Best/worst prank you ever pulled

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Bigfoot":tqgelfue said:
Mine was the first time I was ever left at home by myself. I was about 8 years old. My mother ran up the road for a minutes. She read me the wright act, before she left and told me freedom was a priveledge, that I should respect.

I got a big trash bag out from under the kitchen sink. A sat patiently waiting and watching for her to return. As she pulled up the driveway, I put the trash bag over my head, and layed in the floor like I was dead. Even as she franticly screamed my name, I lay motionless. When I finally laughed, she gave me a beating that was very reminiscent of the one Rodney King got.

Now that's good! That's the kind of thing that makes a good whuppin almost worth it.

Bigfoot":3vlfddko said:
Mine was the first time I was ever left at home by myself. I was about 8 years old. My mother ran up the road for a minutes. She read me the wright act, before she left and told me freedom was a priveledge, that I should respect.

I got a big trash bag out from under the kitchen sink. A sat patiently waiting and watching for her to return. As she pulled up the driveway, I put the trash bag over my head, and layed in the floor like I was dead. Even as she franticly screamed my name, I lay motionless. When I finally laughed, she gave me a beating that was very reminiscent of the one Rodney King got.

Good one.

I got one but I don't think you would appreciate it. :D
Had a friend call me about 3 weeks ago and tell me that one of the guys in his office had shot a buck out the back door of his house. The guy lives in a "developing subdivision" but still doesn't have any neighbors really close. He wanted me to call and tell him I was from the Sheriff's Department and ask him to come down to the office so I could serve him some papers for discharging a firearm in a subdivision and endangering neighbors.....well I did it....the guy agreed to come downtown and I hung up......friend called me back and said his buddy was just about to dirty his laundry...he let is ride for about 10 minutes and then told him about the prank....we're both now looking over our shoulders quite often.
TexasBred":1hxol458 said:
Had a friend call me about 3 weeks ago and tell me that one of the guys in his office had shot a buck out the back door of his house. The guy lives in a "developing subdivision" but still doesn't have any neighbors really close. He wanted me to call and tell him I was from the Sheriff's Department and ask him to come down to the office so I could serve him some papers for discharging a firearm in a subdivision and endangering neighbors.....well I did it....the guy agreed to come downtown and I hung up......friend called me back and said his buddy was just about to dirty his laundry...he let is ride for about 10 minutes and then told him about the prank....we're both now looking over our shoulders quite often.

Yer a no good SOB..........a funny SOB but rotten nevertheless.
Made a snake by stuffing a stocking(pantyhose) full of dried leaves and attaching it to a long piece of fishing line. Positioned it in the long grass so that when I pulled the gut the snake would cross a well worn path that my dad used daily. I lay in the grass on the other side of the path with a small fire extinguisher, it was dusk, and waited patiently for my prey. My dad got a he!! of a fright but found the funny side to it a couple of hours later :D

Then there was the time I took all the nuts and bolts out of my brothers bed...oh, and the time I peed in a cool drink bottle :lol: :p
We use to raise all sorts of trouble for new chokermen. One time we were logging down hill on a fairly steep mountain. From the tail blocks to the landing was probably 1,600 feet with about 700 feet of elevation difference. We were near the back end and the hooker told the new guy that he needed a bucket of stump grease. So down the mountain goes the new guy. When he gets to the yarder he told the chaser that he needed stump grease. The chaser gave him a full five gallon bucket of grease. Back up the hill he comes struggling to pack the bucket up that slope through the slash. We watch him until he gets within about 100 feet of us, then the hooker yells to him that he managed to get it without the grease and to take it back to the landing. Back down the hill he goes packing his bucket. He gives it to the chaser and then has to climb the mountain one more time to get back to us. He gets there just in time for us to finish up that roadline and back down the mountain all of us go. New guys not use to working on hills like that are usually pretty tired by the end of the day. That guy was near dead from exhaustion.
I've heard of someone that had a new kid working with them. He gave the kid a can of spray paint and pointed at what he wanted painted. Told the kid the shake the can until it stopped rattling, then the paint was ready to use. I've often wondered how long he shook it.
3waycross":100tjuda said:
TexasBred":100tjuda said:
Had a friend call me about 3 weeks ago and tell me that one of the guys in his office had shot a buck out the back door of his house. The guy lives in a "developing subdivision" but still doesn't have any neighbors really close. He wanted me to call and tell him I was from the Sheriff's Department and ask him to come down to the office so I could serve him some papers for discharging a firearm in a subdivision and endangering neighbors.....well I did it....the guy agreed to come downtown and I hung up......friend called me back and said his buddy was just about to dirty his laundry...he let is ride for about 10 minutes and then told him about the prank....we're both now looking over our shoulders quite often.

Yer a no good SOB..........a funny SOB but rotten nevertheless.
Yeah I know...funny thing was buddy said the guy was still wearing his PJ's early in the morning and had the back door open....shot the deer with a 9 MM.
pranks on new employees are always funny to the experienced ones.. left handed hammers and crescent wrenches and the like.

However, after being had once by someone else, I told a new guy to get some left handed drill bits from my tool box (for extracting broken studs), and he wouldn't believe me, so I had to show him.
We always play pranks in our family but the best we ever did was when my daughter was around 12 her favorite thing to do was check the trail cameras to look at the deer. We dressed my son up in a gorilla suit and had him go in front of the camera. It took great video and pictures.

When my daughter checked it she started screaming about a gorilla on the loose it was hilarious. She was thinking we found bigfoot or something cool like that. After a couple of days of studying the video she came to the conclusion it was someone running around in a gorilla suit which scared her pretty bad so we had to come clean and tell her what we did.

