Salt and Minerals

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Dec 28, 2011
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Does anyone put out salt along with their loose minerals? I've heard a few people say they don't feel cows get enough regular salt in the mineral mix and put out salt as free choice as well. Any truth to this, or is a good mineral mix adequate?
I have mineral feeders that have 3 sections to it. I fill 2 with mineral and 1 with white salt. Sometimes they seem to use more mineral and sometimes more salt but they decide what they need not me.
kenny thomas":1zu2ttsm said:
I have mineral feeders that have 3 sections to it. I fill 2 with mineral and 1 with white salt. Sometimes they seem to use more mineral and sometimes more salt but they decide what they need not me.

That's what I had planned to start doing if it wasn't an unheard of idea, which i see it's not. Thanks.
We have lose mineral in a mineral feeder, along with a large trace mineral salt block. They choose what they want to eat when they want to eat. If they are bored, they will lick the salt block more I have noticed.
If the minerals specify to have salt available I would put it out, if it doesn;t sepcify I wouldn;t have any extra salt availabe.
banekar":3sjxtz5f said:
We keep the trace mineral salt block out year round
Salt blocks of any kind are just a little bit better than "nothing". And a TM salt block is not a good source for minerals.
We aren't using the trace mineral block for a source of mineral, just the salt if they need it. Seems they don't lick on it if they don't need it. Also keep loose mineral out with IGR.
I am interested in the costs you are paying in the USA for minerals.

You get more for beef than we do, near double per lb I think? Your fuel is way cheaper and I am sure hay is too. So how much do you pay for the average 20 kg (44 lb) mineral block ? Here they cost $22 to $32.

I want to feed my 120 cows minerals, just for the end of winter, and I cant see how I can make the money back. I should get at least $500 for my 8 month old calves, hopefully more, sometimes a fair bit more like last year, over $600, but some years more like $380 to $420. Weight at sale average heifer 600 lb average steer 640 lb.

So what happens if they dont get their minerals?
What will I see?
How will I loose money if I dont spend those thousands of dollars on minerals?
How will I know that it was better to buy minerals than pay off the credit cards?