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alacattleman":csyfdzti said:
your right a rain at 39 degrees is harder on stock than dry temps in the teens. those mountains in the back ground look like painting

this is one of my favorite "paintings"...from God himself...what an artist!!!!


hubby's favorite hunting spot will give you this view
always enjoy the view when we go visit relatives up thatta way. made it to glacier pk about 13 or 15 yrs back. we were there at the end of july beginning of august. it was an awesome trip. thanks for the pix.
glover36":2uc4ow4r said:
HOLY lol never seen that many cows in a row lol how many bulsl do you run and whats the main breed ?

we currently have 500 head with the ratio of bulls 1 for every 25 cows!! that's alot of hay in the winter and alot of work especially when the hubby starts the calving around the first of march!! The cattle are mainly black angus with some hereford cross in there...got a few "stragglers", too, just for good measure!! :lol: :lol:

Is there any big towns close to where you live ? I went to Colorado last September elk hunting. We were hunting in SouthWestern Colorado in the San Lous valley. There was a little town called Villia Grove and i think the population was like 41 and the next biggest city was Silida which was about 50 miles away. But the veiw of the mountains looked similar to your mountains. The mountains there was called the San DeChristio mountain's if i spelled it right. The people who lived there called them the San Drais mountains. They were really pretty but no where near as pretty as the mountains in your pictures.

I am 45 year's old now and have always wanted to go to Montanna. My wife love's to rodeo and i have been tring to butter her up into going to Montanna. I really have no idea as to if they rodeo much there or not but that is something i have been telling her to get her interested in going out there. I told her that i bet they rodeo allot in Montanna and that would be a good place to live. LOL So far i have her convinced. I hope to get out there some day and see that country. I dont know what it is about it. But i have always thought i would want to live there. I have got to check it out some day. I love to hunt and i know that has to be a good place to hunt ?

You know i was really surprised at how popular horse's are in South Western Colorado. They use them to work cattle a whole lot out there. This one couple owned a tack store in Villia Grove and they rode their horse's to and from to work at their store every day. 9 miles each way.
Hey ! i have a question. Now when i was in colorado rancher's out there open ranged their cattle mostly and i really did not notice any pasture's with the kind of grasses i am use to seeing arround home here. Most farmer's there raised alphalha.

I am guessing that you have a short grazing season there in Montanna ? And do you feed alot of alphalha there ? I was told that the native grasses that grow in Colorado was a excellent forage for cattle to graze on.
Stepper---YES...we rodeo alot around here....the "biggie", of course, is the annual 4th of July rodeo which brings folks from all over the country!!
We have a short growing season for our crops, but we usually get 2 really good cuttings of our alfalfa/grass hay and have recently started "experimenting" with russian wheat and barley! We feed the cattle the alfalfa/grass hay during the winter months when the snow buries the native grass ;-)
The nearest "big town" from here is Bozeman (what most of us here call "boze-angeles", because of how fast she is growing and bringing in lots of outta staters who are high dollar/high maintenance types) which is about 73 miles from our place (65 miles from Ennis)...our town, ennis, has a population of about 750-800 in the winter with the population jumping to 1100 when the "summer residents" hit town around Memorial Day! It's a close knit community that has a big heart and we are there for each other and welcome new-comers (hint...hint ;-) ).......Let me know what else I can do for ya!! Best of luck!! :D :D
well ranch wife i wish i was enthusiastic about newcomers as you are they tend too sour you out pretty quick. if i was where your at i wouldnt give a running da## if i never seen john Q public again ;-)
alacattleman":2wmiuuqp said:
well ranch wife i wish i was enthusiastic about newcomers as you are they tend too sour you out pretty quick. if i was where your at i wouldnt give a running da## if i never seen john Q public again ;-)

Now ya sound like the hubby...he'd be perfectly happy with staying right here on the o'dell 365 days a year, with only an occassional beer run to town!! :lol: :lol: :lol: At times, I think that if it were not for my job in town and having kids involved in sports and such, I probably wouldn't see much of human contact, either!! Maybe, that is not such a bad thing!! ;-) Believe me....we have had our share of "newbies" who have worn thin on our little town...city folk who bring their big-city ideas with them..."well, where I come from..." and such!! Heck, if it was so danged good where you came from...then GO BACK!! :lol: :lol:
pencil me in for the first of June - the last week of may...great looking place, thanks for sharing
Pictures are like a trip down memory lane. One of my old rodeo partners was from Ennis. I spent some time there back in the mid 70's. It is beautiful country. I was there a couple of years ago for the first time in years. The big houses along the river suprised me but most things were still the same as they were 30 years ago. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Dave":3te27fkq said:
Pictures are like a trip down memory lane. One of my old rodeo partners was from Ennis. I spent some time there back in the mid 70's. It is beautiful country. I was there a couple of years ago for the first time in years. The big houses along the river suprised me but most things were still the same as they were 30 years ago. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.

curiosity is killing me......who was your old rodeo partner????
thought I'd add one or two more for ya!!

sunrise over the madison valley looking just northeast of our place!

my 6 year old bottle feeding a new baby abandoned by mama for his twin!

my 10 year old getting ready to head out with daddy and help sort pairs.

hubby with his "best buddy", Janie pup....she is now about 12 years old and lost her front right paw when it was caught in a coyote trap in 1998! May be lamed up, but she still does her "job" and does it well!! :D

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