Robert E Lee Statue

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Caustic Burno said:
jltrent said:
Columbus's head got chopped off. I recon he was a raciest too for discovering American. Statue companies are going to need a bail out.


We have reached arm insurrection and occupation in a major city. This is the start of Civil War.
Fort Sumter started off much the same way. It's time to put it down now and hard IMO. Order them to disband and disarm or leave dead in the streets.
This is not second amendment but a terrorist action.

Most people will agree with you and the ones that don't something is wrong with them. I would write a good paragraph that is very true, but would just get banned from the site. These people destroying these.............I better shut up.
jltrent said:
Caustic Burno said:
jltrent said:
Columbus's head got chopped off. I recon he was a raciest too for discovering American. Statue companies are going to need a bail out.


We have reached arm insurrection and occupation in a major city. This is the start of Civil War.
Fort Sumter started off much the same way. It's time to put it down now and hard IMO. Order them to disband and disarm or leave dead in the streets.
This is not second amendment but a terrorist action.

Most people will agree with you and the ones that don't something is wrong with them. I would write a good paragraph that is very true, but would just get banned from the site. These people destroying these.............I better shut up.

It's time to break out the trench brooms!!
Numerous times in our history have troops been deployed and used deadly force against striking workers.
These are anarchist time for introduction to a Model 12 or 37 in the proper configuration.

Start of blue state succession again.
The party definitely has a trend.
jltrent said:
Columbus's head got chopped off. I recon he was a raciest too for discovering American. Statue companies are going to need a bail out

AIM is feeling a bit left out here - - so they pulled our C Columbus statue down and posed standing on his neck the day after George' funeral.
JWBrahman said:
Sending a message and actually doing something to relieve the economic shackles on working Americans are two different things.

We don't need empty gestures. We need a fair economy that rewards hard work, ethics, honesty, and ingenuity. The statues are long gone from New Orleans and life in the city has never been worse for black, white, brown, yellow, rich, poor, or in between.
And now LSU, with the blessings of the governor, is planing to remove the name of General and former LSU president Middleton from the library. He is now perceived as a racist and unacceptible to black students. Of course General Middleton's heroic service to all Americans during WWII, and to LSU as president, is no longer worthy of honor.
Appeasement seems to be alive and well.

I think General Middleton and his fellow soldiers in arms saw that appeasements did not work with Hitler as one example. Yet the lessons of history are not learned.
What will be next?
This will do absolutely nothing to help poor black folks escape the ghetto reservations where they are exploited by the black misleadership class. The buildings on LSU campus are in disrepair and crumbling into the seepage water of a flooded Mississippi River. Changing names on buildings won't help that all.

We have a top heavy, sclerotic, all encompassing bureaucracy that is strangling America in an iron fisted chokehold. Every minute of our lives is analyzed for maximum taxation and exploitation. None of this has anything to do with Middleton. It's unbelievable that people fall for this gaslighting by deep state actors.
The unfortunate death of George Floyd is simply being used as an EXCUSE for the troublemakers to act in a way that they want to act naturally. It has little to do race, equality, or rights. And there is only a small fraction of the population that is causing such a disruption. They will take as long as someone allows them too. And no matter how much the majority caves in an attempt to appease them it will never be enough.
And while some may call me cold, once a dog gets a taste of blood, the only way to stop him from killing is to dispatch him. That will solve this problem as well but it shouldn't have to come to that. However if it persists, I personally don't see another option. I honestly believe from the bottom of my heart that this won't end without deadly force. Talking nice or threatening won't be enough. It's gonna take actions to back up the words and some innocent people will suffer as a result. Which is sad. And America doesn't have the stomach for it.
I don't have the particulars worked out, but if I were in charge my first action would be to cut off the money and any other financial support. When your gut is empty your attitude will change in a hurry.
And someone else has probably mentioned this but you can tear down every statue in the world but it'll change nothing. Change comes from within oneself.
JMJ Farms said:
The unfortunate death of George Floyd is simply being used as an EXCUSE for the troublemakers to act in a way that they want to act naturally. It has little to do race, equality, or rights. And there is only a small fraction of the population that is causing such a disruption. They will take as long as someone allows them too. And no matter how much the majority caves in an attempt to appease them it will never be enough.
And while some may call me cold, once a dog gets a taste of blood, the only way to stop him from killing is to dispatch him. That will solve this problem as well but it shouldn't have to come to that. However if it persists, I personally don't see another option. I honestly believe from the bottom of my heart that this won't end without deadly force. Talking nice or threatening won't be enough. It's gonna take actions to back up the words and some innocent people will suffer as a result. Which is sad. And America doesn't have the stomach for it.
I don't have the particulars worked out, but if I were in charge my first action would be to cut off the money and any other financial support. When your gut is empty your attitude will change in a hurry.
And someone else has probably mentioned this but you can tear down every statue in the world but it'll change nothing. Change comes from within oneself.

Right out of the leftist playbook never let a good crisis go to waste.

This is what we should send to retake Seattle!
It would be a very clear message.

greggy said:
Yes, but your a rational, sane and seemingly decent individual.

We all should know history, and that includes the downright abhorrent from recent past, not just the nice parts, we should be reminded of it, but always strive for better for those we produce and those around us who are decent people too.

These days it is bugger everyone, do not touch my child even though they are a druggie thief or murderer, keep everything I do not like from view or destroy it, that way I can create an environment so history can repeat.

