strangers among the cattle

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MF135":1dq3yxxn said:
How's milking those beef cross cows workin out for you??

They're milking extremely well, thank you. Bit worried they'll be skin and bones soon if they keep this up on the sort of feed they're on.
So which beef breed were you accusing them of?
MF135":328b7lqp said:
I have a life time hunting license in the state of TX, I'm a member of Texas Trophy Hunters Assoc., and B.A.S.S. I'm an outdoorsman. Thursday morning I'll be in the fields dove hunting. That being said, ill be dam if you think anyone is going to land lock me from a river or barr me from hunting right aways such as was mentioned like creek bottoms in TX.

You have 100 ways to get to the river without tresspassing across my property. No one is landlocking you.

There's over a dozen respectful people hunting my property today, free of charge. I know who they are and I know they will keep my gates closed. They won't stretch wire on fences. If something does get damaged, they'll let me know and we'll fix it.
I have found that it is much easier to talk to the people that are walking on land here they should not be and to explain to them what I am doing and why it is not a good idea for them not to be there. This in general woks a lot better than any threat or show of force of any kind.

I fully understand the feeling and need to protect "your" land. However this does lead to damage from other wise law abiding people, and..

We do not own land we mearly have a peice of paper saying we are gardians of it. The mear fact that we own a specific plot of land even on paper is a fairly modern concept in most cultures (including many european ones). Pre agricultural revolution starting in the 1600's they held lotteries to see which strips of large fields your "owend" acres would be for that growing season.
Kathie in Thorp":1hc3ap33 said:
In MF-150 . . . . what does the MF stand for? Might enter that into the acronyms post . . . Happy Wednesday, everyone!
:clap: :lol: :clap: Kathy as he prisses across your property consider with his fishing and hunting gear treat him like you would a coyote. If you wanna be nice just give him a load of rock salt in the a$$. :mrgreen:

1W...we own our land. "Fee Simple" not common law.
Heck. I am now wanting to fence all the way to the end of my property line on the river, even knowing that the fence will be taken out by flooding.

PMs, posts, and all the rest of it is frustrating. My property is my property and I pay taxes on it. They'd love to change my boundaries but can't because I am grandfathered. If I sell it, the next owner will not be grandfathered.
1W...we own our land. "Fee Simple" not common law.[/quote]

Long may we live with a goverment, and mother nature that lets that be the case
Here we only own the top. If mining want they can come in and mine through the top of the land to get to what is underneath and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Too bad if that happens to be where your cattle yards are or whatever.
Suzie Q":33pxjymr said:
Here we only own the top. If mining want they can come in and mine through the top of the land to get to what is underneath and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Too bad if that happens to be where your cattle yards are or whatever.
so if a barn or shed is sitting right on top you lose it completely, and they dont rebuild them ??
They can take acres, etc. I think they may offer you compensation, but it is nowhere near what they take and doesn't matter if they are in the middle of your working area or not.

It nearly happened to friends of ours. Was going to take a whole lot of land and the cattle yards, which I guess if you wanted to you could move beforehand, but in the end they went elsewhere. There is no guarantee that they won't be back in the future though. I think they hadn't tested it yet, so it would depend on what comes back from the tests.
Suzie Q - I thank God every day that I was born in the USA. I don't see how the people of Australia put of with all the crap.
SusieQ -- Am not sure if mining laws in the USA are federally regulated, or state- by-state, but many deeds exclude "mineral rights." Most folks wouldn't pay attention, as they don't plan on setting up a mining operation under their buildings. Water rights can also be excluded -- most pay more attention to that. Out here in the western USA, some ranches are sold; the new buyers sell the water rights for more than was paid for the whole outfit; and the ground goes dead. We fear that may happen with a large, beautiful piece of property near us.
theres only 1 reason a stranger is allowed in our pastures an thats to get their cows on foot NO HORSES or DOGS,an we better know they are in there.had 1 neighbor say he was going to get his cow an calf with horses an he was promptly told no,with the reason why it wasnt happening.mind you can hire a vet to trank them,but oh no he wont do the pair is still here till its settled racking up charges.if she is tranked she better go down where she can be drugg in a trailer.
circlew we own a piece of property. The people that sold it to my husband kept the mineral rights.
So if these people get approched by an oil company to do some drilling on this land we cannot stop them. We own the surface they own the mineral.

