to late for colostrom?

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Jun 19, 2005
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The calf is back to not doinng well at all....very very you think if we could find colostrom it would help her?What can we give her to boost her energy? Would a vitamin B-12 shot help? All she does again the last two days is lay down all day in the "give up mode"...Anymore suggestions?
Not sure the name of it......the bottle is ready when it comes down to the barn.I'll find out today.What is the best milk replacer to be feeding?? I'm at a loss on this calf.....almost back to square one..shes just got no energy or strength..
We inject weak calves with BoSe. Get it from a vet. It really helps the energy. Make sure you're not buying your milk replacer from a farm supply store. Buy it from a feed store. We get ours from Kent feeds. Costs a little more but you can't skimp on replacer.
I've never been around cattle until this calf was born....I have been around horses my whole life.I've gotten a crash course in calves the last 2 1/2 weeks...shes just literally taking enough to survive but not thrive.....shes down probably 22 hours day...They are off to get her electrolytes also. I'm wondering if osmething isnt ok with the calf.that we just arent seeing...
Vitamin B will not hurt. I have a paste of B complex I use quite often. And we also give the BoSe shots. Give MuSe to the cows when they calve too.
Good Luck.
Went back and looked at your other posts. If I have things figured right, this calf is about 3 weeks old now. That is a little long to be weak like that. Check the replacer pronto. Might want to get the vet again. If neither of these come up with something, it may be time to give in and put the calf down. I am the last person to say a thing like that but sometimes you have to face reality. I'm thinking that since the calf has hung on this long, you should be able to get somewhere by checking the replacer and checking with the vet. Keep us posted.
I found out the milk replacer she is on. It's called purina pro that ok? They are also going to get her some electrolytes...One of the cattle men up the road said to start her back on an antibiotic.
he said get her started on penicillian.......he was having us give the injections in the hind i read the neck is better.......where do you all give injections?
Yes she is 3 weeks old...just when you think she can do anymore she has a good day..They brought the herd up today to see her. :( I'm just at a loss if the next things dont work....
Most Purina milk replacers are OK; I had my last bottle calf on a purina milk, but I don't recall offhand which one it was. Is yours a 20% fat, 20% protien milk replacer?

Usually give injections in the neck. Penicillin goes SubQ, not IM. Depending on what her problem is, you might need something different than Pen. What was she on before? usually you don't repeat the same treatment if it didn't work and she's had time off of it - in theory, that creates antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

I'd try the electrolytes (homade version is fine), Vit B, Bo-Se, probiotic, see if that makes a difference. If not, there's LA200, Nuflor, etc that might be worth a try.

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