Another..."last" update.

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Today, out of the 54 I got from Mike, all had calved...27 bulls and 27 heifers exactly. That almost never happens. Out of the 22 of ours that had May calves, there are 13 bulls and 9 heifers. Jan we had 3 calves born , and we will wean them and sell them in July. Feb we had 9 to sell in August. March we had 43 for September, April we had 43 for October, and today we have 76 for November sales. Today, the calves got blue ear tags. We aren't fooling with coordinating with cow ear tag numbers, etc, because it doesn't matter. Jan calves got white tags, Feb yellow, March green, April orange and May , blue. If we had any calving in June, I guess they would have got red tags. But, I am done working them until they calve next year! Whoo-hoo!! I will carry those 3 July and 9 Aug weaned calves....or Clay will..... to Mike's place, but the rest he will send Clay and a couple more of his cowboys down to get them in a big truck and trailer. All I will have to do is round them up, pen them, and count my money! :) Life is good! Or will be Wednesday when I get this tooth pulled!!!
@MurraysMutts , @farmerjan Today I went ahead and pulled Gail's other Brama calf off of her and took her over to the feed lot Clay has at his boss's place, Took her natural calf over there 2 weeks ago, and It has grown a little more than this one, on that program of feeding they use. Question, the other calf we borrowed is still on Gail...he is about 2 months old..maybe 3. She should calve mid to late November. How much longer should I let this last one nurse? He will be 6 mos old around September.

That calf I took today weighed 486 lbs. We didn't weigh Gail's calf when we took it over there, but this calf's dam was a red Holstien, while Gail is a Jersey. Born on the same day, and by the same red Brahma bull. The other calf was always a little taller than Gail's calf, and a few pounds heavier. But today, after being on that sorghum silage, spent beer mash, chicken litter and cotton seed, Gail's calf has caught her and may weigh more. This is what I can going to do with all the Br x dairy calves each year and what I will do with the

heifers when my 8 Brahmas calve. Any heifer we keep to raise to sell as a replacement, we plan on feeding them there from weaning til time to sell, at 14-16 mos old. Clay is picking up his 20 Black Simm x ChiAngus heifers next week, and that is where they are going too, as well as his 3 Red Charolais heifers. clay bought that Fleckveigh/Braunveigh heifer we had on Gail about a month or so ago, and I doubt she was much over 500 lbs, if that, when he got her, She has dramatically increased frame size, and I bet she is 600 now.

Those 400 Corr cows we are buying form his boss, live year round on the same thing, minus the cotton seed. The man wil lNOT fool with hay, and he has no grass in their psture of course. The 54 I got the other day were in very good flesh, and I wondered if they would go down a little on the Kudzu. But, that is 25% protein, and they don't appear to have lost a pound! If you was to buy all of that to feed year round, I don't think the numbers would work out, But the silage is the only thing that costs him...he gets paid to haul off the spent mash, chicken litter and cotton seeds.
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If she is due mid-late Nov, and she has some age on her too doesn't she?... I would consider her condition and give her 2-3 months break. So, probably anytime in August. I think the calf will be fine to wean at 5-6 months. Her condition and all will be more important.

The hol x calves will grow taller before putting on as much "body", they are more bone and frame.... the jersey x calves will be finer boned.... and will actually round out faster than the hol x but they will not get as big or put on as much total overall weight.
I finally found a source of cotton seed hulls (pelleted) to feed our show string for "bulk/filler". Whole cotton seed can't be beat for feed. I used to buy it for the show string. The cattle loved it. LOL - my hubby brought a few bags home one day, and I said "the cows will never eat that!". I put it on top of their feed, figuring they wouldn't like it. They gobbled it all up before eating their grain ration. It is excellent for their hair and skin because of the oil in it. No where to be found now up here.
Well.....technically..... I am actually, in effect, trading 120 of my Corrs for about 250 of his. But yeah, I will be buying about 150 more of his over this year. But, Corrs don't actually count. There is ZERO work or inputs to just turn them out and double or triple what you paid for them every year. It is like depositing your money in an account that pays 100% -200% interest every year. Those 8 Brahmas I got last week, are the last cattle I will buy that have to be vetted, vaccinated, wormed, etc. for real! Well, actually I may buy four more. That way I will have a good set of 12 f1 replacements to sell each year. But that will definitely, 100% be IT! No more! That is, unless I buy some for a client, or buy some that I already have a place to go with them. But that is IT!
unless......definitely........100%........won't buy any more, until you do buy more. ;):cool:
If she is due mid-late Nov, and she has some age on her too doesn't she?... I would consider her condition and give her 2-3 months break. So, probably anytime in August. I think the calf will be fine to wean at 5-6 months. Her condition and all will be more important.

