 8 Housing, when he can get off his dead ass and go to work.

Mr. Neckbone aint improving himself by getting a welfare check and Food Stamps.He's a self created Liability to society. I, However can improve my operation with better fences, waterers, better Pastures, working facilities and overall performance within my operation.

I'm raising a product to feed an ever growing hungry world.I dont perpetually go and run to town and sign up for every program under the Sun.I have signed up for one's that I knew would prove to be beneficial to my operation. Could I have afforded to do these improvements on my own with my own $ ?Absolutely, but when I can get back a piece of the rock I've paid into, I'd be stupid not to take it.It's enabled me to put some things on the front burner that would have had to simmer for a while longer.
Caustic Burno":3hmaidmd said:
You are still talking tax laws, I am not argueing tax laws they are there for every American to take advantage of. Not supplemental welfare checks no different than they get in the projects.

Caustic who made up these tax laws? The government did. It was the governments idea to give Mr. Caustic Burno a tax break on his real estate taxes. It is the governments idea to let you not pay sales tax on goods purchased for the ranch. The list will go on and on. The government does all of this for you because you claim an ag exemption. You are subsidized. You make the claim tax laws are there for every American to take advantage of and subsidies are not. How do you figure that?
somn":1tcz4b47 said:
Caustic Burno":1tcz4b47 said:
You are still talking tax laws, I am not argueing tax laws they are there for every American to take advantage of. Not supplemental welfare checks no different than they get in the projects.

Caustic who made up these tax laws? The government did. It was the governments idea to give Mr. Caustic Burno a tax break on his real estate taxes. It is the governments idea to let you not pay sales tax on goods purchased for the ranch. The list will go on and on. The government does all of this for you because you claim an ag exemption. You are subsidized. You make the claim tax laws are there for every American to take advantage of and subsidies are not. How do you figure that?

Somn, It is so plain an simple. It is personal conviction not to take advantage of everything and everyone. Either you sign up for help or you don't.

Why are you dragging in all the other issues. Local sales tax? That varies from one locale to the next. Property taxes? Same thing. County and State level issues.
Because every single thing I mentioned is a subsidy. Caustic is quick to point the finger at someone else for being subsidized but refuses to admit that he is. You could probably watch this man cash a welfare check and he would still claim not to be on welfare. He is just one double standard after another.
somn":29686ina said:
Because every single thing I mentioned is a subsidy. Caustic is quick to point the finger at someone else for being subsidized but refuses to admit that he is. You could probably watch this man cash a welfare check and he would still claim not to be on welfare. He is just one double standard after another.

I agree with Caustic.

You sould not talk about "You could probably watch this man cash a welfare check and he would still claim not to be on welfare." because you don't know him.

How old are you?
Wewild":13cznd6a said:
somn":13cznd6a said:
Because every single thing I mentioned is a subsidy. Caustic is quick to point the finger at someone else for being subsidized but refuses to admit that he is. You could probably watch this man cash a welfare check and he would still claim not to be on welfare. He is just one double standard after another.

I agree with Caustic.

You sould not talk about "You could probably watch this man cash a welfare check and he would still claim not to be on welfare." because you don't know him.

How old are you?
Old enough to know that anyone running an ag business is subsidized by the government.
somn":ohnw9sfk said:
Because every single thing I mentioned is a subsidy. Caustic is quick to point the finger at someone else for being subsidized but refuses to admit that he is. You could probably watch this man cash a welfare check and he would still claim not to be on welfare. He is just one double standard after another.

It appears to me that the truth hurts. Fact is fact and it is not about pointing fingers.

So you think Bill Gates is livng off of welfare? Even old dubya too. Shame on them.
somn":3ecwkf3g said:
Wewild":3ecwkf3g said:
somn":3ecwkf3g said:
Because every single thing I mentioned is a subsidy. Caustic is quick to point the finger at someone else for being subsidized but refuses to admit that he is. You could probably watch this man cash a welfare check and he would still claim not to be on welfare. He is just one double standard after another.

I agree with Caustic.

You sould not talk about "You could probably watch this man cash a welfare check and he would still claim not to be on welfare." because you don't know him.

How old are you?
Old enough to know that anyone running an ag business is subsidized by the government.

But not old enough to carry on an adult conversation with out making a personel attack?
Wewild":20ydvs0b said:
somn":20ydvs0b said:
that anyone running an ag business is subsidized by the government.

Not hardly.

Wewild this is like the old saying figures don't lie but liars figure.
It is a bitter pill to think your welfare check is no different than Wille T's. so you try to justify it in your mind as taxes. That is what every hard working American does is pay taxes right. Not every hard working American get's a welfare check. Taxes are not welfare it is an out flow of cash. Subsidy is an inflow (welfare)
One dog hunts the other one doesn't.
Caustic You make the claim tax laws are there for every American to take advantage of and subsidies are not. How do you figure that?
somn":3r0x1rfd said:
Caustic You make the claim tax laws are there for every American to take advantage of and subsidies are not. How do you figure that?