I kind of feel bad about it but I guess every kid needs something to tell their therapist.
Goin' noodling, found nothing but carp. Got a seine, loaded the back of my pickup about half full with carp. Gotta' think it had to be 500lbs of fish. Drove to Maysville, a town of about 1200, and gave every resident at least one fish in their yard. Even put 3 in the cops', we had one, car while he was in City Hall calling the State patrol to help him catch who was putting the fish all over town.
My mom worked at a lawyers office in town. She went to work the next day and her boss was complaining about the town stinking of fish. Not exgarerating, there were HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS. Dam kids everyone was saying, better not find out who did this.. She told me the story of what everyone was saying, saw the look on my face, and said, " God dam it Greg, you sonof a bit??." She then busrt out laughing, couldn't stop. One of my favorite momeries of my mom.
Over 30 years ago I was working at a large store, similar to Wal-Mart. The store had a pet department where we sold live fish, birds, etc. There was a pair of finches in one cage, and for some reason the lady that took care of them thought the female was about to start laying eggs. She had even fixed up a little nest in one corner of the cage. One morning I got there before anyone else and put a chicken egg in the bottom of the finch cage. I can still remember the stunned look on that lady's face before she started laughing.
I have pulled a bunch and had a bunch pulled, I worked in a refinery for 33 years.

Snuck out to the parking lot one graveyard shift.
I had cut about a foot of that plastic orange safety chain took a tie wrap and tie wrapped
it to his drive shaft.
When he got in the truck that morning and pulled out that truck sounded like it was blowing up.
There was a half dozen of us standing watching as he hit the brakes and jumped out of his truck
When he came from under that truck and all of us standing laughing we knew there would be retribution.
I've gotta bunch but I had one about get me in trouble.

Had a night watchman I used to work with we were always Doing something to,one night I took a pair of my girlfriends panties and threw it in the back seat of his car . His wife worked days and they shared the car. Needless to say the next night he was not happy and I asked him What was the matter he said the wife left him . Luckily I had her number and had to mend some fences but their still happily married. But I'm sure he woulda killed me if he knew I did it.
This would probably go under worst for me having thought it, yet probably one of the best due to it's effect. Since it's past the statutes of limitation for blackmail, I'll share.

I guess do to the anonymity here, I've been way more open for some reason than I am in general. I'm friendly, but I just don't tell everything I know like some. There was a guy in college like that, got his jollies trying to embarrass you or if I said something under my breath, he'd repeat it as loud as possible, etc.. He had no filter what so ever. If he thought it, he said it. Example: I skipped a lot of classes. A professor tried to set me and couple others straight. We had to go visit the professor so he could show us the error of our ways and take a pop test- his lure to get us there. It was his assumption that we missed his class to study for another. Of course the genius with no filter informs him that we weren't studying for another class, we just kept catching fish so we didn't get home till 3 a.m. :mad:

The guy was a notch above a pervert. One day in class a girl said something suggestive to a friend of mine. The guy was behind the girl and heard it, so later that night I convinced my buddy to inform the guy that the girl would be coming over and had made other innuendos. Knowing the pervert, if set up right, I figured we could get him in a compromising situation and we did. I hate admitting that I thought of this, but he was offered the opportunity for him to come over and photograph the event through the window, for posterity of course, of which he accepted. Time and some other logistics were hashed out. He had no idea I knew of anything.

Fast forward, I video taped the guy (dressed in full camo because that's how you blend in a trailer park) pulling 007 like maneuvers, taking blind snap shots (because he was height challenged) through a window of my buddy's trailer house. His base of operation was a small shed between houses of which provided him cover, except for me videoing him from the brush. He made a few dashing assaults on the bedroom window and the counterfeit actors before retreating to his vehicle in haste.

I can't do it justice, it was quite hilarious to watch in and of itself. Better yet was when we invited him over to watch a movie. Took him a little longer than I expected to catch on, but he did. Since he didn't want this type of thing to really get out or back to his girlfriend, we allowed him to take the video with him and do as he wished with it.

Of course, it wasn't long till he started to get out of line thinking he was in the clear. We then informed him that it would be a shame for one of our copies of that movie to make it's way from a secured location to his girlfriend's mail box. Copies??? He hadn't thought of that.

Like a Pavlov dog, the instant reaction he had to the word "video" was quite remarkable. :lol2:
when I was at school cling film had just come out, we decided it would be good to go into the teachers toilets and cover the bowl with the stuff then shut the lid, it caused some interesting situations, we were never caught but we did have a laugh.
Put ground cayenne red pepper in a coworkers Copenhagen one day. It took a few seconds after putting his dip in for it to hit the heat level of lava between his cheek and gums and days before he could dip again.

We put the boss's old Dodge Rampage car up on top of the dumpster with the forklift. We were almost fired for that one.

Had an OCD neat freak guy that was a welder in the fab shop and he washed his welding helmet every day before putting it away in a bag for the night. On a Friday night after he had went home, I replaced is 409 cleaner with bio-cool (a coolant used during machining), opened his bag with this welding helmet and tucked a dead rat nicely inside along with a box of tampons. I got busted by the owners wife putting the tampons in his bag but her comments were "he is kind of girly acting) and she never ratted me out.
Not really a prank but probably the best with the worst outcome was in 1965 at Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Just outside the gate was a little burg, Waukegan, ill. There weren;t many bars but a couple of us decided to try to drink them all dry one night. The next morning one of the guys wouldn;t get out of his bunk. Bunks in "Snipes Castle" were 3 high and he was in the top bunk. A couple of us tipped the bunks over to "roll him out". Broken arm and ankle were the results. He never had the desire to go drinking with us again, or even to talk to us for that matter.