Timing is everything

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Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
So I have the place for sale. The only cows here are a freezer bound heifer and a teen preg heifer. The bred one is plenty big to calf on her own but has looked like she could calf at any time for about two weeks. So yesterday afternoon a realtor calls saying they are bring a potential buyer over to look at the place. The wife is on jury duty so I put my minimum house keeping skills to work straightening up everything.
The realtor shows up about the same time the wife gets home. We show the people the house. Walk out back to the garden, orchard, tool shed, etc. When we get to the corral there is the calve heifer standing with just a calf head hanging out. One glance I can tell that the calf is dead. Great I get to pull a dead calf out of a heifer in front of these potential home buyers who are probably city people. I run and get the wife to go show them the pasture and down to the creek. Mean while I set up gates to get her into the chute, gather gloves and the calf jack. I open the chute up for the first time in several months only to find that bees built a nest in it. I get stung twice. Quick trip to the shed for bee spray. About then the wife a company come back from the creek. The heifer decides to lay down in the swipe tub. I walked with the people back to their vehicles. I assure them that everything will be alright. "We have handled much worse." They leave, the wife and I go back and pull the dead calf. The heifer gets up and appears to be OK.
So I lost a calf, maybe a potential buyer, and got stung twice by bees. All within a fairly short time. But if bad luck comes in threes I am in great shape now.
Well at least you cured them of any romantic notion of "kountry life." :D
Timing is indeed everything. On the old farmhouse we rent out on the other side of the property, I told a potential rentee that I would (reluctantly) meet her dog to see if we'd be willing to accept a pet in the rental. She pulls up. Big dog runs out of the car as soon as she pulls up, immediately runs into the house with the owner calling after him to "STOP!" and the "well-behaved, professionally trained" dog ignoring her. Dog runs into the living room (where we just had hardwood floors refinished), and proceeds to take the biggest cr@p I've ever seen a dog take in.my.life.
Woman grabs dog, leaves. Whole thing was over in about a minute.
Seems like that how it goes sometimes. I try to look at those kind of days, as if the bad stuff happened more spread out things really would be depressing.
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

OMG!!!! You guys are killin' me!!!! :lol2: :lol2: :cry2: :lol2: :cry2: :lol2:

Nice to know I'm not the only one who has ever been a victim of perfect timing! :lol:

But------------------ seriously---------------- I'm sorry to hear of the misfortune. Maybe the buyer is still interested??
As a cowman/beekeeper/ sold seven pieces of ground to get to move out of state, welcome to my world. :lol: It is rare to have it all come into play at once but that's how it works and honestly that's how I sold my home place. The guy wanted my lifestyle so bad he jumped on it.
Good stuff, glad to know it ain't just me. Usually works out for the best even though it don't appear so at the time.
I hate to lose the calf but it is a long ways from the first calf I ever lost. It is a trading heifer that I bought cheap. She will just get sold as a feeding heifer instead of as a pair.
The house buyer..... not the first people have looked at the place in the last 5 weeks. Other places in the neighborhood and the same price range have sold in the last month. It is just a matter of time until the right person comes along.
Certainly not the first time I have been stung by a bee. Wrist is itchy today but I will get over it.
But to have all three happen in a matter of a few minutes..... it is funny today, not so much about 5:30 yesterday afternoon.