There was a big fight going on west of us years ago. One party sold land to this guy. Well when the State was doing some road repair in the area a "gravel chaser" a person who digs test pits looking for gravel came in and found a large area needed.
So the guy now owning the land sold the gravel.
The party holding the mineral rights came in and said it belonged to them because it is a mineral.
Turns out since it was not listed as a kept mineral the sellers did not have a leg to stand on.
I luv herfrds":bscbe3ju said:
circlew we own a piece of property. The people that sold it to my husband kept the mineral rights.
So if these people get approched by an oil company to do some drilling on this land we cannot stop them. We own the surface they own the mineral.

There was a big fight going on west of us years ago. One party sold land to this guy. Well when the State was doing some road repair in the area a "gravel chaser" a person who digs test pits looking for gravel came in and found a large area needed.
So the guy now owning the land sold the gravel.
The party holding the mineral rights came in and said it belonged to them because it is a mineral.
Turns out since it was not listed as a kept mineral the sellers did not have a leg to stand on.
ILF don't know about Montana but down here even if you own only surface rights, O&G companies, pipeline companies, transmission line companies etc have to pay the owner of the surface rights for "damages" if have any of their activities across or on your property. Not always as much as some would like but they're not impossible to deal with. Most will give you a "non distubrance agreement" stating that they won't drill, dig etc. within a certain distance of any of your buildings.
Kathie in Thorp":2upecoix said:
I know that, THAT'S THE WAY IT IS, but what a pain in the butt to find yourself a little piece of paradise, and have to CYA w/ the paperwork to keep it, unmolested.
You can always approach the owner of the minerals and see if he will sell at least a % of them to you.
bigbull338":61hg0q5t said:
theres only 1 reason a stranger is allowed in our pastures an thats to get their cows on foot NO HORSES or DOGS,an we better know they are in there.had 1 neighbor say he was going to get his cow an calf with horses an he was promptly told no,with the reason why it wasnt happening.mind you can hire a vet to trank them,but oh no he wont do the pair is still here till its settled racking up charges.if she is tranked she better go down where she can be drugg in a trailer.
As much sarcasm as I could throw at this, Ill try to ask a legitimate question w/o it: In the event I had a pair that had got through the fence on your place. I come through an accessable gate(in the event their was one) on to your property on my horse with my 2 dogs and start to retrieve my pair. What is your initial response? and then what is your response when I totally disregard your request? Its unreasonable people like you that that make me do things just out of spite...
MF135":ycrw1las said:
bigbull338":ycrw1las said:
theres only 1 reason a stranger is allowed in our pastures an thats to get their cows on foot NO HORSES or DOGS,an we better know they are in there.had 1 neighbor say he was going to get his cow an calf with horses an he was promptly told no,with the reason why it wasnt happening.mind you can hire a vet to trank them,but oh no he wont do the pair is still here till its settled racking up charges.if she is tranked she better go down where she can be drugg in a trailer.
As much sarcasm as I could throw at this, Ill try to ask a legitimate question w/o it: In the event I had a pair that had got through the fence on your place. I come through an accessable gate(in the event their was one) on to your property on my horse with my 2 dogs and start to retrieve my pair. What is your initial response? and then what is your response when I totally disregard your request? Its unreasonable people like you that that make me do things just out of spite...
If it were me I would expect the common courtesy of you tell me first. You would not be allowed to bring your dogs unless my cattle were first removed. If you did not ask you will be warned that your dog's would be shot the next time. It makes no difference to me as to how good you think your dogs are. My property, my rules.

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