Rachel, First, before anyone advises you on a specific bull, just how SMALL is she? If she is extremely small, you want to use a small bull of a small breed. If she is average for her age, I can recommend some Simmental bulls depending on what AI services are available to you - Genex, ABS, Select Sire, etc. Simmental come in Black or Red. There are probably some old yellow and white ones available, or red and white. I would recommend a good solid red or black, because that's what the industry wants to buy. So we need to know about what frame size, body condition, and weight. Jeanne
> It will be about 3 months till I
> will have her bred. There is a
> farm nearby that has a few
> Holsteins and a few Herefords they
> do have a bull in the pasture that
> looks to be a polled Hereford he
> might be a possiblity.Jeanne, I
> would like any help you can offer
> me in picking a bull. I have
> considered a Simmental bull for
> her since she was very small; I
> have also considered AI for her. I
> have worked with cows (not mine)
> for 3 years but this is my first
> heifer (I bought and raised her).
> So I'm kind of picky about her.
> What do I need to watch about the
> frame size and muscling? What
> kinds of colors do Simmental come
> in besides the reds and blacks?
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