Well Duh the guy in the city isn't getting corn subsidies, his kids can get student loans so can yours, if eligible he can apply for wic so can you, if he is to lazy to work he can get on the welfare rolls so can you.
Boy Caustic more of your double talk Every American in this country is eligible for every single subsidy this country has to offer. If you want the corn subsidy plant some corn. If you want the rice subsidy plant some rice if you want the cotton subsidy plant cotton. You want the livestock subsidy raise livestock. Simple as that. City people can't claim the ag exemption that you claim. They pay all their sales tax, fuel tax, real estate taxes. If they want to be able to claim an ag exemption all they need to do is move to the country and own an ag business. Then the government can subsidize them just like they subsidize you.
somn":32i5jyu1 said:
Boy Caustic more of your double talk Every American in this country is eligible for every single subsidy this country has to offer. If you want the corn subsidy plant some corn. If you want the rice subsidy plant some rice if you want the cotton subsidy plant cotton. You want the livestock subsidy raise livestock. Simple as that. City people can't claim the ag exemption that you claim. They pay all their sales tax, fuel tax, real estate taxes. If they want to be able to claim an ag exemption all they need to do is move to the country and own an ag business. Then the government can subsidize them just like they subsidize you.

I don't want the government welfare, its apparent you do and it upsets you their are American's that view you no different than Willi T.
This post makes me wonder if some of ya' just don't know how our government works. I'll try and give you a real quick and simple overview.

It's full of separate agencies and all the agencies want a piece of of the pie (OUR tax dollars).

The Department of Agriculture as well as state agriculture departments don't get near as much as many of the other agencies but they do get their share and fight like heck to help farmers and ranchers which I hope most of us here posting are.

Now if we don't want the money they offer us I'm sure that will be just fine with some of the other agencies cause they will be glad to take it. See, some of the money is "earmarked" for certain things/programs and if it's not used up it goes back in the pot. Also if it's not used up the next year our slice of the pie won't be as big cause the other agencies will point that out to those dealing out the money. Today may be good for cattle producers but who knows what tomorrow may bring. Just ask any of our rancher friends north of the border. I want our Department of Agriculture to stay as large and powerful as possible.

I know there are some proud people here that don't want to take a dime from anyone and just love their hard earned dollar going to "help" our government do some silly thing but me if my dollar goes to help another farmer or rancher I'm for one happy as I see it money well spent.

I'm not even going to begin to go into the wasted money our government (us) deals out as I'm sure most of you are aware of it however I will say that if my dollar helps a rancher or farmer that has fallen on hard times from going under I'm glad the money is there.

I signed up for and got an EQUIP grant this year. You can call it welfare if you like but I'm going to call it MY tax dollars working for ME. It's going to help my ranch become even better and more productive.

You can turn down all the money you want but believe me if you don't take it there are plenty of "big time" ranchers and farmers out there more than happy to take what you don't want. They will just get bigger on our dollar.

Caustic Burno":3h2a8xfd said:
somn":3h2a8xfd said:
Boy Caustic more of your double talk Every American in this country is eligible for every single subsidy this country has to offer. If you want the corn subsidy plant some corn. If you want the rice subsidy plant some rice if you want the cotton subsidy plant cotton. You want the livestock subsidy raise livestock. Simple as that. City people can't claim the ag exemption that you claim. They pay all their sales tax, fuel tax, real estate taxes. If they want to be able to claim an ag exemption all they need to do is move to the country and own an ag business. Then the government can subsidize them just like they subsidize you.

I don't want the government welfare, its apparent you do and it upsets you their are American's that view you no different than Willi T.
Caustic there is nothing I can do to help you with that you are in charge of your own life if you don't want to be on government welfare anymore start paying the full amount for everything you owe and stop using your ag exemption completely. Pay for everything you owe just like the janitor does from an earlier post. Then you can stop being a hypocrit. Caustic it is also apparent that their are Americans that view you Caustic Burno no different than Willi T. People owning a non ag business the ones that recieve less from the government than you do might wonder why does my non ag busniess recieve less than that of Caustic Burno's ag business. That can be explained in one word SUBSIDY. The government doesn't need as many janitiors as it needs cow calf ranchers. They need cattle to feed the nation. A clean office bathroom floor doesn't taste near as good and it will produce far less meat per head than the fat cattle will. So they give the cow calf guy the tax break and then over tax the janitor to pay the difference. The only difference between you and I is I will admit to being the guy receiving benefits and you will not. The non ag business people standing on the other side of the fence view you as a leach on the welfare rolls the same way you view me as one. Your taking their tax dollars. I however will continue to collect my subsidy. I will have it presented to me in the form of a reduction of my taxes thus being an smaller outflow of cash.

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