The hol x calves will grow taller before putting on as much "body", they are more bone and frame.... the jersey x calves will be finer boned.... and will actually round out faster than the hol x but they will not get as big or put on as much total overall weight.
She's getting close to 5...may already be. Great condition...she is belly deep in bermuda and alfalfa all day, and doesn't have to constantly fight the skeeters, flies ad gnats of south GA up here. That calf is one that the lady raising our two 1/2 Jerseys was feeding on a bottle from milking our two. I can carry him back down there anytime, but I am gonna offer to put it in Clay's lot and feed it out on that growth mix for a while, if she wants to.
This is a great project and enjoyable to read :)

I'm also feeding 3 jers bottle heifers off my cow I milk with a machine. They are 3 and 2 weeks old. I keep them separate in horse stalls, let one at at a time out to frisk every day. I don't want to take the chance of them sucking each other or messing up my cow's udder using her as a nurse cow, and she makes too much milk for them, it has to be dolled out so they don't get milk scours. I can't make pets out of them, I am raising them to sell.
unless......definitely........100%........won't buy any more, until you do buy more. ;):cool:
Wellll..technically I did not buy anymore cows today. Today when I was down there showing that Waygu dude the Corr cows, Scott's brother was down there helping him work on the peanut harvester. I told him the deal we had going on with Clay's boss, and told him I'd like to get his 2 bulls out of there before those 54 of Mike's came back in heat. I told him about the program we had worked with Mike, and that he wanted to supply us with his Brangus bulls. His brother said: " Well, if y'all are doing that, do you wanna sell those 2 Salacoa Brangus bulls then? If you do sell them I want them." First time I had thought about it, and he is right: We won't need those 2 bulls anymore. He told me he had 4 registered Brahma cows..three 9 yr old and one 10 yr old, that had just weaned calves, and were bred for November calves, AI'ed to a black pb Chianina , sexed semen for heifer calves. He isn't gonna use Brahma and Chianina in his composite breed development projects any more...just Brangus and Chi-Angus. He said " How would you wanna trade?" I told him one of them belonged to Clay...that I had sold it to him right after I bought them. I called Clay and told him about it and he said " Heck trade if you want to. I haven't paid you for him yet anyway"!!!! So, when he left today, he took Scott's truck and trailer, and hauled those 4 bulls back to his place. Tomorrow, he is bringing those 4 cows and our Gyr x Herf-Guerns calf over to Scott's place. That heifer is not quite 5 months old, and I am sure Gail will adopt her as soon as she gets off the trailer. I will leave her on Gail a month or so then take her over to Clay's lot with the others. Then wean that other calf on Gail about Labor day. I am going to tell Clay to pick 2 of the 4 Brahma cows and we will call them his, if he still wants to pay for the bull. He'd be getting two bred reg Brahmas for about $3200...I can't remember exactly what I paid for Clay's bull. And if he doesn't want them, that's fine, too. I had said I would like to get 4 more Bramas anyhow, to have a dozen f1 replacements to sell every year.

But this time, I mean it! Not gonna buy anything else! (Trading don't count as buying though). And over this next year I am getting the rest of Mike's Cors, about 350, but that was a deal I made before I first said I ain't buying no more! :)

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