So, they didn't go through the sale. Someone who was there when I was unloading was really interested in this load. I had given him the owner's number because he wanted to see about just out right buying them and not running them through the sale. he kept getting a voicemail, and after I had been there about an hour, I just unloaded , left the info book the man sent with them with the barn owner and went on home. Apparently, the man finally called the dude back, and they made a deal. The man gave him $3k a pair, ( actually it was a 3 n 1 deal) and took care of the sale barn fees. I didn't know it til Clay called me Thursday morning. They had 2 that were 16 months old in April, and they have been running with the bull since then. The man came up there Thursday morning to buy those two, and ended up buying the bull too. I mean, these were as nice a commercial cows as I have ever seen. I have seen some nearly as good maybe, posted on CT, but none this good!
This man knows how to market. He had given me a stack of books, ,little 3 ring binders, Those about maybe an inch thick and rings the size of a nickel? They had a clear plastic pocket on front for a cover page, and he had a pic of that bull and his name on it., Inside the front cover pocket, he had a copy of the bull's reg. papers, and an info page with the bull's bw, ww, and some other weight....maybe yearling? His vet records papers, vaccinations, worming etc, too. Each cow had one of those clear plastic inset pages you can buy for the 3 ring binders. It had a copy of her parents' CHi-Ang and Simm paperers , her birthdate, bw and ww, her vet records, and the dates she was exposed, the calf's birthdate, bw,, sex. Those cows have green ear tags (he uses blue on his Simms and yellow on his Chi-Ag, so the half and half get green). Makes sense. These cows have ear tag numbers beginning with either SC or CS, depending on the sire. The Simm x Chi-ang get SC numbers, and the CHi -Ang x Simm get CS numbers. The calves had the same ear tag numbers as their mommas. He had given me 10 or 12 of these books (I guess however many comes in a package at Office Depot) to give to the sale barn management,. They were gonna put a couple in the office, a couple in the cafe, one in the auctioneer's booth , and the rest on the front row of seats, for people to look at. They were going to get the auctioneer to announce every once in a while this group that was coming up later, and tell them where they could find these books, and what pen they were in in back of the barn. I didn't see the need for the bull info or the calf info, as these are obvious terminal crosses. I wouldn't think anyone would want to use those 1/2 BM heifers as replacements. But I may be wrong. Maybe there is a 4th breed to cross on them ,that would still produce some hybrid vigor, so I guess it didn't hurt to include this info. It didn't cost anything to add it except the cost per copy. I doubt those little binders were $1 each when bought in bulk like that. Pretty smart marketing tactic, I think. The man that bought them, was first attracted to them when he saw them in my trailer waiting in line. He asked me what they were...he thought they were Simangus or black Simms. I got one of the books out to show him what they were, and explained the owner's program, etc, He said that like most people, he was hesitant on buying sale barn cows for his herd, but he said : "Damn, everything you need to know about them is right here. Dunno how you could know more if you raised them yourself. It is obvious these are NOT culls" He has Simm and Simm Ang cows and uses Brangus bulls, so these cows ought to fit right in. Probably won't get as much hetarosis as with the BM bull, though, but still ought to be bad-ass calves.