where were YOU when the world stopped turning??

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I had just finished working a colt in the round pen and went in the house for a cup of coffee. I sat down in front of the TV with the Today show on. I'll never forget the look on Katie Couric's face when she reached up and grabbed her earpiece and the announced the first plane hitting. It didn't take them seconds it seems to have a cameraman on the roof and I watched the second plane hit. That's when I called my wife and told her that we were at war. I was in Nam and she was in Desert Storm. We were scared sh___less.Z
I was in my office working - the entire staff watched the tv until we got notification that they had shut down all Federal offices nationwide. On my way home I'll never forget driving by Omaha's zoo and seeing their huge flag already at half mast - that is when I lost it imagining the predicted 10,000 people that could have been in those 3 buildings.

Later in the afternoon TV station broadcast that they have spotted Air Force One landing at Offutt Air Force Base. (Omaha suburb).

Even 5 years later and with me so distant from it all it seems like yesterday. I doubt that a week goes by that I don't think of it when I see a plane go over.
what I have found simply amazing about this thread is how each of us, young and old(er), can remember EXACTLY where we all were!!! Now THAT really speaks about the heart and soul of our very humanity!!!
I was pulling into the parking lot at work when the second plane hit - I had just rounded the curve into the parking lot when the announcement came on the radio in my car. My first thought was that someone in a private/commuter plane had accidentally hit the tower. I remember walking into the office, and a co-worker being almost hysterical. I chalked it up to her usual theatrics, because I didn't know that another plane had already hit the south tower, and I truly thought it was a commuter plane or something that had veered off course and accidentally hit the north tower. We spent the day doing payrolls, praying, crying, trying to absorb what had happened, and keeping up with what was happening via the internet. I called my Mom to tell her that I loved her. I went to bed that night and woke up the next morning - positive that it was just a terrible nightmare, but it wasn't. I will never forget that horrible day.
ranchwife":1uezznms said:
what I have found simply amazing about this thread is how each of us, young and old(er), can remember EXACTLY where we all were!!! Now THAT really speaks about the heart and soul of our very humanity!!!

my mother can tell you what she was doing when the announcement was made about Kennedy being shot - pregnant with my brother, ironing and watching a soap

I remember that I was standing in the Ag building in college and the announcement of the Challenger explosion came over the commodity exchange ticker.

It is amazing that national or international tragedies stick so solidly in the minds of millions.
I was watching CNN when the news first hit. From then on, I was glued to the tube for days in pure stunned shock.
I was waiting for the guy I was riding to work with. I turned on the TV about the time the second plane hit. When Brian showed up I told him (he is a captain in the volunteer fire dept). We turned on the radio as we headed to work. We didn't go a quarter mile when the first tower came down. All I could think of was the picture I had seen just moments before of all those firefighter streaming into the buildings.
I was working nights on a drilling rig in Michigan,
Went to the hotel about 6 in the morning , went to sleep, got up about noon, got in the truck and went to get something to eat.

As I was driving , it seemed like every one that I saw in their cars , were glued to their radios.
I kept noticing how people were not smiling , and I turned on my radio.
I heard the dj saying something about how they were the first to break the story about the bombing of the world trade center.

I thought to my self, "am I in a time warp"? That's old news.

Then I started hearing about the planes.

Pulled over , I was in the down town section.
Walked into several stores that were empty , very spooky.
Finally walked into a store that sold TV's. Every one was watching , People started telling me what had happened, I was blown away!
Both of the buildings in New York , and the Pentagon.
I went back to the hotel , called my wife, Called my folks.

And thought to myself, it will never be the same!

I can remember listening to my uncle (West Point , Viet Nam,Retired LT. Colonel)BAck in the 80's when the terrorist would hijack a plane , and demand for their other terrorist that were in prison to be released. My uncle would say some day those terrorist will figure out that they have their own bombs(Planes) and then it won't be the same.

Sorry to make this so long.
ranchwife":3hdoi377 said:
what I have found simply amazing about this thread is how each of us, young and old(er), can remember EXACTLY where we all were!!! Now THAT really speaks about the heart and soul of our very humanity!!!

Kennedy assasination, 911, and oddly, John Lennon's shooting. Those are the events I remember exactly when and where I heard about them. Everything else is a blur. :lol:
I was getting ready to head to my first class, working at the University Farm, and I always turned the Today show on while I was getting ready, and I always called my Mom first thing in the morning. I dialed mom, turned on the TV, and as soon as she answered I saw the second plane hit. I said " They've hit the Towers". I still dont know why I automatically assumed there was a "they". She works at an elementary school, I told her to find a TV, they didn't even know it had happened. I went on in to class and we listened on the radio about the plane United 93, all of us making our guesses about what was happening. My next class was on campus and our Hort teacher was in a panic, she wrote a huge note on the board for all of us to fill up our gas tanks and go home, most of the kids lived within 2 hours of the college. Not me, 5 hours to home. My Mom said to stay put and to come home that weekend.
I can remember all of it like it was yesterday. That weekend that I went home my Dad and I hung a 20 foot USA Flag on our Barn, It was in the paper the next day!
My prayers are with all of those that lost someone on 9/11.
Right after I was hearin the news, I stepped out the house and went watchin a plane put a circular chemtrail in the sky.
Watching GMA Saw the 2nt plane hit--heard about the other one crashing,said there were some very brave people on that plane------ cryed most of the week....
I slept through the whole thing, had worked all night and went to bed 7:00 A.M.

Talk about a sobering way to awaken to all the news on the TV.
I was in class, didn't find out until 6th hour at around 1:00 central. We never got to see any coverage, didn't talk about it until the social studies teacher read us the announcement. To this day I resent the fact that the school didn't allow everybody to sit around and watch coverage of the event. After hearing about it I felt hollow inside.
I was looking for a calf. My uncle needed his 800 lb calf taken to the slaughter house and I loaded it and him and took them to the locker plant and the person penning it, messed up and let it get out. It ran over my uncle, knocking him out. After he was ok, I spent all morning driving around in the pickup and trailer through town and in the suburbs looking for that crazy calf. I finally found it in a vacant lot behind some houses and the slaughterhouse people came out and shot it and took it back. I was in a hurry to get back home to watch what was happening on TV, because it didnt seem possible that everything they were describing on the radio could actually be happening. When I got to the house and in front of the TV, the reality really hit home when they said one of the passengers on one of the planes was Barbara Olson, a television commentator who I really enjoyed watching. That made it sink in completely.
I was off work that day -- and my 3 yr old (at that time) wanted me to turn on the TV. He kept pointing and saying "now momma" and when I did, the first tower was beginning to fall. It dawned on me that it wasn't a show -- it was live.
I was watching a silly afternoon show that was interupted by a NEWS flash, and saw the planes hit the towers, and sat a cried, saying OH my God thoses poor people. and was in a state of shock all day, our TV stayed with it for most of the day and night. GOD REST THEIR SOULS. and their loved ones left behind, who have to endure the pain.
I was outside with the Vet, doing preg checks, he told me on the way to my farm what he had heard on the radio, said Vince the Vet, his co partner at the clinic was stranded at the vet conference, because of all planes grounded. I couldn't hardly believe it was that bad until after, I went in the house, and saw that it was.

stocky":3syg5792 said:
When I got to the house and in front of the TV, the reality really hit home when they said one of the passengers on one of the planes was Barbara Olson, a television commentator who I really enjoyed watching. That made it sink in completely.

I had forgotton about that. Her husband was the US Solicitor General for awhile.