Bull for Charolais Heifers

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Jan 12, 2017
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I have 2 charolais heifers, can I breed them to charolais bulls? Both heifers have a roughly 85 lb BW.
Was thinking LT Ledger, but I also like LT Silver distance because his milk is higher.
Are these bulls safe on charolais heifers? Are there other bulls that are better on char heifers?

I provided a link to the bovine elite website charolais EPD comparison page. You can look and compare the ones they have listed. Hit the EPD at the top like BW and it will list it from lowest to highest or vise versa. You can order semen from them or someone else but its a good chart to help you look at EPD's quickly.
I like Big Ben so far. I have 1 heifer 5 months old that came small, growing well, and very calm. I bred three heifers to him in November. Also look at LT Long Distance and Raile Sovereign.
Second comment, are u selling registered stock in the future? If so I would breed them. Charolais. If selling feeder calves crossbreed them to something different.
Yes, a calving ease Charolais bull should be fine for appropriate age and sized Charolais heifers. I used to have registered Charolais back before EPD's and pelvic measurements were commonly used. It worked until a bad experience with a hard calving bull that I purchased. From what I understand of ABS calving ease ratings Big Ben is a 4 star for calving ease, based on that he should be ok. I am not familiar with current Charolais bloodlines or bulls, been away from them for about 20 years. Back then I had real good luck with all the LT bulls that I AI'd to, so I would think their newer bulls would also be good.
Yes, I want something I could possibly show. If I didn't go charolais bull, would SAC Conversation be good on a char? I'm already ordering semen on him for an angus heifer is why I bring him up. I know they would calve fine to an angus bull, just curious if he would be a good cross on a char or not. I like Ledger and Big Ben a lot. So many bulls to choose from! lol

I'm in high school and beginning to build myself a herd, so I'm pretty new to this. Just trying to make sure I make the best choice for my girls.

I hear people say to always breed char heifers to angus bulls, so its gotten me hesitant on using a char bull on them. lol
I wouldn't be a bit scared to use Big Ben if he follows his EPDS. Does he bring the quality u NH end for the show calves? If so he should be a good choice,
A lot of it is how you are going to feed them just keep them respectable on grass and or hay until they calve and then you can put the grain into them.

Angusgirl":24hvgfwf said:
Yes, I want something I could possibly show. If I didn't go charolais bull, would SAC Conversation be good on a char? I'm already ordering semen on him for an angus heifer is why I bring him up. I know they would calve fine to an angus bull, just curious if he would be a good cross on a char or not. I like Ledger and Big Ben a lot. So many bulls to choose from! lol

I'm in high school and beginning to build myself a herd, so I'm pretty new to this. Just trying to make sure I make the best choice for my girls.

I hear people say to always breed char heifers to angus bulls, so its gotten me hesitant on using a char bull on them. lol
I go lowest BW possible on all of the heifers I have had. My neighbor runs 400 head of registered Charolais. Sells premium bulls, top dollar. After 59 years in the business he has gone to jersey bulls on all heifers, heck they just produce a charolais that is a little creamy color and he never pulls a calf. Guys here hate jerseys but I have used them. If going AI I used the lowest BW angus possible. GAR Advance Angus and BACK TO BASICS Angus from bovine elite have both produced fine looking low BW calves out of my angus and brangus heifers. Sold top dollar steers and kept 1 heifer out of the brangus.
Do not let people change your mind. Your original plan to breed with a Charolais was fine. Two more bulls to look at WR Wrangler and LT Rushmore. Rushmore has a lot of milk and calving ease.
Thanms for your post Kenny Thomas. My background is Angus cattle on a family farm dad had the best and only breed. Now i am out playing around, i have joined a handfull of Black baldy heifers to my bosses Australian style LBW easy calving Char bull and will get some calves in the next week he assured me it would be fine but its a bit of a worry as the old timers say never put Char on heifers i guess i will see soon.
I run mainly Charolais and CharX cows. I periodically use a Jersey bull for heifers but sometimes between having a Jersey some are bred to Charolais. I haven't pulled a calf in over 10 years...but could happen tomorrow...I kept a few Charolais Jersey Xs for cows. They were great but culled a little earlier than usual for bag issues. My current heifer bull is just a bit under 1/2 Jersey, rest Angus.

I have a day job so I haven't tried AI due to time issues. We don't live on the farm
My boss runs about 300 cha4loais cows he runs only char bulls on cows and heifers he said if i need another brred for heifers i am selecting the wrong bulls in the charolais breed.
We calve 15-20 purebred charolais 2 years old each year. This year we used Wr Wrangler W601 and MVY Xplorer 21X with good success.
A little late finding this thread ( busy weekend), so my apologies..

I noticed you are interested in the Ledger and the Big Ben bulls. If you didn't know, they are brothers. Both are sired by LT Bluegrass 4017, who was considered " the heifer bull" for a few years in the Charolais breed. I'm pretty sure those two bulls have enough accuracy on their EPDs to believe them.

You probably can't find Bluegrass semen for very cheap anymore, but he proved a heifer bull to me on both reg Charolais, and commercial cows that were mostly Char x Limo.

I have used Bluegrass on heifers as mentioned, and my current bull is a Ledger son who has been easy calving so far. If you wanted to pay shipping I would give you a few straws of him.

All in all without knowing the pedigrees of your heifers I would say either bull would be fine, but I would probably use Ledger. He is shaping up to be the best bull in the breed over the last few years as far as AI bulls.They preform well and have eye appeal to me. Ledger will give nice rump muscling, and my experience has been super quiet disposition.

The LT bulls generally will give you a more Angus ( shorter) head shape, that looks better to me. My :2cents:

Best wishes to you,


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