The brutal truth is, people have no sense of what war is like and we have gone without for a while on a broad scale, or total lawlessness & they have no tolerance for mistakes in a system that is as good as your likely to get, they seem to push for an anarchist state & where everything is controlled, well, they better hope they do not get what they wish for, those under certain past and present despots or dictators would prob be the only ones with eyes open enough to know how good out not perfect systems are for those who want a quite & decent life with liberal freedoms.

There are many cancers eating at our Western ways.
greg, I wouldn't even give them a word as cancer, it is worse than that, they are so lost they cant even see their two feet, they just have a idea and go for it, guess this country is the worst, my two cents is if you believe that then you have the freedom to move someplace else, good luck with that one.
I am not running is my observation and opinion only. I cannot do much apart from express views to the young I guess.

And I meant all the west is having this issue with snowflakes who demand better but wont give up much or help others much it is a moral decay...a decay coming from parents mostly it seems.
My view can be simplified.

You cant break and deface stuff or steal cause your angry.

One law and rule for all, there should be judgement on merits, but this should not be allowed.

Thankfully the police were out here last night protecting and preventing this latest crime trend, that is what it is.
We had a president still living that sent in the troops on a religious group.
They killed over 80 men, women and children.
The government used a flamethrower tank on these people over a ATF weapons complaint.
We have an armed insurrection in Seattle and the local, state officials are tolerating it.

Military takeover in Seattle would be a huge tactical mistake. The protests are largely peaceful and not destructive. Fox News is photoshopping images to make them appear worse than they are.
Buck Randall said:
Military takeover in Seattle would be a huge tactical mistake. The protests are largely peaceful and not destructive. Fox News is photoshopping images to make them appear worse than they are.

So was Fort Sumpter manly peaceful until the Federal troops failed to surrender.

I say kill em all and leave them dead in the street for sedition and treason against the USA.

Buck you talk out both sides of your mouth! Only the southerners were traitors! This again is the politics of the left always a path of destruction.
Caustic Burno said:
Buck Randall said:
Military takeover in Seattle would be a huge tactical mistake. The protests are largely peaceful and not destructive. Fox News is photoshopping images to make them appear worse than they are.

So was Fort Sumpter manly peaceful until the Federal troops failed to surrender.

I say kill em all and leave them dead in the street for sedition and treason against the USA.

Buck you talk out both sides of your mouth! Only the southerners were traitors! This again is the politics of the left always a path of destruction.

City cops aren't federal troops, and nobody is trying to secede. Nice try, though.

Using military force to put down a civil rights protest isn't going to end well for either side.
Buck Randall said:
Caustic Burno said:
Buck Randall said:
Military takeover in Seattle would be a huge tactical mistake. The protests are largely peaceful and not destructive. Fox News is photoshopping images to make them appear worse than they are.

So was Fort Sumpter manly peaceful until the Federal troops failed to surrender.

I say kill em all and leave them dead in the street for sedition and treason against the USA.

Buck you talk out both sides of your mouth! Only the southerners were traitors! This again is the politics of the left always a path of destruction.

City cops aren't federal troops, and nobody is trying to secede. Nice try, though.

Using military force to put down a civil rights protest isn't going to end well for either side.

Isn't that what Johnson did in Washington DC. Kennedy sent in troops as well if I remember correctly. At least when Johnson did it the rioting was over an upstanding person gunned down, not a convicted felon.
Just southern democrats are traitors not the coastal or northern, got it!
You're typical of the left what's good for the goose is not good for the gander.
Buck Randall said:
Military takeover in Seattle would be a huge tactical mistake. The protests are largely peaceful and not destructive. Fox News is photoshopping images to make them appear worse than they are.

What a fail, this is what you expect from tabloids, not that I pretend to know if they are or are not....

Also, media outlets are hamstrung with low budgets and no real career journalists nowadays it seems, so they have kids out of school who know no is a stuff up, add in your media biases there and it a mix sure to cause headaches...
greggy said:
Buck Randall said:
Military takeover in Seattle would be a huge tactical mistake. The protests are largely peaceful and not destructive. Fox News is photoshopping images to make them appear worse than they are.

What a fail, this is what you expect from tabloids, not that I pretend to know if they are or are not....

Also, media outlets are hamstrung with low budgets and no real career journalists nowadays it seems, so they have kids out of school who know no is a stuff up, add in your media biases there and it a mix sure to cause headaches...
yep them protesters in Seattle are going to accomplish alot, about as much as the hippies did before them, how do they survive, obviously they dont work, kind of like the hippies back in the day, live with a conservative family long enough to pay for their college education, mooch of of whoever they can, the worst part about them is they keep breeding and make little idiot's just like themselves, a great contributors to nothing, just like the hippies.
What started the civil war. History I did not know.
Buck Randall said:
Military takeover in Seattle would be a huge tactical mistake. The protests are largely peaceful and not destructive. Fox News is photoshopping images to make them appear worse than they are.

So Buck, how many friends and relatives do you have living in the Seattle area? I have a lot. I was raised about 30 miles south of there. My brother is retired Seattle PD. Sister was an executive for Nordstroms for years. Oldest son works in Seattle every day. The list could go on. I have asked and I will just say that they don't share your opinion. Even the ones who are Democrat voting liberals.