Sick world we live in!

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What "you" consider a negative direction, not everyone. I simply don't feel that God has imbued me with the superiority to dictate to others what their morals should be.
God is control of who lives and dies, man can't determine his time on earth. So with that thought weren't you one of the ones guilting people for not wearing masks or wanting to get a vaccine, I mean who are you to decide what I should be doing. See how I spun that, the left agrees with personal freedom until it don't align with their beliefs. I would never mistreat someone for being homosexual or transgender because we have to love them no matter what but we don't have to condone that and tell them it's normal, it's a sickness as be a disorder. I actually feel sorry for these people because they really need help but our society just wants to embrace it as normal.
Until a man can knock up a man or a woman can knock up a woman and genitals are an aftermarket add on not something we are born with I believe nature has shown us what is right from wrong. Each gender has their roles to play ( not talking about housework versus manual work here) of equal importance not sure why there is this push to not accept and love who you are. The supporting of this behavior is counterintuitive to the message of acceptance. Accept and love who you are naturally. Focus on being a better person not a different person. Also acceptance of the occasional natural occurrence of homosexuality versus the current environment that pressures kids towards it are entirely different things. Anybody who thinks that pressure does not exist doesn't have high school aged kids.
God is control of who lives and dies, man can't determine his time on earth. So with that thought weren't you one of the ones guilting people for not wearing masks or wanting to get a vaccine, I mean who are you to decide what I should be doing. See how I spun that, the left agrees with personal freedom until it don't align with their beliefs. I would never mistreat someone for being homosexual or transgender because we have to love them no matter what but we don't have to condone that and tell them it's normal, it's a sickness as be a disorder. I actually feel sorry for these people because they really need help but our society just wants to embrace it as normal.
The difference is, that wearing or not wearing a mask affects the safety of others, being trans or gay, affects no one but the individual.
So anything goes folk! Live wild and free and let God sort it out! No rules, morals, ethics or standards. Who are we to judge?
Thars where we're headed.
"The difference is, that wearing or not wearing a mask affects the safety of others, being trans or gay, affects no one but the individual." ssterry.
I am going to have to respectfully disagree with your statement, we are all affected, since they can't reproduce (yet), they have to recruit. You. Me, and everybody else IS affected. As the father of 2 teenage sons and the uncle of 2 knee high nephews, I worry about what the future holds for them. I may go to h#@@ for teaching them that God made 2 sexes and that just because the technology exists doesn't mean that it is acceptable, but I am willing to run that risk. I often quote Aaron Tippen, " you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything" .
What we have to understand is declaring one is a Christian doesn't necessarily have any meaning. Being a Christian isn't a title, it's a relationship. A person has to read the Book to know how to live as one. Maybe even have some studies to understand the meaning of some words that often don't mean what we think they mean today to get the actual intend of the scripture.

For a little wisdom, read the book of Proverbs. One chapter a day, you'll read the who thing in one month. Right at the very beginning we're reminded, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
If you are born with something dangling between your legs you are a male of the human species.
If you are born with nothing dangling between your legs you are a female of the human species.
It takes one of each to make YOU the reader.
Anything else is simply a mental retardation problem.
Vote for this "thing" at your own risk.
Best to all,
Well, truth is that if you even look at another woman lustfully you have committed adultery in your heart so I reckon even us heterosexuals are pretty much sunk. Seems to me that the only people Jesus really ever gets mad at in the bible are the ones cross checking the sins of others while saying nothing of their own so I suppose if I'm going to be wrong in this discussion I'd rather be wrong in a way that ain't gonna get Jesus ripped against me!
Lack of testosterone.
Medical fact, modern males today produce 10-17% less testosterone than their fathers or grandfathers. I've noticed over the last 20+ years there seems to be more and more androgynous looking boys graduating high school every year.

Studies have shown diet, exercise and environment affect testosterone production.

Obesity and lack of exercise decreases testosterone.
Eating meat proteins increases testosterone.

Environmental pollution.
PCBs are plasticizers known to cause cancer and have been associated with lower testosterone levels.
BPA plastic and triclosan have been shown to disrupt the human hormone system.
BPA mimics estrogen and has been linked to early puberty in females and may also be a testosterone blocker.
Triclosan is used in antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers and appears to disrupt the hormone system in a similar manner as BPA plastics.

A little dirt is good for you. Polio studies in the late 40's and 50's found higher rates of polio in children from upper class families than lower class working families due to living in cleaner more sterile environments.

The increased demand for hand sanitizers and antibacterial soaps due to Covid is not a good thing. Plain old soap and water is safer and just as effective.

I think a lack of testosterone probably affects the still developing adolescent brain as to gender identity. It's a hormone imbalance.
just my 2 cents
Well that is all true have left out the FACT that soybeans, soymeal, soy oil, and soy products also cause lower testosterone and increased chances of prostate cancer in men.

