where were YOU when the world stopped turning??

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Feb 11, 2005
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madison county, montana
I will never forget where I was on 9/11 and what I was doing!! I was heading home from another night shift of patient care and the hubby called....his only words...."have you heard?"!! I spent the entire day glued to the television, phone in one hand, kleenex in the other....asking over and over again...

WHY???? :( :( :(

So.....where were YOU????
I had just gotten up and turned on the news. one plane had already hit and out of the right hand side of the screen there was another. This whole time I was wondering what was going on.

I was only a 6th grader at the time. Sitting in art class watching the TV we watched both of the towers come down. Games for the day was cancelled and it seemed the same for classes.

What a terrible time our country was going through. :cry2: :cry2:

My hats off to all of our servicemen that work to keep our country free!!! :hat:

Set up the tractor and disc mower for dad to use mowing hay, then went back to the house for another cup of coffee. Heard it on the radio. Went back out to the field and broke down trying to tell him.

Shouldn't Allan Jackson be poet laureate? Everyone tried to write a song about this but only his rings. Daggone it, I still don't know much about the difference in Iraq and Iran.

Very complimentary article in the Wall St Journal today about the citizens of Shanksville, PA and their stewardship of the crash site of Flight 93. Bravo, Shanksville.
I had just had a very successfull morning fixing what seem to to be a huge problem. It turned out to be a hollow victory.

A lady came out on the floor and told me a plane had just flown into one of the towers. I was thinking it was an accident.
She came back sortly and said the other tower had been hit.

We went to the office and found a radio and huddled around thinking it would work out never believing they would fall.

It was a bad day.
I was filling silo, heard it on the tractor radio. Didn't know what to do but go on working. I remember driving home that evening it was a clear sky but not one airplane or vapor trail could be seen. Usually that time of the evening the the sky is full of planes.

We suffered the loss many lives that day, but I have always been amazed that many more thousands of people were not killed.
I was starting seventh grade math class, getting our "new" textbooks in the library, when I saw that the librarians had the TV on with CBC news broadcasting live. Everybody in there fell silent as they watched the broadcast, all shocked, all not believing that this was really happening so close to home, so close to neighbor Canada.

I can't remember, but I think we were let out of class early.

Complete shock :shock: :eek: , then tears :cry: , and anger :mad: . I still shake my head about it, and can't watch the shows they have that highlight what happened, what went wrong, and why. I don't know why, but I just couldn't.

AND Alan Jackson did do the best interpretation of this event, I agree with john sincerely.

It's just so darn sad.... :cry:
I was at work at UPS. Guy who usually loads my truck was sick so I went in early to load mine and a couple of others. One of the sups came and said a plane had hit the WTC. Figured it was an accident. When he told us about 20 mins. later that another plane had hit we all knew what was going on.

Went out and ran my route like usual. Didn't have a radio in my truck but got updates from everyone along the way. Once in awhile I'd stop and watch someone's TV for a few minutes but, heck, I had a job to do so couldn't linger too long. Wasn't till I got home that night and could watch the news that it really hit me what was going on. Didn't sleep much that night.

Like rkm said, it was really strange to see the skies without any planes the next few days, except for the occasional military jet.
I was at work in one of the barns with the radio on, alone, and completely dumbfounded by what I heard. One of the guys came around and asked if I'd heard, and we just stood there by the radio for what seemed like an eternity just speechless.

On my way home, I stopped at the co-op, they had a TV on with a live broadcast, I could not believe what I was seeing, not just the 2 towers but the Pentagon being hit as well.

I was very worried about my cousins in NYC. Couldn't get through by phone for a day, but fortunately they were okay.

It was really tough to celebrate our wedding anniversary on that particular 9/11. Very bad day.

i was on the treadmill watching the news when it happened, i stopped, and watched in horror, and total disbelievment (if that is such a word) i finally had to go into town to work, and the radio had lee greenwood singing Proud to be an American playing, i just bawled the whole way in, and thinking how much had been taken from us, and how it would effect the future of how we live, and of all the lives that had been stolen by these mad men. called my husband at work, and of course they had it on radios, and called my daughter at college, they cancelled classes for the rest of the day, had to stop myself from going out to the high school and see my son, of course he would have expired from embarrasment,( i didnt go) but i felt like a mother hen wanting to gather all my chicks up to make sure everyone was safe. it was a sad sad day.

cypressfarms":1prmv9h7 said:
Happy Anniversary Katherine

I'd rather it be a happy day.

Thanks Cypress. :)

We remember the tragedy of that awful day in 2001, and we also celebrate the wonderful day we had in 1993.


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