Now soy is in everything including vitamins and supplements.

If you do trust me do your own research.
You will be surprised.
If I am wrong....let me know.

In the meantime, nice skirt SOY BOY.........

That "soy boy" is a joke.....
You are supposed to laugh......???
Why do we have any kind of deviant behaviors (deviating from what God declares proper and right) in this world in the first place (and this includes ALL sin, of all types)? EVERY time we see it, be it within ourselves, or others, ...every time we as "people" have a tendency toward it, it is ALWAYS because of our sinful nature, and the impact of that sin on all of creation around us. Since the fall into sin in the Garden, we ALL are NATURALLY sinful, and we desire to do and say and think and play in that which God has declared to be sin, and we now DO know both "good and evil". That is an inescapable fact. This is not a "mental disorder"............ it is a HEART disorder, something that is innate within us. It has corrupted us completely. So much so, that we are literally DEAD in our sins, with no way out.

Matt. 15:19 "Those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. 19For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: 20These are the things which defile a man."

We as sinful people HATE that the God who created us and everything has authority over us... WE want to have that authority in our lives. How dare He judge us, and declare us and what we desire to do as "sin"... and sinful! No God, who created me... I refuse to accept that. I refuse to accept You! I will decide for myself what is right and acceptable. And how dare anyone judge me for what I have decided is "good" and "right" for me. We want to be "like God, knowing good and evil". We want that authority for ourselves, just like Eve chose for herself (and thereby all of humanity) there in the Garden of Eden. We now can SEE God, in His Word, and in His creation, and underneath it all we know Him as only good, and righteous, and just. And we also know evil... and we see it within ourselves, and we HATE the judgement and guilt that our sin places upon us... we know this even without having the benefit of God's Word, for He wrote His law into our hearts. He gave us a conscience. We KNOW what is "right" and "wrong", because nature itself declares it to us.

It is only in denial of this truth, even to the point of denial of the obvious truths declared to us within God's created nature, that we feel we may have hope of escaping judgement. If we deny that there even is a Creator God, well, then we don't have to answer to Him, and thereby we ellude ourselves into thinking we can escape the guilt of our own sinfulness.

Where do you turn to determine your "truth"? Do you decide your truth based on "your feelings"... your "life experiences", or perhaps your morals change to acceptance of sin because someone you love is living in sin, and you don't want to have to "call them to repentance".... or perhaps that someone you "love" is even yourself. Or is your truth determined by societal norms, or peer pressure, or your own naturally sinful desires? Or, do you in everything turn first to God and His Word to find the truth, and then automatically rule AGAINST anything that deviates from His Word and His will for us as His children?

There is forgiveness for ALL sin, already won for us through our Savior, Jesus Christ. But for us to HAVE that forgiveness demands that our only hope lies in God's grace to us through our Savior. That then means that we "go, and sin no more". We can no longer just "live wild and free, and anything goes", because "God will forgive us". No, Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn thee. Go, and sin no more." Jesus had our sins imputed onto Him by God the Father, and He then died for all of OUR sins and was denied by the Father in heaven, so that we would have THE means, by wearing HIS righteousness, to live eternally with God. Out of love for Him and because of what He has done for us, we now want to show our thankfulness to Him, by being obedient to Him. That wasn't just blanket immunity from sin if we continue in it willfully, in disobedience to God. By willfully continuing in our sinful ways, we then would be rejecting Him and the forgiveness He won for us on the cross.

We need a "heart transplant"... which God truly gives us when He implants faith within us. We then DO in faith turn to Him in His Word for guidance in all of our life... and we DO then HATE that sin which still dwells within us and everyone in this world, until we are finally called home to be with Him in heaven.
Well that is all true have left out the FACT that soybeans, soymeal, soy oil, and soy products also cause lower testosterone and increased chances of prostate cancer in men.

Now soy is in everything including vitamins and supplements.

If you do trust me do your own research.
You will be surprised.
If I am wrong....let me know.

In the meantime, nice skirt SOY BOY.........

That "soy boy" is a joke.....
You are supposed to laugh......???
Sorry but I left out walnuts, peanuts, pistachios and almonds. All of which lower testosterone And that shot of whiskey is also on the list.

We need more eggs, bacon, and steak.........
"You know no more tofu....."
We need man food.......!!!!
Folks still are not seeing the problem...without throwing judging others in the pile....this ""man""is wanting to govern over a state. Over people's lives .he wants to pretend to be a woman, and wants others to pretend right along with him..we need sound minded leaders.that have atleast some of their life together...every one fights mans sinful nature everyday..but giving in to it....and letting it pass as normal?

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